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Monday, January 8, 2018

Bone spur Prevention

How to deal with calcaneus spur at your foot ?

Bismillahirahmanirahim , Today i had attend one of the patient who are suffering the foot pain more than 3 month , he always complain the pain is persist and not become better even he had take a pain killer to deal with it.
when he meet me , when i view his X- ray , i had noted some small bone spur had been develop on his foot and in term of medical , i was called Bone spur .
In general condition ,The calcaneus spur means the hardened part of the bone into a spur that can been affecting at your foo. As for patient understanding, calcaneus spur is the formation of small bones like a spur on the heel that can be compress and hit to your tissue of foot when you put a loading weight on it as for example you walking and standing.
       I had explain to the patint that is the exact cause of calcaneus spur remains uncertain and it contributing with a lot of factor . However, many medical experts have argued that this condition is associated with long-term trauma or collision and frequent frequent frequency on the heels of youth. Therefore, sponge calcaneus is associated with athletes. Some even mention if this condition is a disease of athletes. But the assumption is not absolute right as Athletes are rarely found calcaneus spur in their live even their of season.

     In connection of your question, if you have been diagnosed with calcaneus spur by a Dr or Therapist , there are several ways you can take it to overcome it and deal with a proper guideline. The most commonly recommended way is to cope with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain medications (NSAIDs) of many types and brands on the market that can be provided by the Dr and Specialist.
Other ways such as physiotherapy or the use of heelcup (viscoheel), the soles placed in sandals or shoes can be taken , and i also will suggest to the patient to had a treatment with using Ultrasound therapy and Laser therapy for management to the pain.

In the acute phase, it is recommended to frequently compress the heel with ice to reduce swelling and pain. Do it twice daily, morning and evening.
if you want to know more here the exercise you can improve in that

If after two treatment sessions and you still feel pain, The Dr can be given injections on the heel. This injection is only done in patients who already feel very pain in the heel and not ease with the conventional method.

    However, it must be remembered the side effects of the injection on everyone. Patients are not recommended to inject more than three times a year as their is have an evidence that can cause an rejected of medication .If the complaint persists, you may contact an orthopedic doctor for further treatment wallahuaklam.


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