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Sunday, July 8, 2018

5 food with high cholesterol

5 Food Cholesterol Challenge to Avoid for your health

Bimilahirahmanirahim , today in my blog just to highlight for all readers regarding of understanding about a food that we are consume had a high cholesterol. The high concentrations of LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels along with the decrease in HDL cholesterol levels in the blood are closely linked to an increased risk of heart disease as well as stroke. In addition to a less active lifestyle, this serious problem often arises because of lack of attention to food consumed. Here are some foods cholesterol restrictions that should be wary of when we put on our diet.

In Malaysia, The innards or organs in animals such as liver, brain, intestine and tripe are often processed into cooking seductive taste. However, for people with high cholesterol, this type of food should be avoided because it can increase levels of bad cholesterol in an instant. Moreover, offal is often in if with fried first and added coconut milk as in the dish soup, curry and others that will certainly increase cholesterol levels in it.

Fast food
Fast food ranging from pizza, burgers to frozen foods generally contain high calories but low in essential nutrients. In addition, this type of food is so synonymous with saturated fat is likely to increase levels of bad cholesterol (LDL)

Sweet Snack
Various sweet snacks such as donuts, pastries and food or packaged snacks on the market often contain trans fats and added sugars that can negatively affect blood cholesterol levels. Similarly with ice cream, soft drinks, energy drinks and various other beverage packaging should also be avoided.

Seafood, especially shrimp, squid, crab and shellfish are included in cholesterol dietary restrictions. Even so, the content or nutritional value contained in this type of food can not be ignored. So, for the owners of high cholesterol can actually consume them. But with some conditions. First, add the garlic, spices or lemon juice into the processed seafood preparations. Second, avoid cooking with fried or mixed with cream sauce. Steaming, boiling or baking is the best choice. Third, do not add salt or too much sugar. Finally, limit the portion not to excess. It is also advisable not to enjoy seafood with the addition of white rice because it can increase the existing caloric intake.

Fried Food
Food that is fried feels more delicious and tasty. But behind it all, fried foods that store the content of so high calories and bad fats that contribute greatly to the rise in blood cholesterol levels. To that end, the limit of eating various fried foods, especially those sold on the roadside. The reason, many food vendors out there who often do not replace the oil even though it has been used repeatedly even to blackened. It's good variety of processed fried foods are made at home. Because it tends to be healthier during the wise in choosing and using the oil to be used

For the conclusion is very simple ,For people with high cholesterol, make life changes early on. Pay attention to the food to be consumed. Increase fiber intake because it can help control blood sugar levels and binds cholesterol in the bloodstream to then be wasted through the feces. For types of foods such as egg yolks, milk and red meat that are often associated with increased blood cholesterol levels, it seems that it needs to be considered again. The reason, these three foods actually have high nutritional value is good for brain health, heart and body as a whole. The key, consume a variety of food just naturally not excessive. Expand to eat fruits, vegetables, grains also beans. Do not forget also to apply an active lifestyle with exercise routine 3 times a week and drink white water an average of 8 glasses a day. Wallahuaklam.


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