Dengan Nama Allah,yang tidak memberikan mudarat sesuatu di bumi dan juga di langit dan dia maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui..



Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Weakest Heart

The Types of Weakest Heart 

Bismillahirahmanirahim,In the early stages, weak cardiac characteristics may have no symptoms. But once the condition gets worse, then various conditions can arise. Therefore recognize the weak heart symptoms from the beginning so that you can anticipate it. The absence of severe symptoms of weak cardiac arrest, make the sufferer still alive and normal. It is these that often deceive many, they do not realize that the heart is weakening from time to time.
       However, whenever you experience weak cardiac characteristics, you should immediately consult your doctor. This is because in some cases, weak cardiac symptoms can deteriorate rapidly so as to threaten safety. One of the major causes of heart failure is cardiomyopathy. In most cases, this disease will make the heart muscle in a weak condition so unable to pump blood to the whole body as it should. Based on the cause, whether coronary heart disease or drug side effects, there are actually various types of cardiomyopathy. But they all can lead a person to experience weak cardiac characteristics.

Here are the features of the weak heart that you should be aware of:

Short Breath 
Whether it's time or activity while relaxing, weak heart patients generally have a short breath. Not only that, some sufferers often find themselves breathless, especially if the activity is too heavy. This condition is caused by weak heart contraction making the blood less pumped well so that eventually a lot of blood that is crowded with lungs.

Often cough
 If you often have a long-standing cough, which does not heal, or often recurrence, it is not a common cough disease. It may be one of the weak heart characteristics. The cause is the presence of fluid in the lungs which can be a mixture of blood and sputum. Therefore, those with heart disease often have blood cough.

Easy to forget 
Not only elderly people who often forget, young people can. One of the causes is the lack of oxygen intake (which is carried blood) to the brain so memory is decreasing.

The heart sounds like a whisper (heart murmur)
 Not only pounding, weak heart patients may find that her heart produces some kind of noise. This sound can be clarified its existence with the help of a stethoscope.

Chest pain 
Something overloaded Feeling And especially after the activity or eating heavily, if you often feel pressure on the chest, it is also one of the most common weakest heart characteristics. Beware also because it can be a sign of the Coronary Heart Disease

High blood pressure or low 
It is no secret that heart disease is often associated with high blood pressure. And these two diseases are synonymous with high levels of salt in the body. As mentioned above, heart failure in working ideally ultimately forces the kidney to store more salt in the body so that blood pressure goes up. However, one of the weak heart characteristics is also characterized by low blood pressure. This is because the weak heart pump function will have a weak pressure as well.

Lack of appetite decreases 
The average heart rate sufferer has no appetite and ideal weight. This is because of the healthy blood intake that should reach the digestive organs a bit, so often a sense of satiety although the sufferer may not eat at all. Also due to disturbance of liver function.

Often headaches
 The lack of oxygen intake to the brain can also make headaches. While the amount of certain substances (such as sodium for example) in the blood is uncontrollable, it can cause less focus. No wonder some people do not realize that he's suffering from a weak heart.

Heart palpitations 
Do not complain If the heart is often pounding (arrhythmia) or too fast (palpitations), when there is no idol in the surroundings, then this is also a sign that you have a weak heart. This is because the heart is trying to mask its weakness by speeding up its performance in distributing blood throughout the body

Easily tired, sweaty, and unconscious 
This symptom is not only caused by a weak heart, as many other conditions can cause it. When the heart fails to contract as it should, oxygen carried by the blood will not spread properly to the tissues and organs of the body. This causes the function of the organs and tissues of the body to decrease so that it makes one easy to tired. Therefore, it is no wonder that weak cardiac sufferers are also easily sweating and unconscious.

Foot swelling Legs and hands look swollen
The trigger may be due to disturbance of blood flow to the kidneys so it forces the organ to produce more hormones. Consequently, salt and water buildup occurs. Swollen feet can also occur as blood flow to the heart becomes obstructed, because the weak heart makes the blood queue to get there.

Swelling Vein in the neck
The next characteristic weak heart is increased jugularis vein pressure (JVP). The venous vein is located on the neck, left and right sides of the front. Increased JVP (jugular vein pressure) occurs due to blood flow from the head area to the heart is blocked so much blood is stacked (blocked). From the outside it will grow bigger.

Finger clubbing 
When cyanosis lasts long, then the growth of fingers and nails will be affected. Finger tabs mean that the fingertip has a larger size such as a drum stick, with a nail so curly.

The term medical cyanosis means bluish, bluish is caused by the amount of carbon dioxide over oxygen in the blood. Patients with weak heart will certainly experience this because blood flow is not smooth so that the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide becomes not as fast as normal people. Blueness can be seen on the lips, palms, nails, and mouth.

The liver Megally
 The explanation is similar to the weak cardiac character in point 8 above, due to blood flow to the heart inhibited, there is a dam in the liver. Thus the liver becomes swollen and enlarged, of course it will cause symptoms of discomfort in the stomach and also decreased appetite.

Large abdomen 
The dehydration of the fluid, whether in the abdomen or lungs, can make the body of the weak heart patients appear bloated or large. This happens because the heart failure condition will cause disturbance as well as liver function. When the liver function is also disturbed, the buildup of the fluid is not only on the feet, but also on the stomach called ascites.

Nausea is the sensation of an urge to vomit. Nausea can be acute and short-lived, or it can be prolonged. When prolonged, it is a debilitating symptom of the Heart weakness, Nausea symptoms are frequently difficult for people to describe. Nausea symptoms are not painful but very uncomfortable feelings that are felt in the chest, upper abdomen, or back of the throat. Nausea can also be associated with the sign of heart problem.

If you are experiencing one or more of the above, then check with the nearest hospital and get a consultation with the Dr. Its better to prevent rather than make it worse .Wallahuaklam

Monday, September 24, 2018

The Good and Miracle of Vitamin D

The Effect of Vitamin D in your body

Bismillahirahmanirahim,If we remember sitting lessons in elementary school, maybe there have been some benefits of vitamin D that we all know for bone and tooth health. But do you know, there are still many vitamin D functions for other body health. Vitamin D is also called sunshine vitamin because it is the only vitamin that can be produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight, with the provitamin D stage in the body being converted to vitamin D. This fat-soluble vitamin is also contained in a variety of types of foods such as tofu, tempeh, soy milk, fish oil and others

 Benefits of Vitamin D For Body Health 
The most important vitamin D function is to regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, as well as facilitate normal immune system functions. That's why vitamin D is beneficial for normal growth and development of bones, teeth, and increased body resistance to certain diseases. So our need for this vitamin should always be met. On the contrary, if the body does not get enough vitamin D, it will be at risk for bone disorders such as osteomalacia (soft bone) or osteoporosis (hollow bone). As mentioned earlier, the primary benefit of vitamin D is for bone health. However, the relationship between vitamin D and bone metabolism is more complicated than you might have thought.The function of vitamin D here is the role of increasing calcium in the bloodstream so that the rate is maintained at normal level. This will be accomplished by increasing calcium absorption through food, then inhibiting calcium expenditure through urine, but there are other adverse mechanisms that are by attracting calcium from the bone matrix when the body is deficient in calcium and there is no source of calcium from the outside (food intake). Thus, vitamin D to maintain bone health will be achieved when our calcium intake is also met. Each bony fish, including sardines or canned salmon, is a rich source of vitamin D and calcium that will support the function of vitamin D for this purpose.

Blood Sugar Controls 
Vitamin D deficiency will make the risk of diabetes mellitus become higher. This is supported by the study that making vitamin D back to normal can help reverse some of the risks. Although research has not been entirely consistent, however, the benefit of this one is very important.

Immunity (endurance) 
Vitamin D has an important role in the maturation of white blood cells, which are the body's defense cells that are the main fortress of our defense against a variety of infectious diseases. In particular, researchers have found a relatively consistent relationship between Vitamin D deficiency and increased risk of respiratory infections.

Other Benefits
 During the past decade, the benefits of vitamin D have become a very popular scientific research topic. For this reason, a new study investigating the benefits of vitamin D continues to appear in different places. Some potential benefits of vitamin D include:

  • Reducing Asthma Attack: A daily dose of 7.5-30 mcg (300-1,200 IU) may reduce the likelihood of asthma attacks in school-age children. Ordinary Flu Prevention: Eating vitamin D supplements can help reduce the risk of upper respiratory infections (ARI).
  •  Rapid post-operative recovery: Adequate blood levels may help speed up recovery after surgery. 
  • Chronic Disease Reduction: Sufficient blood vitamin D levels can help reduce pain in some people, but not all, only people who suffer from some types of chronic illnesses.
  •  Easier Birth Process: Consuming vitamin D supplements during pregnancy can help increase the height and weight of the baby at birth. 
  • Parkinson's Disease Protection: Higher blood vitamin D levels can reduce the risk of Parkinson's development. 
  • Decreasing Mental Pain Related to Age: Sufficient blood vitamin D levels can reduce the risk of mental illness among parents. 
It is important to note that research on the benefits of vitamin D listed above is generally still rare and very likely to be debated. The articles in this article can not be the only health reference or specific information regarding the benefits of vitamin D as the main theme of the discussion this time. Vitamin D plays an important role in the body and it does not need to be debated anymore. As such, always keep vitamin D intake, either through food, sun exposure or a more optimum health supplement. Wallahuaklam.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

5 Kesan buruk dari sifat Marah pada badan manusia.

Apa yang terjadi kepada tubuh badan anda ketika Marah ?

Bismillahirahmanirahim , dalam ulasan blog saya pada bulan ini saya ingin kongsikan tentang perkara yang boleh belaku kepada tubuh badan manusia ketika kita marah.

1. Kesan kepada bahagian otak dan pemikiran manusia
adakah anda pernah rasa sakit kepala dan pada bahagian telinga anda rasa panas serta kepala menjadi bingung apa bila anda marah , ini berlaku kerana Ketika marah, darah akan  mengalir deras ke korteks frontal pada bahagian otak sehingga menjadikan pemikiran anda berada dalam keadaan tidak rasional dan paling bahaya ianya menjadikan anda kurang waras ketika marah (Oleh itu Anda tidak disarankan membuat keputusan ketika saat  anda sedang marah). Sebuah Kajian dilakukan oleh Dr Elizabeth Mostofsky, an instructor in the department of epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston menemukan hasil kajian antara marah mengakibatkan berlakunya stroke yang diakibatkan oleh pembuluh darah pecah di bahagian kepala disebabkan tekanan darah menjadi tinggi. Bahaya bukan jika kita terlalu marah.

2. Kesan Kepada Jantung Manusia
Apabila kita marah tekanan darah meningkat disebabkan penghasilan hormon adrenalin yang tinggi , ini akan mengakibatkan rentak Jantung menjadi laju dan tekanan darah manusia menjadi tinggi , jika ini kerap terjadi maka kesan kepada jantung amatlah buruk ini kerana marah akan menukarkan rentak jantung menjadi tidak stabil , bagi mereka yang mempunyai risiko , kesan ini akan mengakibatkan mereka berisiko mendapat serangan jantung yang lebih 3 kali ganda , oleh itu apabila anda marah debaran jantung itu memberitahu bahawa jantung anda sedang bekerja terlalu tinggi yang memungkinkan anda boleh kena serangan jantung ( sebab tu banyak drama melayu asal marah je sakit jantung , memang betul lah tu )

3. Kesan kepada Paru paru
Adakah anda perasan ketika anda marah dada anda menjadi sempit dan menyebabkan anda bernafas dengan laju , ini kerana pembuluh darah anda berkembang dengan terlalu drastik dan akan mengakibatkan peparu anda mengembang 2x ganda bagi menyeimbangi pernafasan anda , sebab itu kita apabila marah nafas menjadi pantas dan kuat , kesan buruk ialah ianya akan mengakibatkan peparu anda menjadi kejang dan sempit sehingga menyukarkan anda bernafas , bagi mereka yang mempunyai masalah lelah dan asma risiko mendapat serangan asma adalah 5x ganda , sebab itu marah ini boleh menyebabkan juga anda rasa hendak pitam kerana oksigen tidak sampai ke otak disebabkan paru paru anda tidak dapat berkembang dengan normal.

4.Kesan Pada Imun sistem
Kajian yang dilakukan para penyelidik mendapati orang yang kerap marah selalunya mempunyai pelbagai masalah kesihatan antaranya mudah kena demam , selsema , batuk ,paru paru berair dan yang paling kita takuti ialah ianya mengundang Kanser , ini kerana marah akan mengakibatkan hormon stress lebih banyak dirembeskan oleh otak , oleh itu sistem pertahanan badan manusia akan menjadi semakin lemah dan mudah dijangkiti oleh bakteria dan juga virus , so hendak imun sistem badan yang kuat kurangkan sifat marah anda.

5.Kesan pada sistem saraf manusia.
Kesan sifat marah juga amat memberikan kesan yang buruk kepada sistem saraf manusia , ini kerana ianya akan mengakibatkan otak menjadi celaru dalam menerima apa apa isyarat dari sistem saraf , sebab itu kita lihat selalunya orang yang terlalu marah mereka menjadi kebal dari sakit dan mereka mampu melakukan pekara yang merbahayakan tubuh badan mereka , sebagai contoh jika mereka marah dan mengamok mereka kebal dari tembakan ,ini terbukti kerana isyarat sakit akan terputus untuk diterima dari otak disebabkan tekanan darah yang terlalu meningkat , sebab itu juga kita biasa lihat mereka yang marah ini akan cuba menyakiti tubuh badan mereka dengan melakukan sesuatu diluar jangkaan disebabkan sistem saraf menjadi lumpuh sementara.

Oleh itu kesan marah ini banyak negatif dari positif kerana boleh dikatakan seluruh sistem tubuh badan manusia akan menjadi rosak dan tidak normal, kajian juga menunjukkan orang yang panas baran ini selalunya umur mereka tidak panjang disebabkan kerosakan dari segi rohani dan fizikal yang akan memberikan kesan dalam jangka masa yang tertentu .
Ingat lah rasulallah pernah bersabda

  • "Apabila salah seorang antara kamu marah,dan ketika itu ia dalam kedudukan berdiri, maka hendaklah ia duduk kerana hal itu akan menghilangkan marahnya dan kalau tidak, maka hendaklah ia berbaring." (Riwayat Muslim)
  • "Marah itu datangnya daripada syaitan, dan syaitan itu diciptakan daripada api, sedangkan api itu hanya dipadamkan dengan air. Oleh itu, apabila salah seorang antara kamu marah, maka hendaklah ia berwuduk." (Hadis Riwayat Abi Daud)

Sebagai orang islam jadikan ianya sebagai panduan kerana sifat marah ini mengundang keburukan daripada kebaikan wallahuaklam.