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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Physiotherapy and Interview Question

Bismillahirahmanirahim , Today I have one of the candidate come for interview for physiotherapist jobs , what make me feel sad and upset is , this fellow didn’t prepare for the interview , when I ask why you are not prepared before interview , he say he didn’t expect the question and nervous , for me its not the answer I want to hear from a junior therapist ,so the most important thing is how your mind to get prepared before go for your interview and job. Here I want to share the question most been ask by interviewer for physiotherapy job scope.

1.       Why have you chosen to apply to us?
2.       What are your strengths and weaknesses in relation to physiotherapy?
3.       What has been your greatest achievement in the last year?
4.       What were the highlights of your course?
5.       What makes you angry?
6.       Does physiotherapy live up to your expectations of it?
7.       How would your housemates describe you?
8.       When would you perceive it acceptable to have time off work?
1.       How would you priorities patient treatment in a busy ward?
2.       What makes a good communicator?
3.       If your senior called in sick, how would you cope with her patients as well as your own?
4.       What priority would you give to paperwork under stressful conditions?
5.       Give an example of how you delegated during clinical placements.
1.       What makes an effective team?
2.       What is the difference between a student and a junior physiotherapist?
3.       What do you understand by the term ‘clinical governance’?
4.       What is the role of the CSP?
5.       What is the most important thing you can give as a physiotherapist?
6.       Give three reasons why we should keep POMR notes.
7.       What makes a good outpatient department?
8.       What non-clinical areas do you need to improve?

1.       What adaptations would you make when treating a ventilated head injury patient?
2.       What is the permeable brick wall in terms of Maitland?
3.       What would you do for an acute CVA patient?
4.       Why is the continuous passive movement machine important?
5.       How would you mobilize a 17 stone patient?

1.       What is the role of NICE?
2.       Which situations in physiotherapy are particularly risky/ dangerous?
3.       What considerations would need to be taken into account when discharging a patient from
4.       the ward into the community?
5.       How do physiotherapists contribute to the health & wellbeing of the general public,
6.       particularly related to topical issues.
Notice the latest topical issues – you may be asked for your opinion. You want to show
you are interested in the profession not just this job.

Hypothetical Situations
1.       What would you do with an awkward patient?
2.       What would you do if you disagreed with a consultant’s decision about
3.       treatment?
4.       If you were walking a patient from the ward and they fell over – what would you do?
5.       3pm on a Friday – you have just been asked to see 3 new patients, how would you
priorities them: an acute CVA; elderly lady with history of falls; man already mobilizing
with nurses?
Extra Questions
1.       What was your best / worst placement?
2.       The senior has rung in sick; how would you manage your and her wards?
3.       What things would you assess on a patient with back pain and what special questions
4.       would you ask subjectively?
5.       What were the highlights of your course?
6.       What would you do if a patient refused one treatment and specified another?
7.       What are your thoughts regarding placebo – do you dismiss it or not?
Note on the Interview Process
The notes below represent the norm for interviews at present:
  •  On their premises
  •  Often a chance to look round first if not already visited
  •  Normally the district physiotherapist plus say 2 superintendents (maybe a member of personnel)
  •  Usually half an hour to 35 minutes (in smaller hospitals often quite informal)
  •  Questions may include :

1.       clinical
2.       managerial
3.       professional
4.       personal
5.       topical issues
6.       hypothetical situations
  • May include you making a presentation or other individual or group exercises
  • Always a chance for you to ask questions
  • Notified normally by post a few days later (occasionally told on the day)


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