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Monday, January 22, 2018

Skin Burn home management part 2

Home management for skin Burn part 2.

Bismillahirahmanirahim , in my last preview regarding of the skin burn i was sharing on how to manage and treat a simple burn at  Home management for Skin Burn . , but in my second entry related of the skin burn , i just want to share regarding what you need to understand and DONT DO THIS WHEN TREATING A SKIN BURN.

we need to understand when we have a problem regarding to treat a burn at home this type of method must be avoided Unfortunately, the methods in question are not effective, and can even aggravate the condition. What are they?

1. Butter 
Never apply butter to burns. Besides not yet proven scientifically effective, butter can even worsen the wound. The nature of butter that locks the heat can fertilize the dangerous bacteria that cause infection and lead a serious infection on your injured area, with butter it also can trap a moist and prevent burn recovery faster.

 2. Certain oil
we are understand and believe  that coconut oil has 1001 good benefits for the body,but in burn case i will not encourage  this oil apply to burns.  Why ? The reason is the same as the butter, coconut oil and other oils like olives automatically can withstand the heat that can keep skin burning with trap the heat from vaporize and although lavender oil is thought to help heal burns, there is little scientific evidence to support it. Various studies conducted on rats for example, do not show that lavender oil can treat burns and also to be one of the healing agent.

3.Egg whites
Some traditional method was shown on how to treat other burns is with egg whites.
But believe to say, raw egg white is not sterile and can actually increase the risk of bacterial infection on open wound ,so it should not be applied to burns. In addition, egg whites can also trigger allergic reactions for certain people who had an allergic on this egg

 4. Toothpaste 
Another one of the myth method that can lead to a serious problem for burn case is never apply toothpaste to burns even though many friends suggest you do it.  Why ? The reason is because the ingredients of toothpaste can irritate burns making it more prone to infection and cause a bad scar in future . Moreover, toothpaste is also not sterile when it start to open and use for brushing teeth.

5. Ice 
Ice or very cold water can irritate more burns as Burns also can be happen on ice , that the reason their have name ICE BURN . Make sure never attach ice cubes directly to the skin when you get a burn as it cause more worse result.

So as my conclusion and i was  mentioned earlier,we need to understand that  the burn has several levels that can be distinguished from its characteristics. Although grade 1 and 2 burns can be resolved by it self but keep in mind if you have a history of Diabetic and any medical related problem,Please make sure , check your doctor immediately if the burn is as below:

  • Large, more than 3 inches (7.5 cm) in diameter. 
  • Burns on face, hands, buttocks, or groin. 
  • Very painful or smelly of the burn wound
  • Trigger high fever and you fall sick after burn
  • Burn by electronic devices or electrocution - can cause damage to deep tissue skin. Including degree 3 - should not be handled alone because of the risk of triggering infection, bleeding, and shock. 
So treating a burn by self can be good if you know about your condition ,but as i mentioning above if it was cause a problem , please see your Dr immediately for treat your burn. Wallahuaklam.


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