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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

5 Foods can Causes High Blood pressure

5 Foods Causes High Blood pressure in your daily life

Bismilllahirahmanirahim , High blood pressure or hypertension can cause many serious health problems, such as stroke and heart disease. As a preventive measure, you should recognize what foods cause high blood pressure! .Hypertension is a condition where the pressure in the blood vessels exceeds the normal limit of 120/80 mmHg. Lifestyle, including the type of food consumed, has a major influence on the occurrence of these conditions. Therefore, it is important for you to know the following types of drinks and high blood pressure foods.

lets check it out in our daily consuming.

1.Salt or Sodium
In  Asian country salt use is one of the highest in the world , this is the variety of  Asian dish use a salt as one of their menu.Excess salt or sodium can lead to hypertension. The maximum consumption limit is 2,300 mg of sodium per day. As for patients with hypertension, consumption is recommended less than 1,500 mg of sodium per day or a third teaspoon.
In addition to table salt, high levels of sodium are also found in processed foods including pizza, canned food, packaged tomato sauce, processed meat, soy sauce, and ready-to-eat foods. Therefore, this variety of food is included in foods that cause high blood pressure.
On food packaging labels, sodium is sometimes disguised with 'Na' or 'soda'. So keep an eye on the composition listed before choosing it.

2. High Fat Food
We are understand ,Consumption of high content of saturated fat and trans fats can increase levels of bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein / LDL) in the blood. When the consumption is done repeatedly, LDL will accumulate and clog blood vessels in the vessels that aggravate the condition of hypertension to trigger coronary heart disease.
Trans fats are often found in packaged foods as well as fast food. This type of fat is used because it can maintain the taste and extend the shelf life of food.
Excess fat content can be contained in fried foods, red meat, chicken skin, butter, full cream milk, and coconut oil.

Not many know, sugar was also to be limited to people with hypertension. The reason, excessive sugar consumption can cause obesity which increases the risk of high blood pressure.
Limit consumption of sugar per day for men is 36 grams or about 9 teaspoons. While women should limit sugar intake as much as 24 grams or equivalent 6 teaspoons in a day.
To keep sugar levels normal, avoid the consumption of sweet foods and drinks. For example, cakes, coffee with additional artificial flavorings, sauce also fruit juice packaging, and canned fruit.
Sugar also has several pseudonyms in the packaging label. For example, sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). So keep your eye on that name.

4.Energy Drink ,coffee or Caffeine drink
One reason a person becomes awake after drinking coffee is the work of caffeine that temporarily increases blood pressure. This condition is not dangerous if it happens occasionally. But if too often, can be a trigger of hypertension.
Limit caffeine consumption is 400 mg per day or equivalent to 4 cups of coffee. In addition to coffee, soft drinks, tea, and energy drinks can also contain caffeine.

5.Alcohol Drink
People who are addicted with Alcoholic drinks, including red wine, should only be consumed 1 time per day for women and 2 times per day for men. Suggestion per serving equal to 1 glass of wine size 100 mL or 1 can of beer size 350 mL.
Overuse of this type of beverage and in amounts exceeding the recommended limit, may increase the risk of hypertension.

       Although the cause of hypertension is not known for certain, the type of food consumed plays an important role in the condition. Some of the foods that cause high blood that you need to avoid are alcohol and high sodium dish.
Instead, choose a high-fiber dish and rich in minerals. The dish can be found in vegetables, fruits, grains such as wheat, as well as nuts such as almonds.
In addition to maintaining a diet, diligent exercise can you apply. Not only high blood pressure, exercise can keep you away from various other health problems. Wallhuaklam


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