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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Ring Worm Prevention Transmission

How to Prevent Ringworm Transmission ?

Bismillahirahmanirahim, there is some of the common skin infection can easily transmitted to other person, so do we know on how to make sure we are safe and able to avoid for this skin disease.

Tips 1
Avoid the habit of sharing various types of personal equipment such as clothing, towels, sheets, comb and various other types of equipment. The fungus that causes ringworm often spreads quickly with the media directly touching directly with the skin. It should also be very concerned for people who live in one house with ringworm and white spot.

Tips 2
Sufferers of ringworm infection of the head section should avoid not scratching or on the scalp directly. This can lead to the transmission of ringworm that is faster to other body places such as skin of the body.

Tips 3
Maintaining the cleanliness of the body and the environment is very important to avoid the possibility of transmission. Therefore it is advisable to take a shower after the activity. Bathing will help reduce the amount of mold and bacteria in the body.

Tips 4
Ringworm can also be transmitted through animals, so if a pet such as dogs or cats affected by fungal infections should be treated immediately. Avoid direct contact with infected animals as it will make the infection more contagious.

Tips 5
Frequently changing clothes can make you avoid the ringworm infection. fungus  that affect the skin can occur at any time. Changing clothes can make you avoid because the clothes are really clean.

Tips 6
Washing hands more often will help you avoid fungus. This method can also help you not easily infected from diseases caused by other fungi. Proper hand washing can also prevent many other diseases such as diarrhea. How to wash your hands properly and sterile will help maintain health.

All this tips is simple , but when we practice it definitely will make perfect wallahuaklam


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