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Thursday, January 11, 2018

Quit smoking Part 1

What are the reason you need to quit smoking?


This 2018 i hope every smokers had a reason try to quit and also to free from smoking.
why in this new year we need to put for one of our effort. 
The main reason and the best benefits you will gain

When you try to quit smoking you had extend your life another 10 years , this is because
Your risk of coronary heart disease is that of a non-smoker's. when you stop smoking it starts to put you on lowers risk of diabetes, helping and improvise blood vessels work better, and helps your heart and lungs to get healthy. 

Did you now when you start to smoke it can causes premature death: Life expectancy for smokers is at least 10 years shorter than for nonsmokers this is not what i am say it was done by research and also prove in daily life buy when you are Quitting smoking before the age of 40 reduces the risk of dying from smoking-related disease by about 90% and you will have a improving in a quality of life.

One of the interesting fact and research had shown when you smoking you will hunted by a one of the killer cancer calls a lung cancer  and one study found people who smoked between 5 and 9 cigarettes a day had a higher risk of dying from lung cancer, or any type of cancer without you notice until it became late. You can get the reference from. Bjartveit K, Tverdal A. Health consequences of smoking 1-4 cigarettes per day 

I have a friend who are stop from smoking and he share the experience regarding the side effect when he start to stop the smoking , when he first time to stop smoking after 21 years smoke the body show a reaction on recovery ,The body  start trying to account for the sudden shock and loss of blood sugar. Extreme anxiety, irritability, mood swings, and insomnia are all very common side effects from quitting smoking , when i read in another facts and research some person will experience as a drug user ,this is because as we now the  Tobacco contains nicotine, an addictive drug, and smokers become addicted so If you quit abruptly your mind  and body will go through the physical and psychological effects of drug-withdrawal, These may include the sign of  intense food cravings, jittery nerves, anxiety, short temper, depression, and sleeplessness.
and he also mention to me that he  also get extreme nausea, vomiting for days until the body starts to stabilize itself,and when the body start to learning without nicotine he feel like to be born again .

What can your lungs doing when you stop smoking is a magical process as you quit smoking, the inflammation in the airways goes down. The little hair-like projections in the airways that we call cilia that are sleep and paralyzed by smoke  will wake up and begin to work again. So the lungs will get better in weeks to months base on how you improve your life with activities and exercise.
some time it also will just depends on how long you've smoked and how extensive damage you have done to your lungs, As Physiotherapy when i meet a patient who had a certain damage like emphysema is permanent and therefore irreversible to get recovery. So ti go back to your pre-smoking body's health is not possible , but quitting smoking now has immediate and substantial effects on your body that only a person who are doing that will notice the effect.

So i understand in some individual have an experience to deal it physically and mentally as the hardest part of quitting smoking comes in the first week because after three to five days after you quit your body and mind is trying to fight feel cravings, you're sluggish, and you start producing a lot of gunk in the lining of your lungs in order to expel it. But all that subsides after a few weeks, if you can push through. The benefit that will suprise you is your lungs action , this is because its start free from poisoning gas ,This gas can be harmful or fatal in high doses and prevents oxygen from entering the lungs and blood. When inhaled in large doses in a short time, suffocation can occur from lack of oxygen. After just 12 hours without a cigarette, the body cleanses itself of the excess carbon monoxide from the cigarettes

especially there is lots of tips and experience that we can hear for the people who a quit the smoking
because it will help you to achieve a quality and also improve your health and also people surrounding you. wallahuaklam


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