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Saturday, December 5, 2015

Rotator Cuff injuries Exercise

Today I show the exercise that can help for maintaining a strength of the rotator cuff and also for helping the recovery process.

Exercise 1
      The most effective is the side-lying external rotation, which activates the supraspinatus, subscapularis, infraspinatus and teres minor. The side-lying external rotation involves the person selecting a dumbbell of low weight initially when first training - no more than 3 kilograms. The lifter lies on a bench sideways, with the arm next to his side and slightly flexed at the elbow. The dumbbell should then be raised towards the ceiling to a 45 degree angle, with the arm still flexed and close to the body, at a pace of two seconds up and four seconds down. The side-lying abduction does not involve the teres minor, but moderately involve the deltoid muscles, making it an excellent all-round shoulder exercise

Exercise 2
Another exercise is the propped external rotator, which targets the infraspinatus and teres minor. The lifter should sit perpendicular to the barbell, with his arm flexed at 90 degrees at the elbow and the forearm resting parallel on the barbell. Again, selecting a dumbbell of modest weight if just beginning, raise the dumbbell up until the forearm points up. Slowly lower the dumbbell and repeat, exercising both arms.

Exercise 3
        The final exercise is the lateral raise with internal rotation (LRIR). Grasping a dumbbell in each hand, the lifter should internally rotate his arm so that his extended thumbs point towards the floor - as if the lifter is emptying a drink into a bin. The lifter should then raise his arms sideways, with the thumbs still pointing downwards, until the dumbbells are just below the shoulders. The LRIR primarily targets the supraspinatus.

Terminology Of Strengthening exercise
     Strengthening the rotator cuff allows for increased loads in a variety of exercises. When weightlifters are unable to increase the weight they can lift on a pushing exercise (such as the bench press or military press) for an extended period of time, strengthening the rotator cuff can often allow them to begin making gains again. It also prevents future injuries to the glenohumeral joint, balancing the often-dominant internal rotators with stronger external rotators. Finally, exercising the rotator cuff can lead to improved posture, as without exercise to the external rotator, the internal rotators can see a shortening, leading to tightness. This often manifests itself as rounded shoulders in the population.
