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Saturday, January 27, 2018

Erectile Dysfunction in Young Person

5 Most Commons Minds Problem that cause Erectile Dysfunction

Bismillahirahmanirahim , An interesting topic i want to share is the one of the problem that can haunted people who names are Man , is Erectile dysfunction.I have talk to my friend  as he is one of the expert urologist at my hospital that im work. he mention to me there is 5 problem or issue that can cause a young man will be have this problem.
There are :

1. Depression 
As we understand in human system body the most stronger organ that control your body is Brain .Your brain is actually an erotic organ. I believe to say at Here the nerves are stimulated that create sexual desire, including erections. When your mind descends from depression, all your pleasure is gone. Ironically also, antidepressants usually also make it difficult for you to erect.This is most the point he mention to me always affected to young people.

This is the most common cause of erectile dysfunction in young men. He mention it can include nervousness about getting your partner pregnant, losing your erection while putting a condom on, or your sexual performance was been question by your partner.When it happen stress can also cause ED by reducing libido during sexual activity.

A simple issues but give a bad reflect on your sex activities , when you reach a conflict with your partner so the Sense of anger, disappointed with the couple makes you so can not focus on sex. it will definitely cause your penis no reflect to erectile.

4.Low Libido 
Most people will forgot this key , He mention to me a low libido is not the same as erectile dysfunction, but this can be caused by the things above such as anxiety, insecurity, and others that definitely will disturb your erectile.

5.Physical Attraction.
This is also one of the mind issue , that when your have a sex activities with your partner , you unable to focus and unable to accept the type of physical of your partner ,it also can lead you will not been interested to carry out your sex activities .

So this is just only a few type that will cause the erectile of dysfunction , most of this issue can be treated as it not a permanent problem, it more related on your brain control. The most important things is for the young person regular exercise , healthy diet and strong mind control is a best solution for this problem , wallahuaklam.


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