Dengan Nama Allah,yang tidak memberikan mudarat sesuatu di bumi dan juga di langit dan dia maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui..



Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Punca Peparu Bocor (Pneumothorax)

Paru Paru Bocor dan Kesan pada tubuh manusia.

Bismillahirahmanirahim , 3 Minggu lepas seluruh negara menangisi pemergian Wira kita iaitu Allahyarham Adib , Anggota Bomba yang terlibat di dalam rusuhan kuil seafield tempoh hari , semoga Allah Merahmati beliau sebagai seorang Syahid  (Al Fatihah). Kita semua dimaklumkan antara kecederaan yang dialami oleh arwah ialah tulang paru paru patah dan kebocoran paru paru .
Dalam blog saya , ingin saya kongsikan info apa itu yang dikatakan paru paru bocor , dan kesan terhadap tubuh badan manusia.

Kebocoran peparu adalah keadaan yang amat berbahaya. Sekiranya anda mengalami sakit dada atau bahu yang melampau disertai, sesak nafas, degupan jantung yang cepat, dan kulit berwarna bertukar kebiru dan kehitaman kerana kekurangan oksigen, anda mungkin mengalami kebocoran paru-paru tanpa anda sedari.
Dalam istilah dunia perubatan ,maslah  paru-paru bocor ini dikenali dengan istilah pneumothorax. apabila ini terjadi, Anda tetap boleh bernapas, akan tetapi paru-paru  anda tidak dapat mengembang secara normal, sehingga oksigen yang cuba diserap  akan berkurang serta mengakibatkan anda mengalami komplikasi pernafasan yang teruk.

Faktor terjadinya Peparu Bocor?
Secara umumnya ,Setiap orang mempunyai sepasang paru-paru, yang berfungsi untuk menerima serta menyerap oksigen untuk disalurkan ke sel darah merah dalam aliran darah. Tambahan pula, sel darah merah membawa oksigen ke seluruh badan, untuk digunakan dalam sel-sel badan bagi kelansungan kehidupan manusia. Bagi kami yang terlibat di dalam bidang perubatan , masalah kebocoran paru tidak boleh dianggap remeh dan mudah.Ini kerana keadaan ini, udara yang memasuki ruang antara paru-paru dan dinding dada boleh mengakibatkan Udara ini menekan dan memampatkan paru-paru dari luar, dengan itu ia  menghalang paru-paru untuk berkembang semasa bernafas. Kebiasaannya kebocoran hanya berlaku dalam satu bahagian paru-paru kecuali ianya boleh berlaku multiple atau banyak tempat jika terjadinya trauma atau kemalangan.

Punca Paru paru Bocor  boleh terjadi .

  1. Kecederaan pada bahagian dada,kecederaan akibat luka tembak atau luka dan luka yang tumpul, patah tulang rusuk, dan kemalangan kereta dimana stereng kereta menghentak kedada, Pukulan objek tumpul secara kuat di dada antara penyumbang masalah terjadinya peparu bocor ini.
  2. Terdapat penyakit paru-paru yang menyebabkan tisu paru-paru menjadi rosak dan bocor. Sebagai contoh, penyakit pulmonari obstruktif kronik (COPD) dan radang paru-paru,Pesakit Tibi dan Kanser Paru Paru.
  3. Kebocoran Paru-paru yang teruk boleh berlaku pada orang yang sihat. Sebagai contoh,Tekanan udara yang penuh dengan bentuk udara di luar paru-paru anda, kemudian pecah, menyebabkan tekanan secara tiba tiba seperti batuk yang terlalu kuat , Keadaan ini adalah paling biasa pada lelaki berusia di bawah 40 tahun dan selalunya mereka ini ialah Perokok Tegar.
  4. Pesakit yang Bernafas menggunakan mesin atau alat pernafasan, seperti ventilator dalam satu jangka masa yang lama.(Komplikasi)
  5. Pesakit yang Telah menjalani pembedahan pada dada atau perut.(Komplikasi)
  6. Pesakit yang mengalami saluran pernafasan yang tersumbat ,atau lemas di dalam air serta asap.

Paru paru yang bocor  adalah keadaan yang serius yang boleh mengancam nyawa jika tidak dirawat dengan serta-merta. Jika kebocoran hanya terjadi di bahagian kecil paru-paru, maka anda mungkin tidak mengalami gejala. Tetapi jika paru-paru yang bocor dalam kebanyakan  bahagian paru-paru anda, anda mungkin merasakan sesak nafas dan degupan jantung yang cepat tanpa dapat dikawal dan akan menyebabkan anda tercungap cungap. Kesan daripada Paru paru yang bocor boleh mengganggu proses penghapusan karbon dioksida yang biasanya akan dikeluarkan semasa kita menghembus nafas. Sekiranya tidak dikeluarkan, karbon dioksida boleh menyebabkan pH dalam darah dan cecair badan lain berkurang, dan boleh menyebabkan anda mengalami keracunan pernafasan yang dipanggil Metabolic Acidosis.

Apakah langkah pencegahan serta tindakan yang perlu anda tahu 
Pengendalian serta perawatan masalah paru paru bocor adalah untuk mengurangkan tekanan udara di rongga paru-paru dan untuk mengekalkan tekanan udara yang biasa di dalam paru-paru, Bagi menyokong proses pernafasan yang optimum. Jika perlu, doktor akan memasukkan jarum atau paip ke rongga paru-paru untuk mengeluarkan udara yang berlebihan.Dalam prosedur ini , pesakit perlu mendapatkan pemerhatian di hospital untuk mengelakkan komplikasi paru-paru akan bocor semula.

Dalam dunia perubatan ,Sebenarnya, tidak ada cara untuk mencegah paru-paru daripada bocor. Seseorang yang telah mengalami kebocoran paru-paru, dapat mengalaminya lagi jika mempunyai masalah serta risiko seperti yang saya nyatakan diatas. Tetapi terdapat beberapa perkara yang boleh dilakukan untuk mengurangkan risiko bocor paru-paru yang berulang.

Berikut adalah beberapa perkara yang perlu anda perhatikan, termasuk:
  • Jika anda seorang yang aktif merokok, anda boleh mula berhenti dari sekarang. Tanya doktor anda untuk mendapatkan bantuan sekiranya anda mengalami kesukaran untuk berhenti , ini kerana rokok antara penyebab punca kebocoran paru paru ini
  • Jika anda mempunyai penyakit paru-paru tertentu, berunding dengan doktor anda dengan kerap.
  • Elakkan aktiviti berisiko yang boleh menyebabkan perubahan tekanan dalam paru-paru, seperti menyelam atau selam skuba.
  • Jika anda mengalami hentakan didada yang kuat dan diikuti dengan kesukaran bernafas pastikan anda mendapatkan rawatan dengan segera
Oleh itu Jika anda mengalami beberapa gejala yang berkaitan dengan paru-paru yang bocor, anda dinasihatkan untuk mendapatkan rawatan perubatan dengan segera, kerana rawatan yang cepat dapat memulihkan anda. Jika keadaan paru bocor anda teruk, rawatan lewat boleh menyebabkan komplikasi yang membawa maut . Wallahuaklam.

The reason you feel itchy that you need to know .

Itchy is irritating,what is the cause? 

Bismillahirahmanirahim ,Itching is a sensation of discomfort in the skin that triggers reflexes to scratch. Although it seems simple, it is different when itching has affected the whole body. It might be a sign of a serious medical condition. Learn more about the following causes of itching throughout the body.
What factors are the cause of itching all over the body? There are various factors that cause itching throughout the body. Starting from dry skin due to an aging age or everyday bad habits to signs of systemic diseases, including kidney failure, cancer and HIV / AIDS

  • Psychic Factors

Psychological factors, such as stress, depression and other anxiety disorders are the causes of itching throughout the body that is often ignored. There are many cases like this, where the sufferer does not have a history of allergies or physical ailments, but complains of experiencing itching all over the body that does not go away. After consulting and seeing a doctor, it is known that the complaints they experience are sourced from psychological problems that are constantly stored. If you feel the same way, immediately get rid of psychological problems that are experienced through good stress management.

  • Dry Skin 
Dry skin is one of the most common causes of itching throughout the body, especially in the elderly. Because the age of a person gets older, the activity of the oil glands (sebaceous glands) that he has will decrease. In addition, the occurrence of dry skin can also be triggered by a number of reasons, such as environmental factors, drug side effects and bad habits such as frequent bathing with warm water, lack of drinking, often rubbing or scratching the skin roughly, etc

  • Skin Diseases 

There are many types of skin diseases that can cause itching in the body, such as eczema, psoriasis, scabies / scabies and chicken pox. As long as there is no secondary infection, the itching that results from this kind of skin disease will only affect certain areas of the body, not all.

  • Allergens & irritants 

The onset of itching throughout the body can also be caused by exposure to allergens or irritants, such as food, cosmetic products or daily body care, medicines (hypertension, cholesterol lowering, , etc.), air, dust, insect bites and more. In addition to itching and redness, reactions arising from exposure to allergens / irritants can be accompanied by swelling in certain areas of the body to life-threatening anaphylactic reactions.

  • Nervous Disorders 

Nervous disorders such as multiple sclerosis, diabetic neuropathy, pinched nerves or herpes zoster are among the causes of itching throughout the body that are not so well aware. In this case, itching usually arises accompanied by other symptoms. Some of them, namely severe fatigue, numbness in certain areas and decreased cognitive and motor skills.

  • Systemic Disease

 Possible other causes of itching throughout the body can be triggered by systemic diseases, such as in cases of kidney failure. Where there will be an increase in urea levels (the end result of protein metabolism) which will spread in the blood and cause itching manifestations throughout the body. Some other systemic diseases that can cause similar symptoms are liver dysfunction, thyroid disease, iron deficiency anemia, cancer

  • Pregnancy 

Actually the itching that is acquired during pregnancy can be considered normal and only mild. The condition experienced by about 25%- 30% of pregnant women is usually triggered by hormonal changes and increased blood supply to the skin. Breasts, abdomen and thighs are the areas most often visited by itching.

However, if the complaints of itching are so extreme or affect the whole body, it's good to immediately see a doctor. It is not impossible, this kind of complaint is caused by a serious medical condition called obstetric cholestasis, a pregnancy disorder associated with bile flow. Given the various causes of itching all over the body, it is important to immediately see a doctor, especially if it has lasted a long time or is accompanied by other symptoms. Thus the itching experienced can be treated based on the underlying cause. Wallahuaklam.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

How to Lower Insulin Rate Securely

How to Lower Insulin Rate Securely in your life 

Bismillahirahmanirahim,The presence of the hormone insulin in the body is needed to balance blood sugar levels. But if the levels are too high, it can have a negative impact on health such as the emergence of obesity, hypertension and high levels of fat in the blood. And in the long term it can lead to type 2 diabetes and heart disease. So before it's too late, find out various ways to reduce the following insulin levels.

There is various ways to reduce insulin levels that can be applied
A healthy diet and active lifestyle play a key role in reducing insulin levels. Someone with insulin and high blood sugar levels are required to undergo a low-carbohydrate diet while accompanied by consumption of foods rich in fiber and protein.Lifestyle which tends to be lazy must be changed to be more active, especially for office workers who often spend hours and hours sitting at the computer. Practice exercise at least 3 times a week and if necessary intermittent fasting so that the decrease in insulin levels is more effective.

Here's how to reduce insulin levels completely:

Low Carbohydrate Diet intake.
Of the 3 existing macronutrients, namely carbohydrates, proteins and fats, carbohydrates are the ones responsible for the surge in blood sugar and insulin instantly. Therefore, it is important to apply a low carbohydrate diet so that the levels of both in the body remain controlled.
Eat foods with a low glycemic index and combine them with protein and high-fiber foods to meet complete and balanced nutrition. Eat the right portion, don't overdo it.
As much as possible, avoid fast food as well as junk food and a number of foods and drinks with added sugars such as dried fruits, sweets, energy drinks, soft drinks, syrups, ice creams and others.

Oil Fatty Fish Consumption
Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, snapper and tuna provide high-quality protein. And so far is the best source of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids that have all kinds of benefits, including in helping to reduce insulin levels and triglyceride levels in people with obesity, gestational diabetes and polycystic ovary syndrome (polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS).

Take advantage of Natural Materials
Some natural ingredients that are known to help control blood sugar and insulin levels are green tea, apple cider vinegar and cinnamon. Green tea can be taken twice a day, both in the morning and at night. Apple cider vinegar can be taken as much as 2 tablespoons after a big meal. While cinnamon can be enjoyed by adding it to the food and drink that you want to serve.
If it is necessary, consume supplements or chemical drugs that can reduce blood glucose and insulin levels.

Get rid of stomach fat
The presence of belly fat (visceral fat) is closely related to many health problems. One of them is by increasing inflammation and insulin resistance which encourages hyperinsulinemia. Before it develops into a more serious health problem, get rid of existing abdominal fat immediately.
The first way is of course by exercising regularly, then proceed with increasing fiber intake and high protein foods, getting enough sleep and quality, fasting and various other ways

Try Intermittent Fasting
The results of studies conducted by experts show that intermittent fasting has been shown to help reduce weight and insulin levels as effective as limiting daily calorie intake.
Intermittent fasting is a dietary arrangement that applies the fasting cycle without having to avoid or consume certain foods. There are 3 main methods that can be applied depending on the ability of each body, namely, the 16/8 method, the method "eat, stop, eat", and finally the method 5: 2.
The 16/8 method is applied by fasting for 16 hours every day, while the remaining 8 hours are intended as meal times. The method of 'eat, stop, eat' is a day of fasting and a day of breaking fast. While in the 5: 2 method, it is done by applying a normal diet (1800-2000 calories) for 5 days and in the next 2 days calorie intake must be limited to a maximum of 500-600 calories.

Apply Active Lifestyle
Whether we realize it or not, technological advances often make a person become lazy to move and love practicality. For example, by choosing to ride an escalator or elevator instead of having to climb stairs. Prefer to spend time with the gadget rather than having to bathe in sweat outside the home. And various other examples.
Lifestyle that seems lazy is actually very not good for health, especially for owners of high blood sugar / insulin levels that are so vulnerable to chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes. Therefore, start moving actively and productively from now on. Not only as a way to reduce insulin levels, but for overall body health.
Start first with simple things, such as preferring to climb stairs, take a light walk for 10 minutes each sitting for 1 hour, cycling rather than motorized when having to go out at a distance that is not too far away and various other simple ways that can be applied but often ignored .

Continue with Routine Exercises
After getting involved full of active lifestyles, then continue to exercise regularly at least 3 times a week for 30-60 minutes / once a sport. To reduce insulin or blood sugar levels, cardio or aerobic exercise such as cycling, jogging, aerobics, running or swimming are the most effective.

In order to be more energetic and can be applied continuously, invite family, friends or close relatives to exercise together. Or join the sports community spread in their respective cities.
