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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Prevent Hemorrhoids in easy way

5 Easy Ways to Prevent Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids) Naturally

Bismillahirahmanirahim, Hemorrhoids are a medical condition in which swollen veins (venous) around the anus or lower rectum occur. Although not classified as a deadly disease, hemorrhoids can cause discomfort due to itching and pain around of affected area.
Disease that in the medical world known as hemorrhoid is closely related to one's lifestyle. Although it can not be ruled out, in some cases the hemorrhoid is due to age and heredity. But still, lifestyle becomes an important aspect both in the prevention and healing of hemorrhoid

Here are some ways to prevent hemorrhoid naturally 
1. Increase fiber intake 
Increase fiber intake and keep the body hydrated to be a smart way to avoid hemorrhoid. The reason, the fulfillment of both needs in the body will greatly affect the shape and texture of the stool is soft and ideal that can be easily removed. There are many choices of fibrous foods that can be enjoyed, ranging from fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Combine everything as a daily food menu. Adequately gradually and do not overdo it to avoid excess gas production. To meet the adequacy of water in the body, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This recommendation is not absolute, because it depends on the activity of each individual. Clear urine color may be an indicator of the adequacy of water in the body.

2.Exercise regularly
Exercise regularly certainly can not be separated as one way to prevent hemorrhoid naturally. Regular exercise 2 to 3 times a week, with a span of 30 minutes per session, was able to ward off the arrival of constipation while reducing the pressure on the blood vessels. Application of an active lifestyle with regular exercise also become a powerful tool in losing weight. Where obesity or excess weight is one trigger factor that contributes to the emergence of hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids. Choose a light sport, such as jogging, cycling or swimming. Do not exercise too much, especially heavy weight lifting, because it can increase abdominal pressure and increase a risk to have the hemorrhoid.

3.Do not Waste a lot of Time in the Bathroom
There are some people who like to spend time in the bathroom while defecating by doing various activities, such as playing his favorite smartphone. Viewed from the medical side, this habit should be abandoned. Not without reason, too long squatting when the bowel movement can make the muscles around the anus tighten as well as put extra pressure on the blood vessels. Both of these factors can then develop the risk of hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids.

4.Immediately Remove
Almost similar to the protracted habit in the bathroom, the habit of procrastinating and defecating  was often underestimated and done many people. Though this condition can trigger constipation because the feces that harden and dry.The shape and texture of the stool is not ideal that is then forced someone to push as hard as possible so that feces can be removed. If too often, the strain is too strong when the defecating can increase intra-abdominal pressure that leads to the formation of hemorrhoid. In addition, do not also impose defecation when it is not time. So remove it at the right time, when it has already arisen unbearable sensation in the stomach. Do not procrastinate or speed up prematurely.

5.Avoid Sitting or Standing Too Long 
Sit or stand too long, can both cause or aggravate the hemorrhoids experienced. Why? as both can trigger blood clots in the veins around the anus or rectum. As a result blood can not be channeled back to the heart so that there is swelling. For that, do stretch every 1 hour once after sitting or standing, at least for 5 minutes. Also avoid a hard seat, try to sit on a pillow or padded base. Those are some ways to prevent hemorrhoids that can be applied.

So the conclusion is if you already experienced it, then do the treatment as soon as possible before developing into a severe degree. Several types of foods that must be considered by people with hemorrhoids such as fast food, meat, milk and derivatives products, alcohol, caffeine and acid foods are also spicy. Do a high-fiber diet and meet the needs of water in the body to speed healing. Wallahuaklam.


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