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Thursday, March 1, 2018

High Blood pressure in young age

15 reason a High Blood pressure in young age

Today i want to share regarding an info , how a young people will be have a high blood pressure.
All medical line people will be understand that One of the deadly diseases that can threaten human life today is high blood pressure. This disease has long been in the middle of human life. The existence of this disease is sometimes overlooked by the community and it reduces community awareness of the dangers it can cause. Additionally, the prevention and treatment of the disease is sometimes not exactly done so it only poses a more dangerous disease.
       High blood pressure disease generally occurs in populations with age range 40 and above. In other words, this disease often attacks humans who are in the early adult age range until the age of the elderly. However, it is not possible if the disease is also suffered by young people and even children. This is due to the lifestyle and differences in the metabolic conditions of the human body. Therefore, everyone should be aware of the arrival of this disease in their body.

The causes of high blood are so varied. The diversity of causes of high blood disease should you be aware of .The cause of high blood can come from anywhere. Here are 15 high blood causes you should know and to understand why it affected a young people.

1.Aging Factors
The natural cause of high blood disease is aging process. Aging is a major factor in the coming of various diseases within human beings. Human can not avoid this aging because inevitably this will happen to him. Humans can only prepare for the coming of old age so that the arrival of various diseases can be postponed or even prevented.

In addition, the increase in age will causes the biological system in the human body increasingly weakened. The weakening of metabolism and biological system in the human self makes human body will decrease function. One of the effects of decreased biological function in this body is the decrease in the ability of the heart due to accumulation of harmful substances in the body causing high blood pressure.

In general, high blood diseases come or approach people who have age above 60 years. However, this does not rule out the possibility of high blood pressure coming to people who are teenagers and early adults. Therefore, you should still be wary of high blood pressure whenever and no matter your age.

2.Heredity or Genetics
The existence of hereditary or genetic factors in the cause of the emergence of high blood disease is currently in debate or further research. The existence of this factor is almost the same as other genetic factors in certain diseases. Despite being in an undisclosed debate, the facts say that high blood diseases seem to decline from parents to offspring.

Apart from parents to offspring (her children), the decline of this high blood disease also arises and arises in the identical twin siblings. Health statistics tell us that there are so many cases of high blood pressure from parents to children or among candidates had been recorded.

3.Excess Weight or Obesity
The Common and acurate cause of high blood disease is overweight from a person. Being overweight or obese is a condition in which a person's weight exceeds her ideal weight. Overweight from a person occurs when there is overweight by 30% of their ideal body weight. If it happens to you then you should be careful about the coming of this hypertension disease.

The relationship between obesity and hypertension is the buildup of minerals in the body. The buildup of these minerals - especially fats - makes the heart's performance harder in pumping blood. When the heart works too hard to pump blood it will arise diseases that accompany it, one of them hypertension or high blood pressure.

4.Excessive Cigarette Consumption
We understand and also known ,the risk factors for high blood pressure disease will be higher in a smoker. Smokers here are defined as someone who inhales secondhand smoke both actively and passively. Both types of smokers have a similar risk in terms of high blood disease. Therefore, you should be careful and better avoid the use of cigarette smoke either actively or passively.

The presence of harmful substances in cigarettes (tar, nicotine and so forth) trigger the growth of blood inhibitors in the blood vessels themselves. If this happens then you need to be careful. This can lead to heart failure because the heart works too hard in doing its job of pumping blood. If it is so the risk of getting high blood pressure or hypertension will get bigger inside you.

5.Poor Diet
Another one factor  that causes many diseases to come within a person is a substance or nutrients that enter into the body. In this case, substances or nutrients that enter into the body has the potential to cause many things related to the health of the person. If you eat foods that contain substances or good nutrition then you will experience excellent health. Conversely, if you eat foods containing harmful substances then your body will be threatened health.

In the case of the cause of high blood disease, the substance you must avoid is foods that contain saturated fat in large quantities. In addition, you must also avoid foods with high levels of carcinogens. Foods with these contents will make your body difficult to digest. Difficulty digesting these substances will cause obstacles in the blood regulation resulting in the appearance of high blood.

6.Consumption of Alcohol intake
Consumption of other harmful substances that can trigger the growth of symptoms and high blood disease is the consumption of beverages containing alcohol or derivatives. Alcohol consumption has become a culture in society because of the imitation of western culture. Consumption of foods or substances that contain alcohol causes the pile of alkaline substances in the body that will cause embankment inside the walls of blood vessels.

The thicker pile along these blood vessels (especially the heart / arterial blood vessels) will create strong pressure on the bloodstream throughout the human body. If humans have a strong pressure along the blood vessels then there will be the possibility of rupture of the blood vessels and cause bleeding.

On the other hand, the consumption of alcoholic beverages also pose a danger to other parts of the body, the kidneys. Substances brought by alcohol will reduce the absorption of water in the body so the kidneys can not process minerals in the body. As a result, these minerals will be wasted. The rest, this will cause various other diseases such as: urinary stones, kidney failure, kidney stones and other kidney problems.

7.High Caffeine entering In Body
Consumption of foods or beverages that contain excess caffeine will have adverse effects on your body. Consumption of foods and drinks that contain caffeine is usually done by workers who often stay up late or sleep late. Excessive consumption of caffeine will lead to faster heartbeats or pulsations. An increasingly rapid heart pulse will make the blood pump faster and will increase blood pressure along the bloodstream.

In addition to the rapid heart pounding, caffeine substances that accumulate will cause obstruction or blockage in the walls of human blood vessels. Blockage or pile in the walls of these blood vessels will cause blood pressure is stronger so that the potential for the emergence of high blood diseases.

8.Lack of exercise and Sports Activities
Sports activities and exercise are an activity that is very important for humans. By running this activity then you will directly train your fitness and refresh the muscle condition on your body. In addition, you also indirectly train and refresh your mind and mental. Your mental and mental refreshments will keep you from depression or stress from external pressure.

Specifically, regular sports activities and regularly will make your system regulation work normally and regularly. Normally regulation of the system in your body will make the whole flow or performance in your body run normally. With a normal system in your body will make your body can do a pretty good metabolism. Therefore, you need to have time to exercise and train your body regularly and regularly.

9.Cholesterol buildup in blood vessels
Cholesterol is the final product of fat that is very harmful to the human body. The buildup of these substances or products is very harmful to the human body. If left continuously, then the buildup of this substance will make the presence of many diseases that appear in human life. You need to control the presence of cholesterol in your life so that you are protected from various dangerous diseases such as high blood pressure.

The effect of high blood cholesterol is very significant. The presence of cholesterol in the body will cause buildup in the blood vessel wall. These buildup will cause the blood to not flow properly, so there will be many obstacles when the flow of food substances throughout the body.

When blood can not drain food substances properly throughout the body due to cholesterol stacks, the heart will work harder in pumping blood. This overpowering heartbeat will lead to the emergence of chronic diseases in the body, one of which is high blood pressure or hypertension.

10.Depression (Stress and Restlessness)
The pressure on the human psyche is also a potentially high risk factor that raises the risk of high blood pressure in humans. This factor is not directly related to the emergence of hypertension or high blood pressure. However, the emergence of high blood pressure is also influenced by the existence of non-physical or psychic factors that are less good.

Good mind and mental qualities will make good body regulation. Conversely, poor quality of mind and mental will make the body regulation bad. Bad body regulation will affect the metabolic conditions in the body itself. In this case, the quality of the heart pump and blood pressure to the blood vessel wall is also strongly influenced by one's mental qualities.

11.Excessive Salt Consumption
Consumption of salt content in excessive amounts of food is one of the bad habits that need to be eliminated and it was one of the contributing factors of the high blood pressure. Excessive levels of salt will make the absorption of water in the body is inhibited. This will affect the kidney's performance. Impaired kidney performance will interfere with the performance of other organs one of the blood pumping organs.

Given the levels of salt that can not be removed by the kidney then the salt will be redistributed by the blood flow that will make the buildup in the blood vessel wall. This buildup will cause pressure on the walls of blood vessels getting stronger by the blood itself, causing high blood diseases.

12.Excessive Drug Consumption
The use of drugs to treat a particular disease is very necessary when the disease is severe and need help. The use of drugs to cure the disease will accelerate the process of healing the disease itself so that this method is widely taken by many people.

However, the use of drugs to cure diseases also has side effects that are not kidding that can cause high blood disease. This disease arises because of the many additional substances that flow in the blood so that makes human blood becomes dirty and heavy. As a result, blood flow will be inhibited and need to be pumped with a stronger heart.

13.Diabetes Milletus (Diabetes)
The presence of diabetes also plays a role in the emergence of high blood diseases in humans. This disease is a disease caused by high levels of sugar in the human bloodstream that cause negative effects. One of the negative effects caused by the amount of sugar in the bloodstream is the presence of blood pressure is getting stronger to the blood vessel wall and cause high blood pressure (hypertension).

14. less Consumption and Vegetables Deficiency
Vegetables and fruits are a useful food product for the body. One use of vegetables and fruits is to meet the fiber supply in the body. Supply of fiber in the body will facilitate the flow of blood so that potentially lowers blood pressure.

The cause of the high blood described above is a small part of the causes of high blood in humans. There are many other causes that can cause high blood in human life. You need to keep yourself from the negative effects of this high blood.

15.Less Drinking Water (Lack of Body Fluid)
The easiest but hard to practice is drink a plain water .Body fluids are essential in the regulation or movement of blood within the bloodstream itself. One of the body fluids that crucial to be filled by humans is white water so the need for white water must be filled every day. You are advised to drink water as much as 2 liters or 8 glasses per day so that the body fluids will be fulfilled.

My conclusion is simple , as a human we need to beware of the arrival of high blood disease can start from yourself. Watchful behavior associated with high blood disease should involve awareness of the importance of personal health. In addition, you also need to know everything about the cause of the emergence of this high blood disease. By knowing the causes then you will be able to anticipate the arrival of these diseases so that preventive measures can be done . Wallhuaklam.

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