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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Skin Burn home management part 1.

Home management for Skin Burn .

Bismillahirahmanirahim , today in my blog i want to share a home management when we had involve with the simple burn case at home. The most important for us to understand What is a burn?
In order to treat burns on target, our perception of this condition should be appropriate and understandable about the grade of the burn that we have . In medical terms the burn is referred to as a combustion of  injury or injury to the body caused by high or hot temperatures. So, burns can appear at any time because the cause is not always straight from a fire burn. Most common in case burns can occur when the skin is touched to a hot pot, exposed to splashes or hot spills, or exposed to sunlight for long periods of time.The electrical shock also falls into this category that can cause a severe burns for the victims.

What is the level of the Burns?
In medical term the status of burns themselves have their levels.

1)  The first level is considered the lightest because it only concerns the outer surface of the skin. Such burns generally cause only slight pain, redness, and swelling.
2.)Another case with second degree burns that affect the deeper layers of skin. This usually triggers the appearance of blister sores appears.
3) Next is a 3rd degree burn that causes damage to all layers of the skin, the most appear symptoms include glossy white skin color such as wax, burn, and uneven leather texture.
4) Worse than that is the 4 degrees already damaging the joints and bones.

To understand and Knowing the degree of the burn  is very important, as this will determine the proper treatment or handling of burns. 
In example, for someone who suffered 3 and 4 degree burns, then he must be immediately rushed to the Hospital immediately for get a further and proper treatment as it can be fatal is not treated properly. While for those who suffered degree 1 and 2 burns with a wound depth of less than 3 inches (about 7.5 cm),so it can take care of itself at home with a proper guideline
To handling of burns should be adjusted to the degree of burns. So in my blog here lets learn how to treat burns at home and which unnecessary medication or remedies should be avoided.

First chapter is to understand on How to Treat Burns at Home
In recovery of burn,Mild burns generally take about 1-2 weeks to recover completely, and usually this wound will not cause scars . The goal of treatment to be listed below is to reduce the pain, prevent infection, and heal the skin more quickly by your own , so im sharing here base on my experience an also as one of the Physiotherapist. This is the right way to handle burns at home:

1. Using a Cold water 
The first thing to do when exposed to minor burns is splashing cold water (Make sure not ice water) into the area for 20 minutes immediately . After that, clean the burning area using water

2. Cold compress
 Using a Cold compress or wet cloth placed on the burning skin can also relieve pain and swelling immediately effect .Apply compresses with a 5-15 minute time lag as excessive use can aggravate irritation on the affected area.

3. Antibiotic ointment apply
Applying an antibiotic cream or ointment over an injured skin can prevent further infection. After applying, cover the skin with a sterile gauze.

 4. Aloe vera (Natural Remedies)
The research had been show to manage a problem burning handling, aloe vera is one of the champion and effective result . Various studies show that aloe vera is effective in healing burns level 1 and 2. In addition, aloe vera is also anti-inflammatory, can stimulate circulation, and prevent bacterial growth. 

5. Honey (Natural remedies)
Just like aloe vera, another natural remedies that effectively can handling a 1st and second degree burn is honey ,you can also apply honey to skin affected by minor burns to cure it. Besides being anti-inflammatory, honey also contains antibacterial and anti fungal agents.

 6. Avoid exposure to sunlight
This is most important to do .Even if the activity requires you to be outdoors, then often take shelter. The reason is because skin that has been exposed to burns tend to be sensitive to sunlight. So cover that part also with clothing or other. 

7. Avoid squeezing blisters 
Important to make sure you didn't do this it is because sometime you feels  very tempting to squeeze or break blister burns, but do not do it. When blisters blister prematurely, then it can trigger an infection. Therefore, wait a few days or let it break itself. You should check it to the doctor if you are worried about it. 

8. Drinking painkillers If burns make you sick, then take analgesic drugs or pain reliever sold freely in pharmacies, such as ibuprofen or naproxen , paracetamol .This medication can help you to control the pain and help you feel better.

This is the simple tips on how to manage and also to make sure that you can treat a minor burn by your self at home , but if you didnt make sure on what to do , please go to meet the Dr for further management and treatment .wallahuaklam.


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