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Monday, December 12, 2016

Tracheostomy Care at home 3

Management of Tracheotomy Care 3 Bismillahirahmanirahim... Physiotherapy Care for Tracheotomy. Must conduct a thorough assessment of patient at the start of visit Observe for signs of hypoxia, infection, excessive secretions, pain, etc Examine trach tube, any attached tubing...

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Tracheotomy Care at home 2

Management Of Tracheotomy Care 2 Bismillahirahmanirahim, as i mentioned in my last post entry , here i will continue about the info regarding management of tracheotomy . Endotracheal Tube Verses Tracheostomy Tube A variety of tracheostomy tubes are available, depending...

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Tracheotomy Care at home 1

Management of tracheostomy care 1 Bismillahirahmanirahim , The term “tracheotomy” refers to the incision (otomy = opening) to provide an airway and allow for removal of secretions from lungs.  Breathing is accomplished through the tracheostomy rather than...

Monday, November 14, 2016

Poison Food can kill slowly

Common food that can kill you slowly  Bismillahirahmanirahim , human have a naturally instinct to eat when get hungry ,so the explaination is simple, When we wanted to eat, our goal is of course to overcome hunger, getting pleasure on the tongue and nutrition for the body....

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Danger Heat in older people

Thermoregulation Heat in older people Bismillahirahmanirahim , when become older the human body will start to lose of all their humanity control ,one of the function will be detotriate is temperature control . INTRODUCTION •        Humans...

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Trigger Finger problem

Trigger Finger  Bismillahirahmanirahim , one of the common problem that will affected in either of our finger is called Trigger finger. As we understand the Trigger finger is a condition that causes stiff fingers in the same position. This disease mainly affects...

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Manfaat Kunyit Hitam kepada kesihatan

Kelebihan dan Manfaat Kunyit Hitam. Bismillahirahmanirahim , lama dah saya tak update kan blog saya ini , dengan kesuntukan masa, kesibukan bekerja menyebabkan saya terlupa saya ada blog yang perlu sentiasa diupdatekan. hari ini saya nak menceritakan tentang manfaat dan juga...