Dengan Nama Allah,yang tidak memberikan mudarat sesuatu di bumi dan juga di langit dan dia maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui..

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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Punca Peparu Bocor (Pneumothorax)

Paru Paru Bocor dan Kesan pada tubuh manusia. Bismillahirahmanirahim , 3 Minggu lepas seluruh negara menangisi pemergian Wira kita iaitu Allahyarham Adib , Anggota Bomba yang terlibat di dalam rusuhan kuil seafield tempoh hari , semoga Allah Merahmati beliau sebagai seorang...

The reason you feel itchy that you need to know .

Itchy is irritating,what is the cause?  Bismillahirahmanirahim ,Itching is a sensation of discomfort in the skin that triggers reflexes to scratch. Although it seems simple, it is different when itching has affected the whole body. It might be a sign of a serious medical...

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

How to Lower Insulin Rate Securely

How to Lower Insulin Rate Securely in your life  Bismillahirahmanirahim,The presence of the hormone insulin in the body is needed to balance blood sugar levels. But if the levels are too high, it can have a negative impact on health such as the emergence of obesity, hypertension...

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Weakest Heart

The Types of Weakest Heart  Bismillahirahmanirahim,In the early stages, weak cardiac characteristics may have no symptoms. But once the condition gets worse, then various conditions can arise. Therefore recognize the weak heart symptoms from the beginning so that you can...

Monday, September 24, 2018

The Good and Miracle of Vitamin D

The Effect of Vitamin D in your body Bismillahirahmanirahim,If we remember sitting lessons in elementary school, maybe there have been some benefits of vitamin D that we all know for bone and tooth health. But do you know, there are still many vitamin D functions for other...

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

5 Kesan buruk dari sifat Marah pada badan manusia.

Apa yang terjadi kepada tubuh badan anda ketika Marah ? Bismillahirahmanirahim , dalam ulasan blog saya pada bulan ini saya ingin kongsikan tentang perkara yang boleh belaku kepada tubuh badan manusia ketika kita marah. 1. Kesan kepada bahagian otak dan pemikiran manusia adakah...

Sunday, August 12, 2018

5 type disease cause by Mosquito

The common disease cause by mosquito. Bismillahirahmanirahim, As i understand in human being nature , We never like mosquitoes and don’t want to see them around any time during the day or night. We are understand and believe that mosquitoes are the most dangerous insect in...

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Bahaya HMFD pada Kanak kanak

Serangan HMFD (Hand , Mouth ,Foot Disease) Bismillahirahmanirahim , Semalam di siaran berita dan juga di akhbar Masalah jangkitan HMFD di Malaysia telah menular dengan pantas dan sebanyak 40,000 kes telah dilaporkan. Ini merupakan satu statistik yang perlu kita berjaga jaga...

Monday, July 30, 2018

The Food that can make you sleep faster

5 food can boost your sleep . Bismillahirahmanirahim ,  i believe some people will have often difficult to close eyes at night? Do not worry and rush the drug consumption, the following natural food consumption can help you to sleep faster and effective  , From the...

Cara hilangkan Panau cepat

Menghilangkan panau secara perubatan dan tradisional Bismillahirahmanirahim , semalam baru perasan di belakang badan adik saya terdapat tompokan tompokan putih yang biasa kita lihat , kalau di sekolah dulu kami memanggilnya sebagai peta minda, tetapi dalam bidang perubatan...

Sunday, July 29, 2018

5 types of foods can cause joint inflamation

The type of foods can cause joint inflamation Bismillahirahmanirahim , did we notice some of the food we are taking in every consuming will creating or cause an inflammatory in Joint and tissue, the key factors is when you have arthritis, your body is in an inflammatory state...

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

5 Foods can Causes High Blood pressure

5 Foods Causes High Blood pressure in your daily life Bismilllahirahmanirahim , High blood pressure or hypertension can cause many serious health problems, such as stroke and heart disease. As a preventive measure, you should recognize what foods cause high blood pressure!...

Monday, July 9, 2018

10 penyebab perut buncit

10 Penyebab Perut Buncit walaupun badan  anda tidak gemuk Bismillahirahmanirahim , pernah tak anda tengok cerita arahan pengarah tersohor malaysia Dato Afdlin Shouki, iaitu cerita Buli ,cerita komedi yang santai dan penuh mesej mesej kebaikan yang terselit dalam filem...

How to Overcome or Eliminate Dandruff

Tips on How to Overcome or Eliminate Dandruff Bismillahirahmanirahim ,Did you know, dandruff is very closely related to the scalp. Dandruff will appear when the natural cycle of skin renewal is accelerated. That is, when the cycle of renewal is accelerated it will be a...

Sunday, July 8, 2018

5 food with high cholesterol

5 Food Cholesterol Challenge to Avoid for your health Bimilahirahmanirahim , today in my blog just to highlight for all readers regarding of understanding about a food that we are consume had a high cholesterol. The high concentrations of LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels...

Friday, June 22, 2018

Itchiness cause without you notice.

7 factor that are contribute in itchiness Bismillahirahmanirahim , Salam Aidilfitri for all Muslim readers, today in my blog i want to share a simple fact and cause that itchiness is appear in human .Itching (pruritus) is a sensation of skin discomfort that triggers a reflex...