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Monday, July 30, 2018

The Food that can make you sleep faster

5 food can boost your sleep .

Bismillahirahmanirahim ,  i believe some people will have often difficult to close eyes at night? Do not worry and rush the drug consumption, the following natural food consumption can help you to sleep faster and effective  , From the Quoted from Eating Well, Saturday (3/2/2018), here's a list of foods that can make you feel drowsiness after eating it. Hopefully tonight it's not awake until it's too late.


Incredible fact and i didn't notice until i read and try on it ,Most fish, such as salmon and tuna, are a good source of vitamin B6. As published by the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences the Vitamin  from fish is required to produce melatonin or hormones that make you sleepy. So at dinner take a fish for your booster of sleep.

2.Cheese and Yoghurt

Clinical nutritionist from Integrative Medicine Center at Cleveland Clinic says dairy products can develop immunological reactions (casein and whey intolerance) on proteins, so they are susceptible to fatigue.Its one of the reason when you have difficulties in sleeping , take this two food and you will start to feel sleepy.

3.Bananas or nuts

Consumption of bananas will boost the  magnesium absorption  that help body muscle cells become relaxed. Similarly other magnesium sources such in a nuts, especially almonds, cashew nuts and peanuts. But in a certain dose, will make someone experience unusual drowsiness.

4.Eat rice before bedtime

In Asia i believe  rice is one of the most we take , with eating rice at dinner and when you are full and do not do anything, you can feel drowsy. Likewise when you eat rice and its side before bedtime. Although it makes you sleepy but these habits can cause stomach acid or gastroesophageal reflux. Avoid eating before going to bed, eating foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts like almonds, which do not cause sleep problems.

5.Wheat bread.

Wheat bread is usually consumed as a breakfast menu and can make sugar levels rise in the morning. Not least you will feel active and energetic. But the glucose intake of wheat bread will quickly fall down so it can make you fast sleepy even when it's too early.

    Drowsiness after eating is one of your body's responses to chemical changes caused by digestion. This means that this is normal for everyone. However, if drowsiness always comes up every time you finish eating and are very disturbing your activity, this may be a concern. Drowsiness after lunch can also be disturbing when you have to do the work again after lunch. But this 5 type of food is one of the alternative for the people have a sleep difficulties at night and i believe it will boost your sleepy hormone for your quality of sleep .Wallahuaklam.


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