Dengan Nama Allah,yang tidak memberikan mudarat sesuatu di bumi dan juga di langit dan dia maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui..



Monday, July 30, 2018

The Food that can make you sleep faster

5 food can boost your sleep .

Bismillahirahmanirahim ,  i believe some people will have often difficult to close eyes at night? Do not worry and rush the drug consumption, the following natural food consumption can help you to sleep faster and effective  , From the Quoted from Eating Well, Saturday (3/2/2018), here's a list of foods that can make you feel drowsiness after eating it. Hopefully tonight it's not awake until it's too late.


Incredible fact and i didn't notice until i read and try on it ,Most fish, such as salmon and tuna, are a good source of vitamin B6. As published by the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences the Vitamin  from fish is required to produce melatonin or hormones that make you sleepy. So at dinner take a fish for your booster of sleep.

2.Cheese and Yoghurt

Clinical nutritionist from Integrative Medicine Center at Cleveland Clinic says dairy products can develop immunological reactions (casein and whey intolerance) on proteins, so they are susceptible to fatigue.Its one of the reason when you have difficulties in sleeping , take this two food and you will start to feel sleepy.

3.Bananas or nuts

Consumption of bananas will boost the  magnesium absorption  that help body muscle cells become relaxed. Similarly other magnesium sources such in a nuts, especially almonds, cashew nuts and peanuts. But in a certain dose, will make someone experience unusual drowsiness.

4.Eat rice before bedtime

In Asia i believe  rice is one of the most we take , with eating rice at dinner and when you are full and do not do anything, you can feel drowsy. Likewise when you eat rice and its side before bedtime. Although it makes you sleepy but these habits can cause stomach acid or gastroesophageal reflux. Avoid eating before going to bed, eating foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts like almonds, which do not cause sleep problems.

5.Wheat bread.

Wheat bread is usually consumed as a breakfast menu and can make sugar levels rise in the morning. Not least you will feel active and energetic. But the glucose intake of wheat bread will quickly fall down so it can make you fast sleepy even when it's too early.

    Drowsiness after eating is one of your body's responses to chemical changes caused by digestion. This means that this is normal for everyone. However, if drowsiness always comes up every time you finish eating and are very disturbing your activity, this may be a concern. Drowsiness after lunch can also be disturbing when you have to do the work again after lunch. But this 5 type of food is one of the alternative for the people have a sleep difficulties at night and i believe it will boost your sleepy hormone for your quality of sleep .Wallahuaklam.

Cara hilangkan Panau cepat

Menghilangkan panau secara perubatan dan tradisional

Bismillahirahmanirahim , semalam baru perasan di belakang badan adik saya terdapat tompokan tompokan putih yang biasa kita lihat , kalau di sekolah dulu kami memanggilnya sebagai peta minda,
tetapi dalam bidang perubatan pekara ini dipanggil Panau ataupun dalam istilah perubatan dipanggil sebagai Tinea versicolor dimana ianya merupakan jangkitan kulat yang kerap terjadi pada bahagian permukaan kulit manusia. Ia akan menyebabkan kawasan kulit mempunyai tompok putih(hypopigmented) ataupun tompok hitam(hyperpigmented) antara ciri ciri panau yang terjadi.
kawasan tubuh badan yang sentiasa berlaku  ialah dibahagian dada, belakang badan, leher dan juga tubuh badan yang lain celah peha dan juga ketiak.
Adakalnya masalah ini boleh berlaku secara berulang-ulang kali. Ia selalunya berlaku pada lapisan kulit paling luar yang dikenali sebagai Stratum corneum dalam istilah perubatan.

Bagaimanakah Panau ini boleh terjadi?
Untuk pengetahuan umum ,Masalah panau  ini  disebabkan kulat yang bernama Malassezia.( nama kulat pun MALAS) tetapi kajian juga menunjukkan nama kulat ini , Sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Pityrosporum. Terdapat 14 species Malassezia yang telah dikenal pasti punca terjadinya panau seperti Malassezia globosa, Malassezia sympodialis dan banyak lagi . Sejenis kulat yang dikenali sebagai Malassezzia furfur pula merupakan kulat yang selalu ditemui pada kulit yang menghadapi masalah panau ini. Kulat ini boleh ditemui pada kulit yang tidak bermasalah dan juga pada kulit yang mempunyai panau. Kulat Jenis Malassezia furfur mempunyai dua fasa kejadian yang akan menentukan sama ada mereka menyebabkan masalah panau ini ataupun tidak:

Fasa pertama ialah Fasa Yeast (Fasa Pengeraman)
Dimana Pada fasa ini, kulat masih didalam bentuk spora lagi dan tidak bertindak aktif. Ia boleh didapati pada bahagian kulit yang normal  di sekitar badan manusia

Fasa Kedua ialah Fasa Hypea atau (Fasa perebakan)
Pada peringkat fasa ini, kulat tersebut telah mula tumbuh dan ia juga akan mengeluarkan perebakan yang dikenali sebagai hyphae. perebakan ini bertindak seperti akar yang akan tumbuh ke dalam kulit untuk mendapatkan nutrien dan juga zat bagi penerusan hidup . Selain itu Hyphae juga akan menghasilkan beberapa jenis bahan kimia seperti asid azelaic dan juga enzim lipooxygenase yang boleh menyebabkan kurangnya penghasilan unsur melanin pada kulit manusia. Seperti mana yang perlu anda  tahu,penghasilan sel sel  melanin merupakan salah satu pigmen yang menyebabkan kulit kita gelap dan berwarna . Tetapi Apabila sel sel melanin ini kurang dihasilkan,Maka kawasan tersebut akan kelihatan putih dan ia dipanggil sebagai panau (Macam nilah terjadinya Panau)

Masalah kulit Panau  ini merupakan penyakit kulit yang tidak berbahaya dan hanya menyebabkan tompok putih ataupun gelap pada kulit , Apa yang paling penting untuk anda faham ialah Ianya tidak boleh berjangkit kepada orang lain kerana ia merupakan organisma yang normal pada kulit manusia.
Perubatan atau Rawatan panau akan mengurangkan kulit panau dengan menjadikan ia mengering dan tercabut, akan tetapi ia mengambil masa untuk tompok putih itu menjadi normal semula.

Faktor memungkinkan terjadinya Panau.
Antara beberapa faktor risiko yang  memugkinkan terjadinya  kulat panau adalah:

  • Persekitaran yang panas dan lembab (Cuaca di Malaysia & asia tenggara)
  • Individu yang mengalami masalah sistem imun seperti pesakit HIV, kencing manis dan sebagainya Penyakit Kulit
  • Kekurangan nutrisi
  • Penggunaan steroid atas tujuan perubatan
  • Sapuan minyak pada kulit yang tidak sesuai.

Rawatan Perubatan untuk masalah Panau.
Dalam perubatan ianya terdapat dua jenis rawatan iaitu sama ada penggunaan ubat sapu ataupun makan. Tetapi untuk kes biasa tanpa komplikasi yang membahayakan pesakit selalunya ubat sapu sudah cukup untuk merawat masalah panau tersebut

Antara Ubat sapuan biasa diberikan 
  • Selenium sulfide
  • Tacrolimus
Ubat sapuan anti-kulat
  • Candazol
  • Miconazol
  • Ketoconazole
Secara Amnya Kesemua ubat ini mampu merawat serta membunuh kulat pada kawasan panau tersebut. Sebaik baiknya penggunaan ubat ini perlulah digunakan selama 2 minggu bagi memastikan kesemua kulat disitu dihapuskan sepenuhnya tanpa memberikan kesan sampingan
Manakala untuk ubat makan jenis anti-kulat seperti Fluconazole ataupun itraconazole selalunya diberikan kepada pesakit yang merasakan lebih mudah mengambil ubat makan berbanding ubat sapuan. Selalunya ubat ubatan makan ini haruslah dirujuk kepada Dr .

Rawatan Tradisional Untuk Panau.

Penggunaan Bawang Putih 
Orang Melayu terkenal dengan pelbagai petua yang diturunkan dari turun temurun , saya masih ingat lagi Arwah Nenek saya menggunakan Bawang putih yang telah dipotong , digosokkan 2 kali sehari iaitu pagi dan malam pada kawasan yang berpanau ini , alhamdulillah selepas seminggu digunakan masalah panau ini hilang dengan sendiri , Sekarang baru saya tahu Bawang putih bersifat anti kulat ,dan itu yang menyebabkan ia mampu untuk merawat panau ini.

Penggunaan Halia dan Lengkuas 
Ada juga petua yang saya dapat dari rakan rakan bahawa menggunakan hirisan halia dan lengkuas juga mampu untuk merawat masalah panau ini , caranya hampir sama bahagian panau ini digosokkan dengan hirisan halia dan lengkuas ini dalam 2 kali sehari terutama pagi dan malam.

Itu adalah antara cara dan juga merawat panau secara sendiri , tetapi ingin saya tekankan jika masalah panau ini terlalu kronik atau parah , anda haruslah merujuk masalah ini dengan Pakar Kulit (DR KULIT) bagi mengatasi dan juga merawatnya , wallahuaklam.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

5 types of foods can cause joint inflamation

The type of foods can cause joint inflamation

Bismillahirahmanirahim , did we notice some of the food we are taking in every consuming will creating or cause an inflammatory in Joint and tissue, the key factors is when you have arthritis, your body is in an inflammatory state present, So be aware in your life in what you eat may not only increase inflammation, it can also set you up for other chronic conditions such as a common obesity, heart disease and diabetes. So here i want to share a 5 types of  food ingredients that may trigger more inflammation in our bodies.

I would say every one is love sugar and consume on it , Sometime it  may be hard to resist desserts, pastries, chocolate bars, sodas, even fruit juices that been serve to us. However,if you read in some of articles and journal, the researcher was warns that processed sugars trigger the release of inflammatory messengers called  that was called cytokines. I will share with you a simple tricks that Sugar will goes by many names, so  for us please look out for any word ending in "ose," e.g. like glucose ,fructose in their ingredient labels.

2.Omega 6 Fatty Acids
Its look a health food and need in human body but be aware ,when we are kids and youth , Omega 6 fatty acids are an essential fatty acid that the body needs for normal growth and development. The body needs a healthy balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids , but when you excess consumption of omega-6s can trigger the body to produce pro-inflammatory chemicals. These fatty acids are found in oils such corn, safflower, sunflower, grapeseed, soy, peanut, and vegetable; mayonnaise; and many salad dressings.

3. High Salt Food.
Foods that have a lot of salt are definitely not an option for you who are in trouble with joint pain and muscles. Salt will aggravate the condition of your joints and cause a stronger pain effect.
When the salt content in the blood increases, the balance of the fluid in the body will be disturbed and trigger a rise in blood pressure. While a number of joint and muscle pain complaints are associated with disorders in blood circulation, the effects that occur due to increased salt levels in the body will exacerbate pain in the joints and muscles.

4.High Protein Food
A number of foods contain protein that is complex and difficult to digest. From this digestive process then the liver will produce residues that we know as purines. Purin will naturally be processed by the body into uric acid. When uric acid levels are high in the body, your joint pain and muscle pain can be worse. Additionally, avoid high-temperature preserved meat with roasted process. A number of proteins in the meat not only trigger the production of excessive purine residues, but also turn the formula into an AGE or Advanced Glycation End compound. This type of processed protein triggers the production of cytokens, which is an inflammatory stimulant enzyme compound, which in turn will aggravate joint and muscle pain. Even in the 2009 study revealed by the Icahn School of Medicine it is advisable to completely avoid all types of high-temperature processed meats and through high-temperature roasting or baking process to prevent inflammation.
Not only meat, but food from milk products is also said to have a negative impact on joint pain and muscle pain. According to Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, the number of components in the product also has a stimulant effect on cytokens.

5. Alcohol Drink and Cigarettes
Everyone knows the effect of Alcohol , Alcohol contains high purine levels so those who consume alcohol will automatically increase purine levels in their bodies. Obviously alcohol is a food that causes muscle and joint pain that you should avoid. Because the increase in purine in the body will increase the formation of uric acid that disrupts joint health.
The same thing can happen to those who consume cigarettes. The rate of toxin in cigarettes is high enough and will disturb the circulation and oxygen intake in the blood. Ultimately this condition will exacerbate your joints and muscles. Since the cells in the joints and muscles need fluid blood circulation and adequate oxygen supply to recover.

My advise as Therapist is simple ,If you have trouble with this complaint, you should avoid the types of foods that cause joint pain and muscle as above. So if you have sought treatment for joint pain and muscle, but still not very helpful, try to check again the food that is consumed daily.
Try to find out which kind of food that should aggravate your complaint, and do not eat it anymore on other occasions. With the right diet, you can reduce inflammation and improve the health of the joints that are disrupted and the most important is consult your Dr if your problem is still persist . Wallahuaklam.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

5 Foods can Causes High Blood pressure

5 Foods Causes High Blood pressure in your daily life

Bismilllahirahmanirahim , High blood pressure or hypertension can cause many serious health problems, such as stroke and heart disease. As a preventive measure, you should recognize what foods cause high blood pressure! .Hypertension is a condition where the pressure in the blood vessels exceeds the normal limit of 120/80 mmHg. Lifestyle, including the type of food consumed, has a major influence on the occurrence of these conditions. Therefore, it is important for you to know the following types of drinks and high blood pressure foods.

lets check it out in our daily consuming.

1.Salt or Sodium
In  Asian country salt use is one of the highest in the world , this is the variety of  Asian dish use a salt as one of their menu.Excess salt or sodium can lead to hypertension. The maximum consumption limit is 2,300 mg of sodium per day. As for patients with hypertension, consumption is recommended less than 1,500 mg of sodium per day or a third teaspoon.
In addition to table salt, high levels of sodium are also found in processed foods including pizza, canned food, packaged tomato sauce, processed meat, soy sauce, and ready-to-eat foods. Therefore, this variety of food is included in foods that cause high blood pressure.
On food packaging labels, sodium is sometimes disguised with 'Na' or 'soda'. So keep an eye on the composition listed before choosing it.

2. High Fat Food
We are understand ,Consumption of high content of saturated fat and trans fats can increase levels of bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein / LDL) in the blood. When the consumption is done repeatedly, LDL will accumulate and clog blood vessels in the vessels that aggravate the condition of hypertension to trigger coronary heart disease.
Trans fats are often found in packaged foods as well as fast food. This type of fat is used because it can maintain the taste and extend the shelf life of food.
Excess fat content can be contained in fried foods, red meat, chicken skin, butter, full cream milk, and coconut oil.

Not many know, sugar was also to be limited to people with hypertension. The reason, excessive sugar consumption can cause obesity which increases the risk of high blood pressure.
Limit consumption of sugar per day for men is 36 grams or about 9 teaspoons. While women should limit sugar intake as much as 24 grams or equivalent 6 teaspoons in a day.
To keep sugar levels normal, avoid the consumption of sweet foods and drinks. For example, cakes, coffee with additional artificial flavorings, sauce also fruit juice packaging, and canned fruit.
Sugar also has several pseudonyms in the packaging label. For example, sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). So keep your eye on that name.

4.Energy Drink ,coffee or Caffeine drink
One reason a person becomes awake after drinking coffee is the work of caffeine that temporarily increases blood pressure. This condition is not dangerous if it happens occasionally. But if too often, can be a trigger of hypertension.
Limit caffeine consumption is 400 mg per day or equivalent to 4 cups of coffee. In addition to coffee, soft drinks, tea, and energy drinks can also contain caffeine.

5.Alcohol Drink
People who are addicted with Alcoholic drinks, including red wine, should only be consumed 1 time per day for women and 2 times per day for men. Suggestion per serving equal to 1 glass of wine size 100 mL or 1 can of beer size 350 mL.
Overuse of this type of beverage and in amounts exceeding the recommended limit, may increase the risk of hypertension.

       Although the cause of hypertension is not known for certain, the type of food consumed plays an important role in the condition. Some of the foods that cause high blood that you need to avoid are alcohol and high sodium dish.
Instead, choose a high-fiber dish and rich in minerals. The dish can be found in vegetables, fruits, grains such as wheat, as well as nuts such as almonds.
In addition to maintaining a diet, diligent exercise can you apply. Not only high blood pressure, exercise can keep you away from various other health problems. Wallhuaklam

Monday, July 9, 2018

10 penyebab perut buncit

10 Penyebab Perut Buncit walaupun badan  anda tidak gemuk

Bismillahirahmanirahim , pernah tak anda tengok cerita arahan pengarah tersohor malaysia Dato Afdlin Shouki, iaitu cerita Buli ,cerita komedi yang santai dan penuh mesej mesej kebaikan yang terselit dalam filem arahan beliau, saya tak nafikan filem filem beliau banyak hidden factor yang menyebabkan saya tertarik untuk menonton dan memahami apa yang cuba disampaikan oleh beliau.
perkataan yang digunakan dalam filem beliau yang dicakapkan oleh arwah Din Beramboi semasa mempromosikan produk kurus ialah Boyot dan Bintat Toro, sebenarnya ia merujuk kepada masalah buncit atau gemuk.

Dalam tajuk kali ini saya ingin kongsikan kenapa kita buncit walaupun tidak gemuk,didalam kajian yang telah dilakukan oleh pakar pakar kesihatan terdapat 10 faktor yang boleh mengakibatkan seseorang itu buncit walaupun tidak gemuk antaranya.

1. Kehadiran lemak tepu (Viseral)
Istilah perubatan untuk lemak tidak sihat di bahagian perut adalah "lemak viser". Lemak ini mengelilingi hati dan organ lain dalam perut anda. Jika dibiarkan secara berterusan akan menyebabkan pelbagai faktor risiko untuk penyakit seperti metabolisme, diabetes jenis 2, penyakit jantung, bahkan kanser boleh menyerang individu yang sihat itu .

2. Faktor genetik
Faktor Genetik atau keturunan memainkan peranan penting dalam risiko obesiti. Oleh itu, kecenderungan tubuh untuk menyimpan lemak dalam perut sebahagiannya dipengaruhi oleh faktor genetik. Termasuk gen reseptor yang mengawal selia tahap hormon kortisol dan gen yang memberikan isyarat reseptor leptin untuk mengawal penyerapan kalori dan berat badan. selalunya bagi mereka yang mempunyai keluarga yang buncit kecenderungan untuk mendapat masalah ini lebih tinggi.

3. Pengambilan makanan dan minuman manis yang kerap
ini biasa dilakukan oleh rakyat Malaysia ,Ramai orang tidak menyedari bahawa mereka mengambil gula berlebihan setiap hari. Kek dan gula adalah makanan yang mengandungi kandungan gula yang tinggi. Di samping itu, minuman seperti air soda, teh manis, kopi, atau minuman dengan pelbagai rasa mengandungi banyak gula dan pemanis tiruan. Satu kajian telah menunjukkan kesan pengambilan gula tinggi akan menukarkan ia kepada lemak perut yang berlebihan ini disebabkan, kandungan fruktosa tinggi gula yang ditambah kepada makanan atau minuman.Maka pengumpulan lemak ini akan berlaku 10x ganda di dalam tubuh badan manusia.

4. Faktor Kurang bergerak
Gaya hidup yang tidak sihat adalah salah satu faktor risiko kesihatan yang paling buruk. Gerakan tidak aktif, kekurangan latihan, makan makanan tidak sihat boleh menyumbang kepada peningkatan obesiti termasuk obesiti abdomen. Tinjauan yang besar dari 1988 hingga 2010 di Amerika Syarikat mendapati terdapat peningkatan yang ketara antara aktiviti, berat badan, dan lilitan perut pada lelaki dan wanita yang kurang bergerak dan juga gemar duduk dan tidur.

5. Postur yang buruk 
Masalah postur merupakan masalah yang kerap berlaku kepada sesetengah individu , kebanyakan individu yang mempunyai masalah postur yang kurang baik kerap kelihatan seperti buncit , ini kerana kedudukan badan mereka yang tidak simbang memungkinkan mereka kelihatan seperti buncit disebabkan kedudukan otot otot perut yang lemah.

6.. Faktor menopaus
Penyebab perut menjadi buncit juga boleh disebabkan oleh faktor menopaus. Kerana sesetengah wanita mengalami peningkatan lemak perut semasa fasa menopaus. Menopaus biasanya berlaku satu tahun selepas seorang wanita mempunyai haid yang terakhir. Pada masa itu, paras estrogen menurun secara dramatik, ini akan menyebabkan lemak disimpan di dalam perut, bukannya pinggul dan peha. Satu kajian mendapati bahawa wanita yang mempunyai menopaus awal cenderung mendapat lemak perut tambahan.

7. Pengambilan Alkohol 
Tidak dinafikan pengambilan alkohol merupakan penyumbang kepada masalah buncit , ianya kerap terjadi kepada mereka yang gemar mengambil tanpa kawalan , sebab itu masalah buncit ini juga dikenali Beer belly bagi mereka yang kuat meminum beer.

8. Tekanan
Cortisol adalah hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar adrenal dan dikenali sebagai hormon stres kerana ia membantu badan bertindak balas kepada tekanan. Faktor tekanan sangat mempengaruhi berat badan yang menyebabkan pengumpulan lemak dalam perut. Pada ramai orang terutama wanita, ketika mengalami tekanan, selera makan akan meningkat terutama makan makanan manis tanpa mereka sedari.

9.Tidur yang Kurang
Mempunyai masalah  tidur yang kurang adalah salah satu perkara yang boleh menjejaskan kesihatan. Banyak kajian mendapati bahawa kurang tidur dapat meningkatkan risiko kenaikan berat badan, yang mempengaruhi lemak perut. Gangguan tidur juga boleh menyebabkan peningkatan berat badan. Salah satu gangguan yang paling biasa ialah gangguan apnea tidur adalah keadaan di mana nafas berhenti berulang kali pada waktu malam kerana tisu lembut di tekak menghalang saluran udara.selalunya tubuh badan menjadi stress dan ini memungkinkan risiko pengumpulan lemak terjadi.

10 .Kehadiran bakteria di dalam usus serta Cacing
Beratus-ratus jenis bakteria hidup di dalam usus anda, terutama di usus besar. Sesetengah bakteria wujud yang bermanfaat untuk kesihatan, terdapat juga bakteria yang tidak baik. Mengekalkan kesihatan kolon sangat penting untuk mengekalkan sistem imun yang sihat untuk mengelakkan penyakit ini. Para Penyelidik telah mendapati bahawa orang gemuk cenderung mempunyai lebih banyak bakteria Firmicutes di usus daripada pada orang yang mempunyai berat badan normal. Penyelidikan juga menunjukkan bahawa jenis bakteria ini dapat meningkatkan jumlah kalori yang diserap dari makanan sehingga dapat meningkatkan berat badan, termasuk lemak perut. Tidak menolak kemungkinan bakteria ini bersarang di kalangan orang yang kurus  juga. Selain itu penyakit kecacingan merupakan faktor penyebab kebuncitan pada perut bagi orang dewasa.

oleh itu amalan gaya hidup yang sihat merupakan pekara yang paling mudah , murah dan juga berkesan didalam mengatasi masalah ini . lakukan aktiviti olahraga yang baik , makanan yang simbang dan postur badan yang baik mampu mengubah penampilan anda . Wallahuaklam.

How to Overcome or Eliminate Dandruff

Tips on How to Overcome or Eliminate Dandruff

Bismillahirahmanirahim ,Did you know, dandruff is very closely related to the scalp. Dandruff will appear when the natural cycle of skin renewal is accelerated. That is, when the cycle of renewal is accelerated it will be a lot of dead skin cells (quickly die, fast growing) a pile of dead skin cells is what became dandruff on the scalp and hair. Here are tips on how to remove dandruff with a thorough adjusted to your condition.

Light Dandruff

  1. Wash daily with a gentle shampoo 
  2. Do not scratch your scalp while using shampoo; on the other hand, gentle scalp massage as this will not damage hair or scalp 
  3. Avoid using hair products like hairspray and gel or hair oil until dandruff is lost 
  4. Spending time out in the sun can help reduce dandruff. However, make sure you protect yourself with sunscreen with the right sun protection factor (SPF) for your skin type.

Heavy Dandruff
  1. If you have a more severe dandruff, it is necessary to use anti dandruff shampoo that is widely available in the market.
  2. Some of the widely used anti-dandruff shampoos that contain: Zinc pyrithione -
  3. Malassezia fungus killing function that causes dandruff
  4. Salicylic acid - Eliminate dandruff by softening and expelling piles of dead skin cells on the scalp (some people experience dryness of their scalp after using salicylic acid, to overcome this use conditioner after shampooing)
  5. Selenium sulfide - Eliminates dandruff by slowing down the production of skin cells and can also kill fungi
  6. Ketoconazole shampoo - has a powerful antifungal effect
Other risk factors that can be the cause of dandruff include:
  • Emotional stress
  • Rarely shampoo, or otherwise, shampoo too often -
  • in some people often shampoo can irritate the scalp and cause dandruff to appear.
  • Use hair products such as hairspray, hair gel, hair dye and others where you are sensitive to the substances it contains
  • Very hot or cold weather
  • Other skin diseases such as psoriasis or eczema - skin diseases that can attack the scalp, can cause dry, red and scaly skin
  • Obesity A weakened immune system, which can result from conditions like HIV or as a side effect of medications such as chemotherapy
  • People with neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease, Stroke or severe head injury often develop both dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. 
  • Not yet known exactly why it could happen 
I would like to say Not all shampoo types are suitable for everyone. For example, selenium sulfide may not be recommended for people with blond hair, as it can change hair color. As a precaution, the use of some types of anti dandruff shampoo can not be recommended if pregnant or breastfeeding. Therefore, always take note and read the instructions contained in shampoo product labels to be used. By knowing the cause and how to overcome dandruff, hopefully your dandruff will disappear completely and if it become severe make appointment with the dermatologist for further checking and treatment. wallahuaklam.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

5 food with high cholesterol

5 Food Cholesterol Challenge to Avoid for your health

Bimilahirahmanirahim , today in my blog just to highlight for all readers regarding of understanding about a food that we are consume had a high cholesterol. The high concentrations of LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels along with the decrease in HDL cholesterol levels in the blood are closely linked to an increased risk of heart disease as well as stroke. In addition to a less active lifestyle, this serious problem often arises because of lack of attention to food consumed. Here are some foods cholesterol restrictions that should be wary of when we put on our diet.

In Malaysia, The innards or organs in animals such as liver, brain, intestine and tripe are often processed into cooking seductive taste. However, for people with high cholesterol, this type of food should be avoided because it can increase levels of bad cholesterol in an instant. Moreover, offal is often in if with fried first and added coconut milk as in the dish soup, curry and others that will certainly increase cholesterol levels in it.

Fast food
Fast food ranging from pizza, burgers to frozen foods generally contain high calories but low in essential nutrients. In addition, this type of food is so synonymous with saturated fat is likely to increase levels of bad cholesterol (LDL)

Sweet Snack
Various sweet snacks such as donuts, pastries and food or packaged snacks on the market often contain trans fats and added sugars that can negatively affect blood cholesterol levels. Similarly with ice cream, soft drinks, energy drinks and various other beverage packaging should also be avoided.

Seafood, especially shrimp, squid, crab and shellfish are included in cholesterol dietary restrictions. Even so, the content or nutritional value contained in this type of food can not be ignored. So, for the owners of high cholesterol can actually consume them. But with some conditions. First, add the garlic, spices or lemon juice into the processed seafood preparations. Second, avoid cooking with fried or mixed with cream sauce. Steaming, boiling or baking is the best choice. Third, do not add salt or too much sugar. Finally, limit the portion not to excess. It is also advisable not to enjoy seafood with the addition of white rice because it can increase the existing caloric intake.

Fried Food
Food that is fried feels more delicious and tasty. But behind it all, fried foods that store the content of so high calories and bad fats that contribute greatly to the rise in blood cholesterol levels. To that end, the limit of eating various fried foods, especially those sold on the roadside. The reason, many food vendors out there who often do not replace the oil even though it has been used repeatedly even to blackened. It's good variety of processed fried foods are made at home. Because it tends to be healthier during the wise in choosing and using the oil to be used

For the conclusion is very simple ,For people with high cholesterol, make life changes early on. Pay attention to the food to be consumed. Increase fiber intake because it can help control blood sugar levels and binds cholesterol in the bloodstream to then be wasted through the feces. For types of foods such as egg yolks, milk and red meat that are often associated with increased blood cholesterol levels, it seems that it needs to be considered again. The reason, these three foods actually have high nutritional value is good for brain health, heart and body as a whole. The key, consume a variety of food just naturally not excessive. Expand to eat fruits, vegetables, grains also beans. Do not forget also to apply an active lifestyle with exercise routine 3 times a week and drink white water an average of 8 glasses a day. Wallahuaklam.