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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The reason you feel itchy that you need to know .

Itchy is irritating,what is the cause? 

Bismillahirahmanirahim ,Itching is a sensation of discomfort in the skin that triggers reflexes to scratch. Although it seems simple, it is different when itching has affected the whole body. It might be a sign of a serious medical condition. Learn more about the following causes of itching throughout the body.
What factors are the cause of itching all over the body? There are various factors that cause itching throughout the body. Starting from dry skin due to an aging age or everyday bad habits to signs of systemic diseases, including kidney failure, cancer and HIV / AIDS

  • Psychic Factors

Psychological factors, such as stress, depression and other anxiety disorders are the causes of itching throughout the body that is often ignored. There are many cases like this, where the sufferer does not have a history of allergies or physical ailments, but complains of experiencing itching all over the body that does not go away. After consulting and seeing a doctor, it is known that the complaints they experience are sourced from psychological problems that are constantly stored. If you feel the same way, immediately get rid of psychological problems that are experienced through good stress management.

  • Dry Skin 
Dry skin is one of the most common causes of itching throughout the body, especially in the elderly. Because the age of a person gets older, the activity of the oil glands (sebaceous glands) that he has will decrease. In addition, the occurrence of dry skin can also be triggered by a number of reasons, such as environmental factors, drug side effects and bad habits such as frequent bathing with warm water, lack of drinking, often rubbing or scratching the skin roughly, etc

  • Skin Diseases 

There are many types of skin diseases that can cause itching in the body, such as eczema, psoriasis, scabies / scabies and chicken pox. As long as there is no secondary infection, the itching that results from this kind of skin disease will only affect certain areas of the body, not all.

  • Allergens & irritants 

The onset of itching throughout the body can also be caused by exposure to allergens or irritants, such as food, cosmetic products or daily body care, medicines (hypertension, cholesterol lowering, , etc.), air, dust, insect bites and more. In addition to itching and redness, reactions arising from exposure to allergens / irritants can be accompanied by swelling in certain areas of the body to life-threatening anaphylactic reactions.

  • Nervous Disorders 

Nervous disorders such as multiple sclerosis, diabetic neuropathy, pinched nerves or herpes zoster are among the causes of itching throughout the body that are not so well aware. In this case, itching usually arises accompanied by other symptoms. Some of them, namely severe fatigue, numbness in certain areas and decreased cognitive and motor skills.

  • Systemic Disease

 Possible other causes of itching throughout the body can be triggered by systemic diseases, such as in cases of kidney failure. Where there will be an increase in urea levels (the end result of protein metabolism) which will spread in the blood and cause itching manifestations throughout the body. Some other systemic diseases that can cause similar symptoms are liver dysfunction, thyroid disease, iron deficiency anemia, cancer

  • Pregnancy 

Actually the itching that is acquired during pregnancy can be considered normal and only mild. The condition experienced by about 25%- 30% of pregnant women is usually triggered by hormonal changes and increased blood supply to the skin. Breasts, abdomen and thighs are the areas most often visited by itching.

However, if the complaints of itching are so extreme or affect the whole body, it's good to immediately see a doctor. It is not impossible, this kind of complaint is caused by a serious medical condition called obstetric cholestasis, a pregnancy disorder associated with bile flow. Given the various causes of itching all over the body, it is important to immediately see a doctor, especially if it has lasted a long time or is accompanied by other symptoms. Thus the itching experienced can be treated based on the underlying cause. Wallahuaklam.