Dengan Nama Allah,yang tidak memberikan mudarat sesuatu di bumi dan juga di langit dan dia maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui..

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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Facet Joint Injection guideline

Facet joint injection procedure guide  Facet Joint injection procedure Bismillahirahmanirahim , today the sharing info I would like to share is one of the treatment are advice by Dr to manage a back pain called Facet Joint injection, what can we understand about this...

Virus Zika di Malaysia

Nyamuk Aedes dan Zika  Bimillahirahmanirahim , sukar betul malam nie saya nak lelapkan mata sedangkan esok nak bangun pagi insha allah, disebabkan mata nie degil tak nak tidur maka datanglah idea saya nak menaip tentang  antara topic yang paling hangat dibincangkan...

Meniscus Injuries treatment

Meniscus injuries rehabilitation simple Tips Anatomy of meniscus  Bismillahirahmanirahim , quite early for me to go for sleep so it give me some idea to write and share about asimple tips of meniscus repair care. For our understanding each knee joint has two crescent-shaped...

Friday, January 29, 2016

Hip Bursitis stretches and exercise treatment

Hip Bursitis Bismillahirahmanirahim , for today entry I would like to share one of the condition that can be happen in your hip call hip bursitis What can we understand regarding of this problem ? here the explanation will give your idea ,Your hip bursitis is caused...

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Setting good Office workstation

WORKSTATION ADVICE TO PREVENT PAIN    Bismillahirahmanirahim , today just want to share a simple ergonomic awareness in office setup ,from this method it will prevent you develop a postural pain problem. Sitting incorrectly for prolonged period puts a great...

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Purse Lip Breathing exercise for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Purse Lip Breathing Technique   Bismillahirahmanirahim This simple steps of exercise is one of the practice can easily to learn and use especially for patient who had a Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and other lung diseases can cause airways to collapse...

Danger of Pneumonia infection

Pneumonia Bismillahirahmanirahim , in physio this is one of the disease that have a one goal for us to setting for the patient ,is to make sure their lungs is clear .Pneumonia is one of the common problem happen in kids and elder people, here I want to share the info regarding...