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Monday, February 5, 2018

Bad Cholesterol

Tips to deal a bad cholesterol

Bismillahirahmanirahim, i had one of the important info to sharing with you on how can we manage and also to dealing with the bad cholesterol. we live in a modern era , all is serve with fast , including fast food, as we seen in today's many high-fat foods that we often consume, coupled with the lack of time that we can spend to exercise , So from here we know this makes the cholesterol in the body increased so that the incidence rate of diseases such as hypertension (high blood pressure) to heart attacks increasingly high.

     I have a lot of my patient is asking me  how to lower cholesterol in the body? How to quickly lower cholesterol? Is there a medicine to lower cholesterol to food to lower cholesterol that we can consume?  i believe to say these questions are often raised as a result of concerns arising from the increased incidence of these diseases. Therefore in this blog i  will be discussed about how to quickly lower cholesterol in the body.
      For your info and understand Cholesterol in the body actually there are several types, namely there is bad cholesterol and good cholesterol. Which include bad cholesterol include LDL, triglycerides, and VLDL. While good cholesterol is HDL. So that needs to be lowered is bad cholesterol levels. So all my readers here are several ways to lower bad cholesterol that we can apply include and practice.

Avoid Smoking 
Smoking habits can lower good cholesterol (HDL) and increase the risk of occurrence heart disease and Many of medical problem.

Avoid Alcohol 
Alcohol is one of the highest contribute high risk of bad cholesterol in a body

Lifestyle modification.
Look simple but hard to practice .The point is to make a healthy lifestyle such as maintaining a diet that we consume by eating foods that balance balanced and increase physical activity one of them by exercising. This can be done as one way to lower bad cholesterol.

Foods to lower cholesterol.
It was i mention before and explained previously known that how to lower bad cholesterol is to maintain food intake. We need to know what foods will increase cholesterol or fat levels in the body. Actually cholesterol or fat consists of saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats can raise bad cholesterol levels in the blood. So this type of fat should be avoided. Examples of foods containing saturated fat are (You will like to read  Nine Alternative Food 'Healthy' Not So Healthy )

  •  sausages
  •  cream
  •  cuts of fat from red meat
  •  cake
  •  biscuits
  •  cheese
  •  coconut oil  
While unsaturated fat itself is a good fat for the body. So the consumption of unsaturated fat as a substitute for saturated fat to be one way to lower bad cholesterol. Examples of foods that contain unsaturated fats include  (You will like to read Vegetables Lowering High Cholesterol Without Side Effects )

  • fish oil
  • nuts
  • vegetable oils such as olive oil 
  •  Foods to lower other bad cholesterol include fiber-containing foods such as wheat, vegetables (eg mustard, spinach, etc.), fruits (such as apples, etc.),
One of the key and tips i get from my Dietitian friend is Try to consume 5 servings of vegetables and fruits every day as one way to lower cholesterol.

Drugs Lowering Cholesterol
This medication is commonly serve by Dr , Drugs to lower bad cholesterol may be considered as a means of rapidly lowering cholesterol, if only with lifestyle modification alone cholesterol is hard to lower. Patients who have a high risk of coronary heart disease also need medication to lower cholesterol as a quick way to lower bad cholesterol in the blood.
Here is the example some drugs for lowering bad cholesterol Credit to my freind Dr Hazwan as sharing the info with the common types of drug that are given, among others statins (like: simvastatin, lovastatin, etc.), niacin groups (eg, niacor, slo-niacin, etc.), bile acid resin groups (such as cholestyramine, cholestipol, etc.) fibrates (such as: klofibrat, gemfibrozil, etc., and ezetimibe.

Increase Physical Activity 
As a Physiotherapist i like to inform the best and the cheapest way to fight the bad cholesterol is you  Increased physical activity becomes one of the fastest ways to lower bad cholesterol and increase HDL which is good cholesterol. When you increased physical activity not only by exercise alone. But also by increasing our daily physical activities such as doing housework (washing, mopping, etc.) to walk around the house, dancing, and Wash Car or Bike also climb stairs. Reduce activities that just keep silent just like watching television,playing video game, sleeping, and so on. If you want to exercise, choose according to the ability of the body and do not be forced and make sure this activities is done by constantly to achieve an optimum result.

As physiotherapist i would like to suggest if with regular diet and exercise regulation of blood cholesterol levels are still high, then you should consult directly to the doctor to get the best treatment and my tips in this blog is more prevention and also to give the info on how to manage our health. Wallahuaklam.


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