Dengan Nama Allah,yang tidak memberikan mudarat sesuatu di bumi dan juga di langit dan dia maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui..

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Monday, January 30, 2017

Heart Disease prevention

Heart Disease Prevention  Bismillahirahmanirahim , today i feel to type a topic regarding how to prevent a heart disease. Everybody know a Heart disease is one disease that has the potential to cause death. But that does not mean we should accept it as fate, because as...

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Jari tangan berbunyi

Bunyi Sendi Jari Bismillahirahmanirahim , hari ini agak sunyi sikit di tempat kerja saya , mungkin sebab Chinese New Year akan jatuh hari sabtu ini , maka ramai pesakit pantang untuk datang ke hospital terutama pesakit cina. Dalam blog saya hari ini saya nak kongsikan tentang...

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Chair exercise

Exercise on Chair in 2 Steps Bismillahirahmanirahim , today i want to share a very simple and effective exercise for your body , its call exercise on chair. what your need is your self and a dining chair.. 1st Step . Get ready. Focus on posture: Sit on your sit...

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Technique to massage your Nasal Congestion and Sinus.

A simple Sinus + Nasal Congestion Massage technique. Bismillahirahmanirahim, when you get a sinus it will cause a lot of trouble for your to breath as your nose will be immediately to block and congested, here i want to sharing a simple way and technique to massage your sinus...

Monday, January 16, 2017

Best technique to wash the face.

The best way to wash the Face Bismillahirahmanirahim , How to wash your face ?,there are also tips and not just washed water or use a face wash. Most people make the mistake of typing this activity. For men may be rare because nearly 90% of them did not do so, but for women,...

What is the Myalgia

Myalgia. Bismillahirahmanirahim , Myalgia is the medical language of muscle pain, comes from the Greek, namely myo meaning muscle and algos which means pain. Therefore, myalgia means pain in the muscles or in the language of the people called by sore.The entire body is...