Dengan Nama Allah,yang tidak memberikan mudarat sesuatu di bumi dan juga di langit dan dia maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui..

Breaking News


Friday, April 29, 2016

Exercises for after Breast Cancer treatment

Rehabilitation exercises after breast cancer treatment Bismillahirahmanirahim , For this week i have been appointed to be one of the instructor to conduct an exercise awareness after a breast cancer treatment , as a physiotherapist i feel want to share some of the information...

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Gejala tanda sakit Jantung

Masalah Sakit Jantung . Bismillahirahmanirahim , Hari ini saya nak kongsikan sedikit info tentang apa itu masalah sakit jantung , diharapkan sharing ini memberikan kita sedikit panduan tentang bagaimana tatacara hidup kita boleh mengundang masalah sakit jantung ini. Tahukah...

Monday, April 25, 2016

Rid off cellulite at home

Easy Way to get rid off cellulite Bismillahirahmanirahim , for entry today i want to share about a simple and natural way to deal with cellulite ,Cellulite is not just a skin problem for women who are pregnant because in essence, they were still teenagers at risk to have cellulite....

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Atasi Mata Sembab di rumah

Tips atasi mata Sembab / Eye Bag Bismillahirahmanirahim , Pagi tadi di hospital berborak dengan satu staff di lift , saya tegur kenapa mata Nampak bengkak  atau dalam erti kata lain Eyebag , dia ceritakan kepada saya tak cukup tidur becozz banyak sangat main handphone sebelum...

Monday, April 18, 2016

Healthy food not so healthy

Nine Alternative Food 'Healthy' Not So Healthy Bismillahirahmanirahim and good morning , in modernize life there is so many alternative food tell their healthy but in other terms its not. The food was often deemed more beneficial to health and wellness is an alternative...