Dengan Nama Allah,yang tidak memberikan mudarat sesuatu di bumi dan juga di langit dan dia maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui..



Friday, April 29, 2016

Exercises for after Breast Cancer treatment

Bismillahirahmanirahim , For this week i have been appointed to be one of the instructor to conduct an exercise awareness after a breast cancer treatment , as a physiotherapist i feel want to share some of the information and also guideline for helping the people to achieve their goal of recovery by doing an exercise.
Exercise is an important part of breast cancer treatment and recovery. Exercising the arm and shoulder after breast cancer surgery helps:
 • improve muscle tone
 • regain and maintain movement and mobility in the arm and shoulder
 • regain the ability to do daily activities
 • lessen side effects of surgery, such as pain, joint stiffness and swelling
• improve well-being in daily life

Rehabilitation exercises are also important after radiation therapy because this type of breast cancer treatment can continue to affect the arm and shoulder for several months. Exercises can help the arm stay flexible. It is beneficial to continue doing exercises for 2–3 months after finishing radiation treatment. Every woman is different and heals at her own pace. Some exercises, such as those that increase arm and shoulder movement, can be done soon – often a few days – after surgery. When the doctor gives the go-ahead, other normal activities can be started again.

General tips for exercising
·         Wear comfortable, loose clothing when exercising.
·         Try doing exercises after a shower when muscles are warm and relaxed.
·         Take slow, deep breaths when doing each exercise. Deep breathing helps fill the lungs completely and can also improve relaxation. Breathe in as much air as possible while trying to expand the chest and stomach like a balloon. Relax and breathe out slowly and completely.
·         Do the exercises until you feel a gentle stretch, but not to the point of pain.
·         Begin doing exercises and daily activities slowly and gently.
·         Do not over-exercise. Increased pain, discomfort and swelling are often signs of over-exercise.
·         Gradually increase the pace and level of activity. Aim to restore pre-surgery function in the hand and arm.
·         Prop up the arm with a pillow during or at the end of the day to help reduce swelling after surgery.
·         Report unexplained pain or swelling in the hand or arm to your doctor or physiotherapist.

The time frames mentioned below are only suggested guidelines. Always check with the doctor or physiotherapist before beginning to exercise. They will usually recommend when to start exercising and which exercises to do. The type of exercises that may be done will depend on the type of surgery performed. Exercise instructions can vary with the doctor, physiotherapist or hospital

First week after surgery
Typically, gentle range-of-motion exercises can be done the first 3–10 days after surgery or while the drain is still in place. Try to use the affected arm (the one on the same side as the area that was operated on) for light daily activities, such as eating, washing and combing your hair. Repeat these exercises 3–4 times a day. Do not make any sudden movements until the incision has healed and the drain has been removed

If surgery irritates nerve endings, there can be some soreness, numbness, tingling or a burning feeling on the back of the arm or the chest wall. These feelings may increase a few weeks after surgery, but you should try to keep doing the exercises unless there is increased swelling or tenderness. If you have these symptoms, tell your doctor. Sometimes gentle rubbing or stroking the area with a hand or a soft cloth can help make it feel better

Hand and Finger Pump
This exercise helps reduce swelling after surgery by using the muscles as a pump to improve the circulation in the affected arm (on the same side as the surgery). This can be done lying or sitting.
·         Lie on the unaffected side with the affected arm straight out in front of you, above the level of the heart (use pillows if needed). Alternatively, sit in a chair with good back support with the affected arm supported by pillows.
·         Slowly open and close the hand. Repeat 15–25 times.
·         Slowly bend and straighten the elbow. Repeat 15–25 times.

Shoulder shrugs and rotation
This exercise can be done sitting or standing.
·         Lift both shoulders up toward the ears. Hold for 5–10 seconds, then slowly drop them down and relax. Repeat 5–10 times.
·         Gently rotate both shoulders forward and up, and then slowly back and down, making a circle. Switch directions. Repeat 5–10 times in each direction.
Arm and shoulder lifts

This exercise can be done sitting or standing.
·         Clasp hands together in front of the chest. Extend the elbows so your arms are out in front of you, but your elbows are not locked.
·         Slowly lift the arms upward until a gentle stretch is felt. Hold for 1–2 seconds and then slowly return to the start position.
·         Repeat 5–10 times.

scapular and shoulder squeeze

This exercise helps improve posture and movement in the shoulder. It can be done sitting, without resting against the back of the chair, or standing.
·         Place arms at your sides with the elbows bent.
·         Gently squeeze the shoulder blades together. Keep shoulders level and take care not to lift up or shrug the shoulders. Hold for 5–10 seconds. Relax and return to the start position.
·         Repeat 5–10 times.

First stage of healing

It is important to start working on getting back full use of the shoulder as soon as possible. These exercises can be started as soon as the doctor or physiotherapist gives the go-ahead. Most women can start doing them about 3–6 weeks after surgery and after the drain is removed.

Remember  Do not lift anything heavier than about 5 kg (10 lbs) during this stage.

wooden stick exercise (3 positions)

This exercise helps improve the forward movement of the shoulder. You will need a “wand”, such as a broom handle, stick or cane, to do this exercise. There should not be any pain or pinching during these exercises – stop the movement if there is.

Position 1
·         Lie on your back with knees bent. Hold the wand in both hands (palms facing down), with hands shoulder width apart and elbows bent.
·         Straighten your arms and lift the wand over the head until you feel the stretch. The unaffected arm helps lift the wand. Hold for 1–2 seconds. Lower arms.
·         Repeat 5–10 times.

Position 2
·         Repeat with palms still facing down, but with hands slightly wider apart than the hips or shoulders.
Position 3
·         Repeat with palms facing up (under grip) and the hands hip width apart.

Scapular Winging it

This exercise helps improve movement in the front of the chest and shoulder. It may take several weeks of regular exercise before you can get the elbows close to the floor. If there is pain or pinching in the shoulder, place a small pillow behind the head, above the affected shoulder.
·         Lie on the back with knees bent. Clasp hands behind the neck with elbows pointed up to the ceiling. (If putting hands behind the neck is too uncomfortable, place fingers on the forehead with palms facing up.)
·         Move elbows apart and down toward the floor. Hold for 1–2 seconds.
·         Repeat 5–10 times.

Stand straight

This exercise helps improve posture and movement in the shoulder. It can be helpful to use a mirror to check your movements. It can be done sitting, without resting against the back of the chair, or standing.
·         Arms should be down at each side with elbows straight and palms facing the body.
·         Open the chest, gently squeeze the shoulder blades together and rotate thumbs so that the palms face forward. Hold for 5–10 seconds. Relax and return to the start position.
·         Repeat 5–10 times.

Finger climbing Wall 

This exercise helps increase shoulder movement. Try to reach a little higher up on the wall each day.
·         Stand facing the wall, about 5 cm (2 inches) away. Place both hands on the wall at shoulder level.
·         Use the fingers to climb up, or slide hands up, the wall until you feel the stretch.
·         Return to start position.
·         Repeat 5–10 times.

Shoulder Abduction

This can be done lying on the floor or on a bed.
·         Lie on back and extend arms out at the sides.
·         Move arms up to the head and down to the thighs and repeat (like making an angel in the snow).
Repeat 5–10 times

More advanced exercises

Once there is good movement in the shoulder, you can try more advanced stretches. By the end of this stage, there should be full movement of the affected arm and shoulder. Continue doing all of the exercises until both arms are equally strong and move easily. This may take 2–3 months.

Remember Do not lift anything heavier than about 5 kg (10 lbs) during this stage.

Alternate side bends

This exercise helps improve movement on both sides of the body.
·         Sit in a chair and clasp hands together on the lap.
·         Slowly lift arms over the head, keeping elbows bent slightly.
·         When arms are above the head, bend at the waist and move the body to the right. Hold 1–2 seconds.
·         Return to the centre, and then bend to the left. Hold for 1–2 seconds.
·         Repeat 5–10 times.

Doorway stretch open

This exercise helps increase shoulder movement.
·         Stand in a doorway and place each hand lightly on either side of the doorframe.
·         Slide hands up until you feel the stretch.
·         Return to start position.
·         Repeat 5–7 times.

Second stage of healing

Exercise during this stage (beginning about 6 weeks after surgery) includes gradually introducing strengthening and general conditioning exercises. Day-to-day household and recreational activities can be introduced gradually.

Talk to the doctor or healthcare team before starting a specific strengthening program or trying aerobic exercise (exercise that gets the heart and lungs working hard). Check whether there are any special precautions that you need to take. Report any pain, shoulder tightness or swelling in the affected hand or arm.

 When to start Strengthening ?

Slowly getting back to household chores, gardening or yard work are some of the ways a person can continue to build their strength after breast cancer surgery.
·         About 4–6 weeks after surgery, women can usually start strengthening exercises with light weights (500 g to 1 kg or 1–2 lbs).
·         An unopened soup can or a plastic bottle filled with water can be used instead of free weights (dumbbells).
·         Check with the doctor or physiotherapist to decide what weight is best. They can also suggest suitable strengthening exercises for the upper body.

General conditioning effect after doing exercise

Regular aerobic exercise will improve a person’s general physical condition. It can help with recovery and has many health benefits. Aerobic exercise can help:
·         improve cardiovascular fitness, which is how well the heart, lungs and blood vessels deliver oxygen to the muscles
·         maintain a healthy body weight
·         reduce stress and anxiety
·         people cope with cancer

Brisk walking, swimming, running, cycling, cross-country skiing and dancing are all examples of aerobic exercise.

Weight training and sports guideline.

Consider wearing a compression sleeve on the affected arm when doing heavy weight training (using more than 4.5 kg or 10 lbs) or strenuous upper body sports, such as tennis badminton and rowing
.So let exercise to help you regain back the function and also strength. Wallahuaklam.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Gejala tanda sakit Jantung

Bismillahirahmanirahim , Hari ini saya nak kongsikan sedikit info tentang apa itu masalah sakit jantung , diharapkan sharing ini memberikan kita sedikit panduan tentang bagaimana tatacara hidup kita boleh mengundang masalah sakit jantung ini. Tahukah kita bahawa organ jantung manusia terdiri daripada serabut-serabut otot khusus yang bekerja untuk mengepam darah keseluruh tubuh badan manusia. Apabila otot jantung kita tidak mendapat bekalan darah yang cukup,maka seseorang itu dikatakan atau didiagnosiskan mengidap masalah sakit jantung. Antara penyebab bekalan darah ke otot jantung tidak cukup ianya disebabkan saluran darah menjadi sempit kerana dinding saluran darah sebelah dalam saluran darah dipenuhi lemak, terutamanya "kolesterol".

Apakah itu Serangan Penyakit Jantung

Melalui pengalaman saya bertanya kepada pesakit pesakit yang mempunyai sejarah masalah penyakitt jantung ini , mereka menyatakan penyakit jantung digambarkan sebagai rasa kesakitan yang amat sangat di bahagian dada yang berterusan sehingga setengah jam dan lebih dari 20 minit,  ada ketika kesakitan itu menjalar kearah tangan kiri dan rahang dan juga leher . Pesakit akan  mula mengalami keseukaran untuk bernafas dan perasaan takut yang keterlaluan disertai panik serta peluh sejuk. Keadaan ini berlaku kerana rasa kesakitan ini adalah disebabkan kematian sebahagian otot jantung yang disebabkan oleh salur darah di bahagian tersebut tersumbat. apabila lebih besar salur darah yang tersumbat,  maka risiko akan menjadi lebih merbahaya  dan membawa ke serangan jantung tersebut. Sekiranya saluran darah tertutup sepenuhnya, sebahagian dari otot jantung akan rosak serta mati . Kemudian, sakit dada yang teramat sangat akan terjadi sehingga menyebabkan jantung terhenti dan boleh membawa maut. Keadaan inilah yang dinamakan "serangan sakit jantung"

atau dalam bahasa orang putihnya cardiac arrest.

Tahukah anda apakah Faktor Penyebab boleh terjadinya serangan jantung ini.?

Bagi mereka yang kuat merokok dan juga mereka yang kerap terdedah kepada asap rokok , ingin saya tekan kan disini bahawa Asap Rokok merupakan agen utama yang boleh mengakibatkan 

  1. Mempercepatkan pembekuan darah
  2. Menggalakkan pemendapan lemak pada dinding saluran darah.
  3. Mengurangkan bekalan oksigen ke jantung
  4. Tekanan Perasaan jika tak dapat hisap rokok , ini biasa terjadi jika seseorang yang mengalami tekanan perasaan, degup jantungnya, meningkat yang akan mengakibatkan jantung bekerja lebih kuat yang akan mengakibatkan tekanan darahnya juga meningkat.

Antara faktor lain yang menyumbang kepada masalah jantung ini ialah Memakan makanan yang mengandungi Lemak Yang Tinggi

  • Lebih tinggi kandungan lemak, lebih berbahaya. Makanan yang tinggi lemak, adalah seperti mentega, minyak sapi,daging berlema        
  • Kurang bersenam , ini kerana Senaman  amat penting untuk menguatkan jantung   Ia juga penting untuk memperbaiki pengaliran darah ke   jantung.  Bersenamlah bagi mereka yang sayangkan jantung sendiri. senaman yang paling mudah kalau kita bekerja di office , naik tangga dan kurangkan penggunaan lift.

  • Darah Tinggi , Masalah hipertensi atau Darah tinggi menggalakkan berlakunya penyempitan saluran darah dan juga mengakibatkan Jantung "terpaksa" mengepam lebih kuat untuk mengalirkan darah melalui saluran yang sempit itu risiko ini menyebabkan lebih tinggi tekanan darah, lebih besar pula peluang serangan sakit jantung boleh berlaku.

  • Kencing Manis, bagi pesakit yang mempunyai masalah kencing manis ini menunjukkan   Pesakit kencing manis lebih tinggi peluangnya mendapat serangan sakit jantung dan antara penyumbang utama kepada masalah ini.

Apakah Faktor-Faktor Yang Meningkatkan Kemungkinan Menghadapi Penyakit Jantung Koronari

  1.           Jika anda mempunyai keturunan yang mengidap penyakit jantung (Keturunan)
  2.           Jika anda berusia 35 tahun ke atas dan mempunyai masalah berat badan yang berlebihan
  3.           Jika anda merokok dan pengambilan alkohol yang berlebihan
  4.           Jika anda gagal mengawal tekanan darah anda dengan baik 
  5.           Jika anda mengidap penyakit kencing manis dan tanpa kawalan
  6.           Jika anda menghadapi masalah mengawal tekanan atau stress yang berlebihan
  7.           Jika pemilihan makanan anda tidak betul makanan anda mengandungi kadar kolesterol               dan lemak yang tinggi.( Makanan Fast Food Penyumbang utama)
  8.           Jika anda kurang bersenam atau malas bersenam 
  9.           Jika anda kurang memakan sayur dan buah segar sebagai rutin  makanan anda.

Apakah cara untuk Mengurangkan Risiko Sakit Jantung

  • Selalunya setiap penyakit yang datang ini boleh dicegah dimana kita hendaklah mengenal pasti tand tanda yang boleh menyumbang masalah jantung ini ,Anda boleh memastikan sama ada keluarga sebelah ibu atau sebelah bapa anda ada yang menghidap penyakit jantung. Sekiranya ada, anda perlu lebih berwaspada dengan tanda-tanda penyakit jantung dengan menjalani pemeriksaan tahunan.


  • Berhenti merokok terutama sekiranya anda berusia melebihi 35 tahun dan amalkan hidup yang sihat , saya boleh katakan 8 dari 10 pesakit yang menjalani pembedahan jantung merupakan perokok tegar.

  • Bagi individu yang mengalami masalah darah tinggi dan juga kencing manis ,Mengambil ubat dan mengawal permakanan anda merupakan cara yang paling berkesan didalam mengawal masalah ini

  • Belajar mengatasi masalah stress Mengawal tekanan perasaan anda dan jangan cepat meradang atau runsing.Anda digalakkan mendekatkan diri kepada tuhan dan juga melakukan aktiviti yang menenangkan seperti melihat keindahan hijau alam , mendengar bunyi ombak dan juga deruan air terjun ,atau berjumpa dengan pakar psychology jika anda mengalami tekanan perasaan yang amat sangat.

  • Digalakkan memakan daging putih "white meat" seperti daging ayam, ikan, dan mengelakkan dari terlalu kerap memakan daging merah "red meat" seperti daging lembu, kambing, kerbau dan  lain-lain sepertinya.

  •  Mulalah bersenam secara beransur-ansur. dengan menukar pola senaman kepada satu cara yang boleh dilakukan setiap hari seperti banyakkan berjalan kaki , menaiki tangga di tempat kerja 
 Selain daripada itu pengambilan Gentian serat yang terdapat dalam makanan dipercayai boleh menyerap sebahagian dari lemak / kalesterol, oleh itu pakar permakanan mempercayai makanan yang banyak serat seperti bijiran oat dapat mengurangkan jumlah kalesterol yang diserap oleh badan , pencegahan adalah merupakan ubat ubatan yang paling baik untuk mengatasi dan juga mengelakkan masalah jantung ini ..wallahuaklam.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Rid off cellulite at home

Easy Way to get rid off cellulite

Bismillahirahmanirahim , for entry today i want to share about a simple and natural way to deal with cellulite ,Cellulite is not just a skin problem for women who are pregnant because in essence, they were still teenagers at risk to have cellulite. Same with acne, it actually has cellulite is not a serious problem and horrendous as this is normal and can be treated in various ways to eliminate cellulite, either by using modern methods with  medical super-sophisticated, using remover products cellulite on the market or how easy it is to use variety of natural ingredients, including powdered coffee.

Always my friend ask me is there any method to Eliminate Cellulite on thighs and calves Quickly.
for the information and to make us understand there are , many external factors that cause cellulite to appear easily in some parts of the body, especially in the thighs, calves and abdomen. Genetic factors are further supported by an unhealthy lifestyle, hormones are unbalanced and lost a lot of weight can trigger the appearance of cellulite on thighs.
Cellulite on thighs must be very annoying and makes you feel less confident, especially if you want to wear shorts or underwear showing any part of your thigh. The presence of cellulite makes you not confident to use the mini dress, you have cellulite on thighs can try several ways to remove cellulite on thighs like this

1. Coffee powder
Can we imagine that we are using a coffee powder to ease this cellulite.
let me explain on How to eliminate cellulite quickly using coffee grounds is quite popular among women because of this natural way has been recognized and proved his usefulness even some some of the info of my friend mention to me Hollywood celebrities use this natural way to help eliminate cellulite interfere in the skin of his body, including in the thigh.
So there are two ways that you can try,

  • the first is to mix coffee grounds with your body lotion. 
  • Rub a mixture of these two materials on the body that are cellulite while rubbed gently a few minutes, 
  • thereafter leave for 30 minutes before cleaning.

  • The second way is by mixing the powdered coffee with sugar and coconut oil,
  •  mix three ingredients to become one. 
  • Use a mixture of all three for scrubbing the skin surface of the body that there is cellulite. 
  • Make a circular motion while the massage progresses and let stand for a few minutes and then rinsed.        
2.Use a dry brush

The other simple way and cheapest method is Brush with a soft thighs that there are many cellulite for a few minutes before you cleanse the body. Do this on a regular basis which serves for circulation.
the study mention the cellulite is one of the condition appear due to poor of blood circulation under your skin.

3. apple cider vinegar
One of my aesthetic friend mention to me the indigent in apple cider vinegar has keep a good effect to fight against cellulite ,besides nice to get rid of cellulite on thighs, apple vinegar can also be used to eliminate cellulite in your calves. 
  • To begin to remove cellulite in the calf with apple cider vinegar, you must provide pure apple cider vinegar and honey. 
  • Both are mixed into one, the calf massage using this material for a few minutes,
  •  then wrap the calf using a towel and plastic wrap for at least 60 minutes.


Who is expected by using this vegetable it use to help eliminate cellulite interfere in the body . Tomatoes have good content for the repair of damaged skin tissue. Spread evenly tomato juice on the surface of the skin that have cellulite while rubbed gently for a few minutes. Make an easy way to peel thighs and calves were free of cellulite.

5. Intensity Loading Exercise
I always mention to my friend there is no short cut to solve this problem ,Did you know when you combine weight training with exercises that get your heart pumping leads to the production of lean muscle mass in consistently, i believe 100% by the miracle of doing exercise it will cause your thighs and buttocks to look smoother over time. 
Here the tips of the exercise after doing a light warm up:

Short Sprint Method
Outdoor Sprint.

  1. You can do a  outdoor sprints. 
  2. Try to measure out a distance of 15 mile (0.5 km) on your street or at a nearby park.
  3. Try and make a Sprint that distance, take a 20-second break, sprint it again, and repeat for a total of 5 sprints consistently .
  4.  As you improve, add more sprints to your workout. (Its really good for beginner and help to build up the tone of muscle at your leg.)

Treadmill Sprint .
  1. I love to use this method ,Sprint on your treadmill. If you work out indoors,this is alternative way by  use a faster setting on your treadmill to sprint for about 3 minutes. 
  2. Increase the speed as you improve over time.

Bike Sprint.

  1. Another method is we can do bike sprints.
  2. The simple way is  Using either your bicycle or a stationary bike, ride as fast as you can uphill for for a few minutes.
One of the issue regarding this method is we must understand , By using a natural way perhaps not as fast and effectively as modern way performed by trained doctors, but it is better to try than to let altogether. All natural ingredients are required also includes easy to obtain almost always there in your household kitchen .The most important is consistently and be patient to see the result.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Atasi Mata Sembab di rumah

Tips atasi mata Sembab / Eye Bag

Bismillahirahmanirahim , Pagi tadi di hospital berborak dengan satu staff di lift , saya tegur kenapa mata Nampak bengkak  atau dalam erti kata lain Eyebag , dia ceritakan kepada saya tak cukup tidur becozz banyak sangat main handphone sebelum tidur , dia Tanya kepada saya ada tak cara cara nak kurangkan mata sembab ni , saya kata kalau dia nak tahu dia boleh baca di blog saya.
Sebelum saya kongsikan cara mengatasi masalah eye bag nie , mari kita faham apakah punca terjadinya eyebag atau mata sembab ini

1.      Antara satu faktor yang terjadi adalah belakunya perubahan  cecair di dalam tubuh badan dimana badan kita kehilangan air disebabkan oleh perubahan cuaca (contohnya, panas, hari lembap),  perubahan tahap hormon atau makan makanan yang masin serta pengambilan Kafein yang tinggi juga boleh menjadi punca masalah ini.
2.       Ini merupakan habit orang sekarang iaitu tidak mendapat tidur yang cukup serta penggunaan telefon pintar dan mengadap computer dalam masa yang terlalu lama.
3.       Terjadinya Alahan atau dermatitis, terutamanya jika keadaan bengkak disertai dengan kemerahan dan gatal-gatal boleh berlaku sekitar badan dan juga bahagian mata
4.       Perkara yang tak dapat dielakkan iaitu Keturunan , jika keluarga mempunyai masalah ini , tiada apa yang boleh kita lakukan Cuma mencegah supaya ianya  tidak Nampak terlalu ketara.
Disini saya kongsikan cara cara mengatasi masalah eyebag ini dengan cara yang semula jadi , atau dalam bahasa mudah ialah menggunakan petua moden dan juga lama.

1.Penggunaan kentang:
 Siapa sangka kentang boleh kita gunakan dalam merawat masalah eyebag ini , cadangan saya ialah  Potong kentang mentah  yang telah kita sejukkan di dalam peti sejuk  kepada dua bahagian dengan nipis dalam bentuk bulatan kemudian di letakkan di atas mata anda supaya ia juga meliputi bahagian bawah mata anda dan biarkan ia seperti itu selama 15-20 minit. Anda akan melihat perubahan besar dalam beberapa minit  dimana eyebag  mereka akan berkurangan dalam saiz dan juga mengecil.

2. Penggunaan Susu:
Tahukah anda susu segar sejuk juga amat berkesan didalam membantu mengurangkan masalah eyebag ini , caranya ialah rendamkan pad kapas dalam susu sejuk dan letakkan di atas kelopak mata anda dan berehat selama 20-30 minit.  Kelebihan penggunaan susu segar ini uga membantu mata anda dalam menganjalkan kulit serta berfungsi sebagai agen penyejukkan pada bahagian mata.

3. Penggunaan Minyak  Vitamin E:
Cara ini sedikit rumit tetapi ianya juga amat membantu didalam mengurangkan mata bengkak , caranya Ambil air sejuk dan diletakkan di  dalam mangkuk dan titiskan beberapa titik minyak vitamin E .Rendamkan  pad kapas dalam campuran ini satu malam di peti sejuk dan kapas itu di letakkan di atas mata selama 20 minit, ini juga membantu dalam mengurangkan bengkak di sekeliling mata.

 4.       Penggunaan Timun:
Ini merupakan cara lama dan masih lagi relevan untuk digunakan ,Timun adalah ubat semulajadi yang hebat untuk menghapuskan keadaan bengkak mata di bawah. Ambil 2 keping  timun sejuk segar dan diletakkan di atas mata anda selama 25 minit. Bersantailah dengan hirisan yang segar dan  sejuk ini  ke atas mata, ia akan membantu menyegarkan fikiran anda dan juga mata, dan sifat-sifat  semula jadi anti-radang dari pada  timun secara semula jadi akan membantu mengurangkan tisu bengkak.

5.       Penggunaan Uncang  teh Sejuk:
Jika anda penggemar teh Uncang minuman teh  yang digunakan  jangan dibuang  , ini kerana ianya amat bermanfaat dalam mengatasi mata bengkak ini. Caranya ialah Lembapkan dua beg teh dalam air sejuk. Kemudian meletakkan mereka ke atas mata anda selama 25-30 minit. Bersantailah dan berehat dengan uncang teh sejuk di atas mata anda. Selesai itu cuci mata dan muka dengan air sejuk, dan mengeringkan kulit anda dengan sempurna. Anda akan merasa tenang rileks dan eyebag anda akan hilang.

6.       Penggunaan sudu dan air ais:
keadaan bengkak mata boleh dikurangkan dengan bantuan segelas air ais dan 4 sudu besi. Caranya  sudu  di dalam air dan kemudian letakkan satu dari setiap mata. Lakukan berulang kali sehingga bengkak di bahagian mata itu surut.

7.       Penggunaan Putih telur:
Menggunakan putih telur  juga membantu Cuma bau hanyir yang kurang menyenangkan , cara untuk membantu mengurangkan bengkak dan juga menganjalkan kulit ialah sapukan putih telur itu dibahagian eyebag dan biarkan ia selama 20 minit , hasil nya ia  menjadikan kawasan di sekitar dan di bawah mata berasa lebih ketat dan kelihatan kurang bengkak ianya dipanggil natural stretching.Kemudian muka anda dengan dibasuh dengan air sejuk anda akan merasa kawasan itu menjadi ringan dan tegang.

8. Hidrasi kan badan anda:
Minum air sebanyak mungkin. Nampak mudah tetapi sukar diamalkan. Jadi minum segelas air setiap kali anda melihat mata anda mula droopy atau jatuh dalam bentuk kantung  . Ini kerana kajian menunjukkan mata eyebag juga berpunca dari kekurangan air dalam badan.

Jika di lihat banyak lagi cara yang boleh diamalkan dan diguna pakai, tetapi apa yang saya ingin kongsikan ialah cara yang amat mudah, murah serta menjimatkan untuk kita lakukan dimana semua benda yang saya nyatakan itu amat mudah dijumpai dan diguna pakai dalam kehidupan seharian kita. Wallahuaklam.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Healthy food not so healthy

Nine Alternative Food 'Healthy' Not So Healthy

Bismillahirahmanirahim and good morning , in modernize life there is so many alternative food tell their healthy but in other terms its not. The food was often deemed more beneficial to health and wellness is an alternative that has been converted into low calorie, fat or food or diet drinks. But you know it's not often alternative  healthier food.
Foods such as salad dressing to lean fat was removed by its manufacturer and has replaced fat with materials that are less healthy, such as high fructose corn syrup.

Here the info i  want to share to all readers that we always think its good for our heath but there is something hidden inside the indigent ,9 Alternative Healthy Food Not So Healthy is:

1) Fat Free Milk
You might think this is good, but do you know that all the fat in the milk produce include vitamins that are good for health, such as A and D. Although some skim milk replenished vitamin A and D, but it is not a naturally fat milk. According to one study, most of the less fatty foods cause you to eat more because these foods are less filling.

2) Low Fat Peanut Butter
Fat in peanuts is actually good fats for health. Manufacturers remove fat from nuts and replace it with material that is not good for the health of artificial sweeteners and carbohydrates are not good for health. My suggestion is we Preferably choose peanut butter contains just peanuts and no preservatives and others.

3) Alternative Meat From Soy
Food alternatives to meat made from soya is indeed lower in fat than meat but it has been processed by a lot (highly processed). Examples of soy foods made artificial steak or chicken nuggets were added fat, sugar and processed flour.

To get the benefit of soy get it in the form of a lack of processes such as edamame, tofu or soy fresh water (instead of cans or boxes that have been processed).

4) Dutch Chicken Fat (Fat Free Turkey)
Most of the output of turkey contain too high in sodium to maintain freshness especially lean. Turkey meat that has been packed also contains sodium nitrate is very high.

Should choose a fresh turkey (whole bird and free range) and cook it yourself or if you are short on time select pieces that are low in sodium and all natural.

5) Gluten Free Cookies (if you do not suffer from celiac disease or gluten intolerance)
This is because cookies or gluten free bread which is not lower in calories than containing gluten even as they contain higher calories.

6) Low Fat Microwave Popcorn
Do not think if you buy more healthy low-fat popcorn because it actually contains 48 kinds of harmful chemicals from artificial butter, glue and dye. Employees who process low-fat popcorn experiencing respiratory problems during processing at the plant as a result of artificial butter.

Instead cook popcorn as usual and if you want to replace butter, use a better fat such as olive oil.

7) Frozen Food Diet
Food from frozen meat contains Butylated hydroxytoluene, chemicals may increase the risk of cancer. Also polysorbate 80, a chemical used to make oil and food do not separate when you eat. It is also used in shaving cream. Frozen foods also contain high sugar such as dextrose, molasses, corn syrup, maltodextrin, and high fructose corn syrup. Frozen food food diet is said also replace fat with sodium very much.

Instead get fresh meat, and if you want to use fat, use olive oil.

8) bread Light Low Calorie
Indeed, reduced fat in this sandwich, but it's just bread with white flour with the addition of sweeteners. It is not a healthier choice because it contains 30 calories higher than ordinary bread. To find out Always read the label before buying practice.

9) Crackers (Chips) Low Fat Vegetable
Indeed, it is low in fat but they contain very high salt content. Avoid it for your health rather take fruits and fresh vegetables as snacks.

Avoid processed foods for health and regularly take fresh food, The most important thing is regular exercise and good stress management is the key to live healthier .Wallahuaklam,,