Dengan Nama Allah,yang tidak memberikan mudarat sesuatu di bumi dan juga di langit dan dia maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui..



Monday, May 30, 2016

Flu prevention tips at home

How to prevent from get a Flu

Bismillahirahmanirahim ,Flu or cold arguably the most frequent illnesses experienced by humans. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the flu is a major cause of work absenteeism and school absenteeism, with up to 22 million school days are lost each year in the US. Flu or Colds are caused by a viral infection. More than 200 different viruses can cause influenza symptoms of varying severity.

How it can be spread ? to understand the mechanism,  The virus that causes the flu can spread from person to person through droplets (droplets lender / little snot) that enter the air from the nasal passages with a cold when sneezing and then inhaled by others healthy. Colds can also be spread by touching surfaces that have been contaminated through contact with an infected person and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.Although it is not possible to fully prevent the spread of colds, there are several steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of you and your family have the flu / colds.

The Best and Simple tips to practice

1.  Frequently wash your hands with soap. It may be that this way is the best way to prevent flu. Especially after shopping, or spending time in public places, hand washing is very important. Frequent hand washing can kill the virus in your hands after you touch contaminated objects. You can also bring hand sanitized or wipes antiseptic hand cleaner when visiting public places. Also Teach your children about the importance of washing.

2.Avoid touching your face, especially the nose, mouth and eye area, after a handshake with the people or the flu or touching touching objects in public areas suspected to be contaminated.

3.If the child has a cold, wash his toys also when you clean your furniture and household items are often used.

4.Do not smoke. Cigarette smoke can irritate the respiratory tract and increased susceptibility to colds and other infections .Even passive exposure to cigarette smoke can make you (or your kids) are more susceptible to colds.

5.Use disposable goods if there are family members who are infected. Disposable cups can be discarded after use and prevent the spread of the virus from sharing cups or glasses. This is important especially if you have small children who may be trying to drink from a cup of others without cleaning it first.

6.Keeping the household appliances are kept clean. Door knobs, drawer chest of drawers, keyboard, HP, telephones, lamps, remote control, and and others. Wipe the surface with soap and water or a disinfectant solution after use by people affected by colds.

7.Use a tissue in the kitchen and bathroom after wash hands. Germs can live for several hours on cloth towels. Or, have separate towels for each family member .

8.Maintain a healthy lifestyle. While there is no direct evidence to show that eating well or exercising can prevent colds, the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle with adequate sleep, good nutrition and physical exercise can help ensure that your immune system in good shape and ready to fight infection if it occurs.

9.Control stress. Research shows that people who experience emotional stress can weaken the immune system and are more likely to suffer from flu than those whose life is calm

10.Expand eat fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals that are needed by the body. Especially when you have the flu, the need for vitamins and minerals are very important because they can act as an immune system booster and needed to improve the body's cells are damaged. 

Remember, serious conditions can masquerade as the common cold and mild infections can develop into something more serious. If you have severe symptoms or feel ill every day immediately visited the doctor. Wallahuaklam.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Coccyx Pain syndrome

Coccyx Pain (Tail Bone Pain) and how to manage it.
Bismillahirahmanirahim , Pain in the coccyx or tail bone pain is a painful sensation that occurs in the bone or coccyx coccygeus located in the central part of the buttocks. Not infrequently, the pain may spread to the waist or other neighboring areas.When the tail bone pain, usually it will feel worse when performing certain activities, such as sit, rise from sitting to a standing position or when standing for long. Defecation and touch can be so sick. Specialized in women, pain in the coccyx can also make menstrual discomfort.

Why can coccyx pain? 

there are many conditions that make the tail bone pain such as trauma sit too long, sitting on a hard surface or narrow, the joint structure changes due to aging, or occurs after childbirth pervagina.

Tail Bone Pain Causes
Knowing the cause of a disease will help us in handling, maintenance, as well as the prevention of them from happening again.There are many different conditions that can cause pain coccyx. Even though in many cases, the exact cause of pain is unknown (idiopathic). The cause of coccyx pain that has been known to include:

Injuries to the coccyx is the cause of coccyx pain most frequently. Injuries to the coccyx can cause bruising, broken bones, or dislocated coccyx. This could be due to:

  1. Sitting with a strong or a fall in a sitting position on a hard surface. 
  2. A direct blow to the tail bone, such as during exercise.
  3.  Coccyx could be injured or broken during delivery. 
  4. Repeated pressure or friction against the coccyx, as when cycling
Other less common causes of including bone spurs, nerve root compression (nerve impingement), localized infections, and tumors.

Tail Bone Pain Treatment
Pain in the coccyx or also called coccydynia or coccygodynia, usually disappear by themselves within a few weeks or months. However there are some attempts to reduce pain by:

  1. Lean forward while sitting
  2. Sit on a donut-shaped cushions 
  3. Apply ice or a warm compress on the area of the coccyx pain
  4. Taking painkiller , such as acetaminophen (paracetamol), ibuprofen or aspirin Guide by the Dr or Physician.

If the pain is not change ,then consult with a physician or orthopedic DR to further examination and treatment adjusted.

Possible treatments for chronic coccyx pain include:
A physical therapist will demonstrate how to perform pelvic floor relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and exercises such as urination or defecation control to manage the pain . Sometimes the therapist will apply Massage Manipulation and Massaging the muscles attached to the tail bone that may help ease the pain.

  • Drug and Surgery (Dr Management)
Injections of local anesthetic to the coccyx which can relieve pain for several weeks. Certain antidepressants or anti-epileptic drugs are usually also can reduce pain coccyx and Surgery will be the another option is usually only recommended when all other treatment of coccyx pain to no avail

The most important thing to prevent this problem is always keep in mind to Avoid staying in one position for long periods of time inactivity causes muscle tension and weakness .so Exercise regularly; exercise promotes strong and flexible muscles that keep you upright in a proper postural position. Wallahuaklam.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Diabetic prevention way

Diabetic Prevention

Bismillahirahmanirahim , "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". The words are very appropriate to prevent any disease, especially for chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus. Given this diabetes disease requiring long-term treatment and persistence patient in undergoing such treatment, of course, will require no small cost anyway. The goal of treatment is none other is that the blood sugar under control and to prevent complications.Therefore diabetes Prevention is important, it is important for everyone, but more importantly for those who have a high risk of diabetes. Well, no need to elaborate, I present the following  the simple tips on "How to Prevent Diabetes".

There is 5 simple tips we can follow .

1.Improve your physical Activities
There are many benefits of regular physical activity, including:
  •  Losing weight
  •  lowers blood sugar
  •  Increase the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin with helps keep blood sugar within normal  range
Research shows that both aerobic exercise and resistance training can help control diabetes, but the greatest benefit is derived from a fitness program that includes both

Zoom The Picture for clear Guideline.

2.Take a Fiber food
Many eating fiber can prevent diabetes, because the benefits of consumption of dietary fiber, among others:
  • Reducing the risk of diabetes by improving blood sugar control
  • Lowers the risk of heart disease
  • Keeping the weight, because the rich fiber foods make satiety
  • Foods high in fiber include fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds
3.Consumption of grains
Although it is not clear why the grains can prevent diabetes, grains can reduce the risk of diabetes and helps maintain blood sugar levels. Many foods made from grains that are ready to eat, including various breads, pasta and cereal products.

4.Lose weight
If you are overweight, diabetes prevention can depend on weight loss. Each kilogram of weight loss can improve your health. In one study, adults with overweight reduce their diabetes risk by 16 percent for every kilogram (2.2 pounds) of weight lost. Also, they were able to lose weight - at least 5 to 10 percent of initial body weight - and exercising regularly reduces the risk of diabetes by almost 60 percent over three years. I didn't say that it proven by research and also the good example in a TV show a biggest loser  had mention it before.

5.A healthy diet
Low-carb diets, low-sugar diet or any other diet can help you lose weight at first, but for the long-term effects, its effectiveness for preventing diabetes is not known with certainty.

        I always remind to my patient there is important to understand is when to see a doctor?
if you are older than age 45 and your weight is normal, ask your doctor whether it is worth checking diabetes. The Malaysian Diabetes Association recommends screening blood glucose if: 
  • Age 45 or older and overweight 
  • Younger than age 45 and overweight with one or more additional risk factors for type 2 diabetes - such as lifestyle or a family history of diabetes 
Consult your physician on the prevention of diabetes. They will appreciate your efforts to keep the body in order to avoid diabetes, and perhaps doctors will offer additional suggestions based on medical history or other factors. Wallahuaklam..

Friday, May 13, 2016

Khypotic sign and problem

Khypotic posture defaulted 

Bismillahirahmanirahim and today my entry also related one of the posture defaulted that can cause a people get a back pain. Kyphosis is abnormal spine curved forward or backward excessively convex so that the person who experienced it will be a hunchback. Normally, upper back, or upper spinal area, it has a curve or curvature ahead but only slightly. Kyphosis occurs when a natural arch was larger than normal.

If someone has kyphosis, it can be seen the hump in the upper back. In view of the side, upper back look rounded or prominent. In addition, people with kyphosis seemed to bend over and have a visible rounding of the shoulders. Kyphosis can cause excess pressure on the spine, causing pain. It can also cause breathing difficulties because the pressure will be on the lungs.In contrast with scoliosis, where the spine curves to the side so as to form the letter C or S when viewed from behind.

Causes Kyphosis
Kyphosis can affect people at any age. However, it is rare in newborns because it is usually caused by the attitude of the body (posture) are poorly continuously. Kyphosis caused by poor posture called postural kyphosis. Other causes of kyphosis include:
  1. Osteoporosis. Impaired bone-thinning can lead to bone collapse (compression fracture). Osteoporosis is most common in older adults, particularly women, and in people who have taken high doses of corticosteroids for long periods of time.
  2. Disk degeneration. Gentle, circular disks act as cushions between the vertebrae of the spine. With age, these discs dry out and shrink, which often deteriorates kyphosis.
  3. Scheuermann's disease. Also called Scheuermann kyphosis, the disease usually starts during the growth spurt that occurs before puberty. Boys are more commonly affected than girls. Rounding the back can worsen as the child finished growing.
  4. Birth defects. If the baby's spine does not develop properly in the womb, the spine may not form properly, causing kyphosis.
  5. Syndrome. Kyphosis in children may also be associated with certain syndromes, such as Marfan syndrome or Prader-Willi disease.
  6. Cancer and cancer treatments. Cancer in the spine can weaken the bones and makes them more susceptible to compression fractures, as can chemotherapy and cancer treatment
  7. Weakness of the muscles in the upper back

Treatment of Kyphosis
Not all cases of kyphosis should be quickly treated, you should seek treatment if kyphosis accompanied by: pain difficulty breathing fatigue , because the role of the spine that is so important in supporting daily activities, then his health must be considered. Treatment to help correct the curvature of the spine as a result of kyphosis can also help reduce the risk of complications later in life, such as arthritis and chronic back pain.

How to Treat Kyphosis?
Kyphosis treatment will depend on the severity and the underlying cause. In the case of Scheuermann's disease, a child may receive physical therapy, bracing or wire backstop, or corrective surgery. In the case of infection, the patient will be given antibiotics. In the case of tumors, surgical removal may be required. For the case of osteoporosis, may be given supplements of calcium and vitamin D to treat bone damage in order to prevent further deterioration of kyphosis. For kyphosis caused by poor posture, it does not require aggressive treatment. The following steps will help relieve the symptoms:
  • Pain reliever (analgesic)
  •  Physiotherapy (to help build muscle strength so back to normal) 

  • Yoga (to raise awareness of the body and build strength, flexibility, and range of motion)
  • weight loss backers (children and adolescents) 
  • Chiropractic care (for repair spinal alignment) operation (in severe cases)

For most people, kyphosis does not cause serious health problems. It depends on the cause of kyphosis itself. If caused by poor posture, then usually someone suffering from pain and shortness of breath that will get worse in the future. Treat kyphosis early by strengthening back muscles, physiotherapy or chiropractic therapy may help relieve pain and other symptoms, long-term objective is to increase healthy posture. wallahuaklam..

    Sunday, May 8, 2016

    Lordosis sign and problem

    Lordosis Posture defaulted

    Bismillahirahmanirahim , Today i want to share some info regarding a posture defaulted that always haunted a people and will create a problem in a long term especially it one of the source of the back pain.

    What are we know about lordosis ?
    Lordosis is a disorder of the spine in the lower back that have excessive curvature, spine arched backwards excessively so as if the bones pulled forward. This condition is the opposite of kyphosis (hunchback). People with lordosis often lower back. When viewed from the left side of the patient's lower back form the letter "C". Moreover, it would appear that the abdomen and buttocks look more prominent.

    As we understand in human spine, Spine naturally has a curvature in the neck, upper back and lower back to help absorb shock and support the weight of the head. Lordosis occurs when the natural curve in the lower back (lordotic curve), or lumbar region, curved than normal. This can cause excess pressure on the spine and will causing pain.

    What is Cause of the lordosis ?

    Often, lordosis appears in childhood with no known cause. This is called benign juvenile lordosis. However, lordosis may affect people at all ages.

    Another potential cause of lordosis include
    • Poor posture 
    • Obesity Osteoporosis (brittle bones due to age)
    •  discitis (interference disks between the bones of the spine)
    •  Kyphosis (curvature exaggerated in the upper back)
    •  Spondylolisthesis (a condition in which one vertebra slips forward or backward relative to vertabra next)
    •  Achondroplasia ( a form of dwarfism )
    How is lordosis diagnosed?
     The easiest way to check the lordosis is to lie on your back on a hard surface. You should be able to slide your hand under your lower back, with a little space. If you have lordosis, it will be left lots of wiggle room between the hands and the lower back.

    The Orthopedic doctor makes a diagnosis of lordosis by observing a complete medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. Diagnostic procedures may include:

    • Xray. To view the condition of the bones through tests imaging with X-rays. 
    • Bone Scan. A bone scan is a nuclear imaging method to evaluate changes in degenerative and / or arthritis in the joints; to detect bone diseases and tumors; to determine the cause of bone pain or inflammation. This test to rule out cases of infection or fracture. 
    • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). This diagnostic procedure uses a combination of electromagnetic waves and a computer to produce detailed images of organs and structures within the body. This test is done to rule out related disorders of the spinal cord and nerves. 
    • Computed tomography (CT) scan. This diagnostic imaging procedure uses a combination of X-rays and computer technology to produce image slices horizontally, or axial. CT scan shows detailed images of any part of the body, including the bones, muscles, fat, and organs. CT scan is more detailed than X-rays in general.
    What is the step action we need to take when we have diagnosed by lordosis ?

    If the lordotic curve corrects itself when you bend forward (flexible curve), then you do not need to seek treatment. However, if, when bent, there are still remnants of lordotic curve (curve inflexible), it must seek treatment.
    Additionally, you should seek treatment if you experience any of the following conditions: 
    • pain 
    • muscle spasms 
    • tingling or 
    • numbness difficulty urinating or defecating.
    Treatment aims to help improve the curvature so that it can help prevent complications later in life, such as arthritis and chronic back pain. Treatment of lordosis will depend on the severity of the curvature of the spine and the presence of other symptoms. Treatment options include:

    • Medication to reduce pain and swelling 
    • Physical therapy (to help build muscle strength) 
    • Yoga (to increase body awareness, strength, flexibility, and range of motion)
    •  Lose weight to reduce the burden of spinal backers (children and adolescents)
    •  Operations ( in severe cases)
    What impact, if not treated?
    For most people, this condition does not cause significant health problems if left untreated. However, because the spine is responsible for a lot of movement and flexibility, it is important to keep the spine to keep it healthy. If severe lordosis is not treated, it can cause an increased risk of problems in the spine, legs, and internal organs function , the worse is it can cause you have a risk to get a frequent low back pain .wallahuaklam