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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

How to Lower Insulin Rate Securely

How to Lower Insulin Rate Securely in your life 

Bismillahirahmanirahim,The presence of the hormone insulin in the body is needed to balance blood sugar levels. But if the levels are too high, it can have a negative impact on health such as the emergence of obesity, hypertension and high levels of fat in the blood. And in the long term it can lead to type 2 diabetes and heart disease. So before it's too late, find out various ways to reduce the following insulin levels.

There is various ways to reduce insulin levels that can be applied
A healthy diet and active lifestyle play a key role in reducing insulin levels. Someone with insulin and high blood sugar levels are required to undergo a low-carbohydrate diet while accompanied by consumption of foods rich in fiber and protein.Lifestyle which tends to be lazy must be changed to be more active, especially for office workers who often spend hours and hours sitting at the computer. Practice exercise at least 3 times a week and if necessary intermittent fasting so that the decrease in insulin levels is more effective.

Here's how to reduce insulin levels completely:

Low Carbohydrate Diet intake.
Of the 3 existing macronutrients, namely carbohydrates, proteins and fats, carbohydrates are the ones responsible for the surge in blood sugar and insulin instantly. Therefore, it is important to apply a low carbohydrate diet so that the levels of both in the body remain controlled.
Eat foods with a low glycemic index and combine them with protein and high-fiber foods to meet complete and balanced nutrition. Eat the right portion, don't overdo it.
As much as possible, avoid fast food as well as junk food and a number of foods and drinks with added sugars such as dried fruits, sweets, energy drinks, soft drinks, syrups, ice creams and others.

Oil Fatty Fish Consumption
Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, snapper and tuna provide high-quality protein. And so far is the best source of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids that have all kinds of benefits, including in helping to reduce insulin levels and triglyceride levels in people with obesity, gestational diabetes and polycystic ovary syndrome (polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS).

Take advantage of Natural Materials
Some natural ingredients that are known to help control blood sugar and insulin levels are green tea, apple cider vinegar and cinnamon. Green tea can be taken twice a day, both in the morning and at night. Apple cider vinegar can be taken as much as 2 tablespoons after a big meal. While cinnamon can be enjoyed by adding it to the food and drink that you want to serve.
If it is necessary, consume supplements or chemical drugs that can reduce blood glucose and insulin levels.

Get rid of stomach fat
The presence of belly fat (visceral fat) is closely related to many health problems. One of them is by increasing inflammation and insulin resistance which encourages hyperinsulinemia. Before it develops into a more serious health problem, get rid of existing abdominal fat immediately.
The first way is of course by exercising regularly, then proceed with increasing fiber intake and high protein foods, getting enough sleep and quality, fasting and various other ways

Try Intermittent Fasting
The results of studies conducted by experts show that intermittent fasting has been shown to help reduce weight and insulin levels as effective as limiting daily calorie intake.
Intermittent fasting is a dietary arrangement that applies the fasting cycle without having to avoid or consume certain foods. There are 3 main methods that can be applied depending on the ability of each body, namely, the 16/8 method, the method "eat, stop, eat", and finally the method 5: 2.
The 16/8 method is applied by fasting for 16 hours every day, while the remaining 8 hours are intended as meal times. The method of 'eat, stop, eat' is a day of fasting and a day of breaking fast. While in the 5: 2 method, it is done by applying a normal diet (1800-2000 calories) for 5 days and in the next 2 days calorie intake must be limited to a maximum of 500-600 calories.

Apply Active Lifestyle
Whether we realize it or not, technological advances often make a person become lazy to move and love practicality. For example, by choosing to ride an escalator or elevator instead of having to climb stairs. Prefer to spend time with the gadget rather than having to bathe in sweat outside the home. And various other examples.
Lifestyle that seems lazy is actually very not good for health, especially for owners of high blood sugar / insulin levels that are so vulnerable to chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes. Therefore, start moving actively and productively from now on. Not only as a way to reduce insulin levels, but for overall body health.
Start first with simple things, such as preferring to climb stairs, take a light walk for 10 minutes each sitting for 1 hour, cycling rather than motorized when having to go out at a distance that is not too far away and various other simple ways that can be applied but often ignored .

Continue with Routine Exercises
After getting involved full of active lifestyles, then continue to exercise regularly at least 3 times a week for 30-60 minutes / once a sport. To reduce insulin or blood sugar levels, cardio or aerobic exercise such as cycling, jogging, aerobics, running or swimming are the most effective.

In order to be more energetic and can be applied continuously, invite family, friends or close relatives to exercise together. Or join the sports community spread in their respective cities.



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