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Monday, January 15, 2018

Poor blood circulation sign show

Poor blood circulation sign 

Bismillahirahmanirahim, this is one of the interesting topic that i like to share with every one, on how to scan your self for to find out What are the Signs of Bad Blood Circulation?
Human body is complex and intelligent sometime it will give you a sign before any of the problem appear , so in my blog here i want to share with you the top 10 sign of the poor blood circulation show in your body.

  1. The worse nightmare for the person who are name as a MAN is a Erectile Dysfunction            As we understand Erectile dysfunction or better known as impotence occurs due to disruption of blood flow to the penis. So as a result, some men who experience this condition can not afford the satisfaction of orgasm when making love with a beloved partner. If you feel one or more signs of bad blood circulation above, then immediately make lifestyle changes. Start to exercise more frequently and eat lots of vegetables as well as fruits. Make sure you stay away from stress, cigarettes are also alcohol intake.
  2. Impaired  or poor in a digestive system Just like other organs in a human body, the digestive or gastrointestinal system also requires a blood supply rich in oxygen to perform various functions such as digesting food and also provided good absorbing nutrient in stomach. As the blood circulation worsens, the digestive system will also decrease in function. The poor will show a result will arise a variety of digestive problems. Starting from abdominal pain, Bloated, Heart Burn  , diarrhea, colitis and other adverse effects that are not impossible can turn into a serious threat and treating your daily life and activities.
  3. Most common sign is a person always often feeling an experiencing Tingling in the Legs and Hands ,this is one of the most common symptoms due to poor blood circulation is characterized by numbness or tingling in the legs as well as hands. The sign of Poor blood circulation causes the feet or hands feel cold accompanied by numbness to sharp pain like a needle impaled and some in addition, a person with poor blood circulation usually often feel the pain in the calf as well as the feet after sitting or standing long, Most the sign disappears after he or she start to mobilize and walk.
  4. Another various and common sign is a person easy to get muscle fatigue. Muscle fatigue is a condition in which the muscle can no longer contract within a certain period of time due to the reaction of slowing of blood flow because of poor blood circulation makes the muscle lose energy. The common reaction is your body will become weak or less powerful. Poor blood circulation can also cause muscle cramps, especially in the lower limbs, ie thighs, calves to legs. Under certain conditions, muscle cramps can also be a form of complication from serious illnesses such as chronic renal failure, diabetes or peripheral arterial disease. (to understand more regarding to treat muscle pain  MUSCLE PAIN SYNDROME or MYOFACIAL PAIN)
  5. Brain and Cognitive Function deteriorate  is a one of Disorders Brain requires intake of oxygen and nutrients so large to perform its function and working, so even with levels far beyond other organs. To reach the brain,to carry the oxygen intake is also one of the nutrients in the blood is certainly very dependent on the smooth circulation of blood system. Therefore, when blood circulation worsens and blood can not flow perfectly to the brain sure and definitely  it will arise various disorders of cognitive function. Common sign of them are difficulty remembering, concentrating, difficulty learning new things and disorientation or confusion.
  6. Every one have a nightmare when your hair start to fall of ,the study show a hair loss is it could  be one of the sign a poor blood circulation in your body. This condition also applies to the nails, where poor blood circulation will greatly affect the health of the nail. Causes discoloration, thickening and slowing of nail growth.
  7. The most frequent sign we can see on leg is a Varicose veins , the poor blood circulation can also be marked by the appearance of the fine veins that poked around the back of the calf. The condition known as varicose veins is due to the weakening of the venous valves  for a certain individual and so that the blood flow to the heart becomes blocked and the burden of the vein will be more severe appearance that can cause a vein ulcer .(you can read and translate on it Apakah itu  varicose vein ?)
  8. The colour and a  Skin Changes can also be an indication that shows signs of poor blood circulation in a human body . Lack of blood intake into skin tissue can cause the skin to look pale  and some time look dull .The onset of livedo reticularis disease characterized by bluish-red patches of skin with reticular patterns such as nets always appears due to poor blood circulation at the skin
  9. Most another common sign is  Angina Narrowing of the arteries that will causes the circulatory system to be disturbed. Blood flow and oxygen to the heart muscle was choked so that will arise pain in the chest or angina. This condition can not be underestimated, because if it continues to happen it can be fatal to your life . (Heart Disease Prevention )
  10. The last is one of the key factors in human life is weakening of the Immune System. The circulatory system and the immune system are closely related and their work together as to be a tank or submarine in your body to fight the germs and virus. why i was saying that is the reason, white blood cells as the main component of the immune system, has one cell called monocytes. These monocyte cells circulate through the blood circulation system to penetrate the capillary wall before entering into the bloodstream tissue for several days its use to help to develop and strengthen your body to protect it from any outside bacteria or virus that can harm your life.
This is one of the tips i want to share , its important to understand on how to take care your health and to make sure you have a good blood circulation in your body ,in my blog here i put some of the related content that you can read and understand that you can find in my blog .Wallahuaklam.


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