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Sunday, August 12, 2018

5 type disease cause by Mosquito

The common disease cause by mosquito.

Bismillahirahmanirahim, As i understand in human being nature , We never like mosquitoes and don’t want to see them around any time during the day or night. We are understand and believe that mosquitoes are the most dangerous insect in this world. A lot of diseases can trigger by this smallest insect; Some of them are minor while others are life-killing. So let see there is 5 type of common disease are brought by mosquito.

1. Dengue Disease (Aedes Mosquito)

In Malaysia or south east asia , Dengue fever is, no doubt, one of the most dangerous and deadliest diseases caused by this small insect . It is common among the people living in tropical and subtropical climates especially at the area of Equatorial climate .The research had show an Aedes mosquito is responsible for this disease.The infection cause because the Dengue mosquitoes multiply in the cells of our body, causing high fever, headache, joints pain and rashes as the initial disease symptoms. In the Medical condition treatment The doctors recommend acetaminophen; however, no certain medications and treatments available for this disease And the goal of the treatment is to reduce an implication cause by this disease.

2.Malaria (Anopheles Mosquito)

Another disease cause by mosquito and common in South east asia is Malaria Fever , Malaria happen when virus Plasmodium falciparum or Plasmodium vivax entering to the Human body.It can be happen when Female Anopheles mosquitoes bite the human beings and transmit any of these viruses into the blood stream. The virus will going to the main blood flow and this migrates to the liver and ruins its proper functioning. The research show the malarial parasites keep on multiplying within the body until the symptoms like fever, chills, sweating, headaches and severe-flu start appearing even cause the human body become weak and half paralyses.In Medication treatment The most common and highly recommendable anti-malarial drug is made of quinine.
3.Chikungunya ( Aedes aegypti  Mosquito Or Aedes albopictus)

In Malaysia at 2013 there is a one of the fever is know Chikugunya was attacking to the whole village and lucky it was able to control not to become separate.This fever is another deadly disease caused by Aedes mosquitoes especially Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Mostly the  symptoms of this disease include joint pain, headache, vomiting, back pain and skin rashes. In medical management the disease is manageable if proper medications are prescribed and treated early and  Some of the pain relieves of Chikungunya include ibuprofen, naproxen and paracetamol, the person who had infected this disease mention their feel their spine is look like to be broken and cause a burning and severe pain at whole body joint.

4.Japanese Encephalitis ( Culex Mosquito)

Another Deadliest disease cause by mosquito is Japanese encephalitis in 1998 at Bukit Pelanduk Malaysia this disease was separate to the whole village as it started from Piggery farming and separated the disease very quickly . It is a serious infectious disease of the brain. This is caused by the biting of mosquitoes as we known Culex type that was infected and transfer to the human body by bite it. Japanese encephalitis is a common disease of Asia, New Guinea and north Queensland. Some of the severe symptoms of this disease include high temperature, convulsion, coma and severe headache. The doctors usually cure the patients of this disease with vaccination.

5.Lymphatic filariasis (All Mosquito type with infected)

This disease also cause by a Mosquito , it commonly known as elephantiasis, is a neglected tropical disease and most infected this case is happen in South east asia and Africa . The  Infection occurs when filarial parasites are transmitted to humans through mosquitoes. Infection is usually acquired in childhood causing hidden damage to the lymphatic system.The painful and profoundly disfiguring visible manifestations of the disease, lymphoedema, elephantiasis and scrotal swelling occur later in life and can lead to permanent disability to the person who are get infected.