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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Cause Achilies Tendon Ruptured

Tendon Ruptures Bismillahirahmanirrahim... Come we learn another interesting topic .. ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURE What is the Achilles Tendon? Tendon = band of tissue that connects a muscle to a bone. Achilles tendon a.k.a the "heel cord,  a strong band of elastic...

Pushing Syndrome in stroke patient

Managing Pushing syndrome after stroke Bismillahirahmanirrahim .... lets go for another topic that are related in stroke management , there are calling a pusher syndrome... Abstract Pusher syndrome in patients post-stroke is characterized by leaning and active pushing...

Total Knee Replacement (OA Knee) Guideline

Total Knee replacement (Tukar Sendi lutut) Bismillahirahmanirrahim.. sorry I am so busy around this month, so just want to share a short info regarding a total knee replacement when we have a chronic Osteoarthritis (OA) at knee OA is a chronic disease causing deterioration...