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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Reason Frequent Urination at Night.

Bismillahirahmanirahim, have you have an experience to have frequent and urgency to urinate at night? In my blog today i want to share about the factors and the reason of this sign is happen.Under normal circumstances the frequency or amount of urination will automatically decrease at night for the healthiest person. As we know the study was show most people will sleep for 6 to 8 hours at night without urinating. From several studies it is known that the frequency of urination 1 time at night is still within normal limits and should no be a big issue. In 1 day, normally people will urinate within the range of 4 to 8 times . Had you notice If you urinate more than 8 times a day or frequent urination at night then you may be drinking too much, sleeping too fast or it could be due to a health problem that is being experienced. In medical language, the frequency of frequent urination in a day is we called polyuria, and often nighttime urination is called nocturia. The occurrence of frequent nighttime urination or nocturia causes sleep disorder in people who experience it, it really will cause a lot of stress and disturbing their quality of sleep.
I want to share base on the study and research are show the Cause of Frequent Urination at Night can be due to too much to drink, especially during the night or near bedtime. It could also be due to consumption of alcohol or drinks containing caffeine at night especially affected for the caffeine lover. But the cause of frequent urination, especially frequent urination at night can also be caused due to the following  most common health problems as i prescribe at down here :
  • Urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • Enlarged prostate gland (in men) 
The other medical problem that cause frequent urinary also include: 
  • Chronic renal failure
  • Diabetes mellitus 
  • Heart failure 
  • Increased blood calcium levels 
  • Certain drugs, eg diuretics (furosemide,lasix , etc.) 
  • Pregnancy (where the stomach is very large and pressing  bladder) 
  • Stroke 
  • Spinal injury with related back or Chronic back pain.
So there is more a sign that can cause and also related with the problem a frequent urination at night and here is my simple tips that i hope can give a clear mind to overcome the complaints often urinate at night  but it depending on the cause. 
1.If due to frequent or much drinking at night then it should be reduced or spaced at least 2 hours before bedtime. 
2.If because of caffeine or alcohol then it should also be avoided. 
3.If due to health problems, then the source of the cause should be treated before it to late so Please check with your doctor directly to find out the cause of the complaint and get the appropriate treatment for your benefit. Wallahuaklam.