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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Sneeze Effect in human body

Why Do We Sneeze?  Bismillahirahmanirahim ,Everyone must have experienced sneezing. Whether it's relaxing or being focused on something, suspected or not, sneezing can just happen. So, how can sneezing happen? What are the triggers? Let's look at the full explanation of...

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Bone Healing timeline

Stages - the process of bone healing Bimillahirahmanirahim , Today entry in my blog is regarding of one question i get from my patient ,it is about the time frame of the healing fracture on bone. The healing rate and ability to remodel on broken bones vary for each person...

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Kebaikan Bioflavonoid melawan Radang sendi

Bioflavonoid vs Radang (Inflamasi) Bioflavonoid boleh dijumpai di dalam Black Ginger Bismillahirahmanirahim , agak lama juga saya tidak update blog kesihatan saya ini , jika di ikutkan kesibukan harian didalam rutin harian saya ianya agak mencabar bagi penghujung tahun...

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Active cycle breathing technique method

ACBT (ACTIVE CYCLE BREATHING TECHNIQUE) Bismillahirahmanirahim , A simple sharing regarding a method of breathing technique. What is ACBT? The ACBT is a technique to help you clear secretions from your chest. Coughing alone can be tiring and ineffective. The ACBT...

Monday, August 7, 2017

Manfaat dan Kebaikan Kopi

Kebaikan Kopi Black G  Bismillahirahmanirahim , cepat sungguh waktu dan masa berjalan , dalam tak sedar kita sudah memasuki bulan August , ini bermakna blog saya sepi selama sebulan tanpa apa apa update , ini menunjukkan bertapa padatnya masa saya sehingga saya terlupa...

Monday, June 12, 2017

Effective way to Overcome Menstrual Pain

The effective ways to Overcome Menstrual Pain to Complete Bismillahirahmanirahim ,there is some issues that always happen in a woman and sometime its can affected the casual life , Menstrual pain problems generally occur in some women, especially young adult women, once menstrual...

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Overcome Rigid Neck When Waking up Sleep

How to Overcome Rigid Neck When Waking Sleep Bismillahirahmanirahim , as i mention in my last post before regarding rigid neck , here i want to share the Tips to deal with this problem. 1.Rest your Neck  Left your neck, especially when you work too long or exercise....

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Bahaya memusingkan badan.

Bahaya memusingkan badan ketika Duduk. Bismillahirahmanirahim, semalam merupakan hari yang mencabar dalam kehidupan saya sebagai seorang fisioterapi , didatangi oleh seorang pemuda yang dahulunya aktif bersukan dan juga bebas didalam melakukan apa apa kerja serta aktiviti...

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Causes of Rigid Neck After Waking Up

Causes of Rigid Neck After Waking Up  Bismillahirahmanirahim , i have a one question that can give you a reason to understand regarding your neck ,Have you ever felt a stiff neck after waking up? It is usually characterized by pain and difficulty moving the neck, especially...

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

8 symptoms of kidney stones .

There is  8  common symptoms of kidney stones are most often felt by the sufferer Bismillahirahmanirahim , have you experience in your life  when you suddenly woke up last night, it looks like you have a fever, but why your lower back also hurts. More over,...

Monday, April 24, 2017

Straighten Your Cheeks

How To Straighten Your Cheeks ? Bismillahirahmanirahim, Not everyone thinks the cheek is cute, some even admitted to disgust with the condition of his chubby cheeks. As a result, they also tried hard to find how to cheek. Want to know how to test the results? so let me...

Monday, March 13, 2017

Best Vegetables Lowering High Cholesterol Without Side Effects

Vegetables Lowering High Cholesterol Without Side Effects Bismillahirahmanirahim , something a good info to share to all my readers ,Your cholesterol levels are high enough after the check-up yesterday? Do not panic, because in fact high levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) do not...

Friday, March 10, 2017

Push Up Benefit in Human body

The Amazing 15 Benefits of Push Up for Men and Women Bismillahirahmanirahim ,Benefits push up is great for men and women who want to strengthen the muscles of the body. Exercising is one way to maintain health and fitness. And if you want a sport that can provide benefits...