Bismillahirahmanirahim ,
A simple sharing regarding a method of breathing technique.
Bismillahirahmanirahim ,
A simple sharing regarding a method of breathing technique.
What is ACBT?
The ACBT is a technique to help
you clear secretions from your chest. Coughing alone can be tiring and
ineffective. The ACBT uses different types of breaths to make it easier to
clear secretions by shifting them form the outer part of your lungs towards the
main airways.
What do I do?
The ACBT can be used in any position that you
are comfortable in. Many people find upright sitting the best, but side lying
positions can help with clearing secretions.
Relaxed Breathing / Breathing
This is normal, gentle breathing
using the lower chest.
1. Rest one hand on your abdomen
so that you can feel it rise and fall with your breathing.
2. Breathe in gently feeling your hand rise
and your lower chest expand.
3. Breathe out gently allowing your shoulders
to relax down. The breath out should be slow, like a “sigh”
Deep Breathing
1. Breathe in deeply feeling your lower chest expand as far as possible. Try to keep your neck
and shoulders relaxed.
2. Hold the breath for up to three seconds.
3. Let the air out gently.
This is a short sharp breath out through an open mouth that helps to force the secretions out.
There are two types of huff:
1. From a medium sized breath in, with a long “squeezy” breath out.
2. From a big breath in, with a shorter sharper breath out.
3. Start with the first type and progress to the second, using breathing control to recover between
Remember the huff needs to be through an open mouth, using your abdominal muscles.
Only cough if you feel the secretions are ready to be cleared.
When do I stop?
After two cycles without clearing secretions OR until you are tired.
How often should I do them?
If you have an infection you will need to do the cycle several times a day to clear the secretions.
Three deep breaths every half hour is a good way to check for secretions and improve
ventilation, especially during an infection.
The ACBT is a flexible tool. You can do more than one set of deep breaths before huffing.
Remember to use breathing to control in between.
You need to remember Important information
This patient information is for guidance purposes only and is not provided to replace
professional clinical advice from a qualified practitioner.
Hand hygiene is important factor to consider
The trust is committed to maintaining a clean, safe environment. Hand hygiene is very important
in controlling infection. Alcohol gel is widely available at the patient bedside for staff use and at
the entrance of each clinical area for visitors to clean their hands before and after entering.
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