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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Prevention Neck Pain

Bismillahirahmanirahim , today I just feel free to share with all the readers regarding neck posture awareness , What You Need To Know About Neck Pain Your head and neck region is vulnerable to many different stresses,
Bad posture can cause misalignment of your neck, head, and spine.
•             Car accidents can cause whiplash under our control.
•             Age and wear and tear can cause arthritis and osteoporosis.
•             Even activities such as gum chewing and reading in bed can cause pain.
How do we avoid these potential problems?
And if we can’t avoid them, how can we recover as quickly as possible

In my blog you will learn about:
The basic anatomy of the neck region
• Common reasons for neck pain and headaches;
• Ways to reduce stress and the risk of injury;
• Exercises to do at home; and
• How a physiotherapist can help

Anatomy Of The Neck Region
One of the most flexible regions of the spine is the neck (cervical) region, which consists of
·         vertebrae, seven shock-absorbing discs, muscles, and vertebral ligaments to hold them in place.
·         The uppermost cervical disc connects the top of the spinal column to the base of the skull.
·         The spinal cord, which sends nerve impulses to every part of the body, runs through a canal in  the cervical vertebrae and continues all the way down the spine.
·         The cervical nerves spread down into the arms; because of this, arm pain is sometimes traceable to a problem in the neck

Possible Causes Of Neck Pain And Headaches
·         One of the most common causes of neck pain, and sometimes headaches, is poor posture.
·         It’s easy to get into bad posture habits without even realizing it—even an activity as “innocent” as reading in bed can ultimately lead to pain, headaches, and more serious problems.
How to Avoids
·         The basic rule is simple: Keep your neck in a “neutral” position whenever possible.
·         In other words, don't bend or hunch your neck forward for long periods.
·         Also, try not to sit in one position for a long time.
·         If you must sit for an extended period, make sure your posture is good:
·         Keep your head in a neutral position, make sure your back is supported, keep your knees slightly lower than your hips, and rest your arms if possible
·         Reading in bed can cause neck strain—especially if you’re propped up on several pillows, bending your neck forward, and trying to hold your arms out , How to solve ?

·         Your sleeping position is another possible source of neck problems. Does your pillow cause you to sleep with your neck at an angle, either too high or too low?
·         Also, remember that pillows don’t last forever. After a year or so pillows tend to “collapse” and may need to be replaced.
·         In addition, a bed that doesn’t offer enough back support can also be a source of neck discomfort

Neutral Spine for Neck
The neutral position rule also holds true for people who spend time working at computer terminals.
Again, don’t bend your neck forward.
·         Adjust your desk, monitor, and chair to a comfortable height,
·         So that the monitor is at eye level and your knees are slightly lower than your hips.
·         Some people find that a footstool helps in attaining this correct position.
·         Sit close enough to the monitor so that you don’t have to bend forward in order to see well.
·         Use the chair’s armrests—your arms need support. Wear your eyeglasses if necessary

Avoiding Neck Stress
Other bad habits to avoid include:
• “Shopper’s tilt”—carrying items on one shoulder for a long period; and Carrying items that are too heavy

How to Deal
·         “Shopper’s tilt” can be avoided by using a backpack-style bag to more evenly distribute the weight you’re carrying

·         consider purchasing a compact “rolling suitcase” with wheels and a retractable handle.

To ensure on-going protection against bone changes you MUST make exercise a part of your normal daily life ,Changes can be seen in your bone density after 3 months of exercising BUT benefits disappear once you stop exercising!!. Wallahuaklam

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