Dengan Nama Allah,yang tidak memberikan mudarat sesuatu di bumi dan juga di langit dan dia maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui..



Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Overcome Rigid Neck When Waking up Sleep

How to Overcome Rigid Neck When Waking Sleep

Bismillahirahmanirahim , as i mention in my last post before regarding rigid neck , here i want to share the Tips to deal with this problem.

1.Rest your Neck

 Left your neck, especially when you work too long or exercise. Lay your neck and body in a comfortable position, and make sure you use a good pillow that can keep the head and neck in order to stay in the right position.

2.Stretch Your Neck Muscles
 You can stretch your neck muscles using a hot towel or bath and soak in warm water.

  • Simple stretching steps in the following way: Turn your head slowly to the right, then use your right hand to put a little pressure on your chin, do it gently and gradually. Hold for 15-20 seconds then gently move your head back to the starting point. 
  • Repeat, this time to to the left side. Tilt or swing your head until your chin touches your chest, if not, simply push it as close as you can. 
  • Make sure your shoulders relax when doing so. Hold for 15-20 seconds, then repeat again. 
  • Tilt your head to the right while trying to put the right ear to your right shoulder. Do not let your shoulders lift, do for 20 seconds, then repeat again on the other side.
  • you can read more in this info :Possible Causes Of Neck Pain and Headaches
  • Neck exercise to relief pain
3. Massage Your Neck 
If you wake up with a stiff neck, massaging yourself the sore area can be a solution. However, do it gently and stop if it adds pain.

4. Choose a Good Pillow 
Use a pillow that is not too thick and not too thin that can adjust your sleeping position. If you sleep on your side, the pillow will keep your head in a horizontal position. If you sleep on your back, the pillow will not make your head too high or too low.

5. Make Sure You Are Using a Mattress 
That's too old or old usually does not provide support for your neck and spine. This becomes one of the causes of stiff neck when waking up. Therefore, make sure you use a good mattress or bedding that can help your neck and spine to be in an ideal position.

6. Avoid Sleeping Prone

 Sleep face down has a major influence on the health of the neck and spine. Therefore, try to sleep sideways or on your back (recommended sideways to the right). In modern medical science shows a lot of evidence of the dangers of sleeping face down or stomach. Especially if in this position you sleep soundly and long. Because it can cause the flow of oxygen to be less and result in shortness of breath due to the chest muscle or breathing does not work with the maximum. Apply a healthy lifestyle, and keep good sleep patterns. Not recommended to sleep too late, it is advisable to meet the needs of sleep at least 6-8 hours a day. Note also the pillow and mattress shape that you use to sustain comfort during sleep. 

For Muslims, praying and performing ablution before bed can be a good and healthy habit. By applying a healthy lifestyle and a good sleep pattern, you will avoid a stiff neck after waking up and risk of other illnesses wallahuaklam..

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Bahaya memusingkan badan.

Bahaya memusingkan badan ketika Duduk.

Bismillahirahmanirahim, semalam merupakan hari yang mencabar dalam kehidupan saya sebagai seorang fisioterapi , didatangi oleh seorang pemuda yang dahulunya aktif bersukan dan juga bebas didalam melakukan apa apa kerja serta aktiviti , tetapi sekarang terlantar lebih dari 2 minggu kerana sakit belakang yang teramat sangat.
Mr x seorang jurutera muda di syarikat swasta , dalam seminggu 2 kali dia melakukan aktiviti yang sihat seperti bermain badminton dan juga berjoging tetapi dalam masa 4 hari ini tiba tiba dia merasakan ada perubahan yang kurang selesa telah berlaku pada tubuh badan beliau. Pada mulanya kaki beliau hanyalah merasa sakit dan juga menarik dari betis sehingga pergelangan kaki, tetapi hari ini beliau tidak mampu berjalan kerana kaki yang sakit dan juga merasa lemah .
Perjumpaan dengan pakar tulang telah membuka segala teka teki yang tersirat di pemikiran Mr X ini.
Apabila MRI dilakukan pakar tulang mendapati beliau telah mengalami masalah PID L4-L5 with Disc anulus tear.

Pesakit telah berjumpa dengan saya dan mengajukan pelbagai soalan , ini kerana beliau tidak percaya dengan usia yang muda , aktif bersukan dan sihat akhirnya beliau mendapat masalah ini.
setelah saya selidiki dan melakukan assesment terhadap beliau , maka jawapanya adalah ketika beliau di pejabat dan waktu itu ketika beliau memusingkan badan tanpa bahagian bawah badan mengikut pusingan badan tersebut ketika mengambil fail,secara spontan beliau terbatuk dan waktu itu terasa seperti ada renjatan elektrik di bahagian belakang beliau. Pada mulanya Mr X merasakan kaki kanan beliau terasa kebas , dan dia tetap meneruskan tugas seperti biasa , dan di malam harinya dia bermain badminton dengan rakan sekerja , tetapi waktu itu belakang badan beliau sudah mula rasa tegang , akibat merasakan tidak selesa , keesokan harinya Mr X ini pergi melakukan urutan tradisional kerana beranggapan kemungkinan salah urat.

Pada hari kedua keadaan Mr X semakin parah dan kesakitan yang dihadapi oleh beliau sukar untuk berdiri dan juga berjalan sehingga kaki kanan menjadi kebas, sakit dan juga lemah .Ini menyebabkan beliau pergi sekali lagi melakukan urutan tradisional, dengan anggapan kesakitan itu mampu dikurangkan dan beliau akan pulih. Sehinggalah keesokan harinya kesakitan yang dialami oleh Mr X semakin parah sehingga terpaksa dibawa ke hospital dengan bantuan rakan.

Alhamdulillah setelah ditahan di hospital selama 3 hari ,dengan kesakitan yang ditahan akhirnya ianya semakin pulih atas keizinanya serta ubat ubatan yang diberi dan juga rawatan fisioterapi yang konsistant. Para pembaca yang budiman apa yang saya cuba perjelaskan dalam situasi Mr x ini ialah kebarangkalian situasi yang sama ini pun boleh berlaku kepada kita tanpa kita sedar atau sedar.
Puncanya mudah hanya dengan memusingkan badan ,maka PID boleh muncul. Ini kerana tulang belakang kita boleh berada dalam keadaan yang paling tidak stabil ketika kita melakukan aktiviti memusing , ini kerana memusing badan ketika duduk meletakkan anda risiko mendapat sakit belakang yang amat tinggi dan juga merbahaya pada masa yang tertentu.
jika dilihat gambarajah ini

Mr X telah meletakkan dirinya ke bahagian yang paling berisiko untuk mendapat kecederaan pada bahagian belakang iaitu gambarajah yang paling hujung dimana tekanan pada tulang belakang pada waktu itu berada pada tahap maximum iaitu 275kg intradiscal pressure. Dengan ketinggian tekanan pada disc maka tidak hairan jika pelapik rawan tulang belakang ini boleh terkoyak atau tercedera jika berlaku impact yang maksima diruang abdomen seperti terbatuk atau terbesin. Apabila perkara ini berlaku ini bermakna anda berisiko mendapat masalah sakit belakang tanpa anda sedari , kerana kebanyakan individu beranggapan sakit belakang boleh terjadi jika mengangkat objek yang berat dan juga terjatuh. Tetapi dengan perkongsian ini ingin saya nyatakan bahawa sakit belakang ini kebanyakan beraku kepada kakitangan atau pekerja yang banyak duduk dan melakukan aktiviti dengan duduk seperti Pekerja Bank , kerani , Guru dan juga Pekerja Office.
Selain itu ingin saya kongsikan ketika berlakunya kesakitan belakang yang akut iaitu berlaku didalam tempoh 24 jam ,rawatan urutan bukan lah penyelesaian yang tepat ini kerana anda bayangkan jika anda ada luka di bahagian Jari , dan ianya masih berdarah adakah anda akan melakukan urutan dibahagian itu , semestinya tidak bukan , ini kerana kesakitan belakang yang akut mempunyai gejala inflamasi yang tinggi maka urutan tidak dibenarkan sama sekali.
Dalam Blog saya ini banyak info dan juga perkongsian tentang pencegahan , rawatan sakit belakang akut dan juga Kronik , serta tips tips yang anda boleh baca dan juga fahamkan , Di ruangan blog ini anda boleh mendapatkan ilmu ini untuk dikongsi dan juga sebagai persediaan jika menghadapi masalah ini. Wallahuaklam.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Causes of Rigid Neck After Waking Up

Causes of Rigid Neck After Waking Up 

Bismillahirahmanirahim , i have a one question that can give you a reason to understand regarding your neck ,Have you ever felt a stiff neck after waking up? It is usually characterized by pain and difficulty moving the neck, especially when you try to turn your head to the right or left side. Not infrequently can be accompanied by headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain or pain in the arm.

A person may experience a stiff neck when you wake up in the morning or after doing heavy activities. Rigid neck or pain when moved after awakening is also known as Stiff and tightness neck.

In many cases, the pain and stiffness of the neck can disappear naturally within a week. However, in rare cases, it may indicate the need for rapid medical evaluation. Therefore, you should be more vigilant and know early on what causes the stiff neck after waking and how to overcome it, so this does not happen repeatedly to you.

The Factors can Causes of Rigid Neck After Waking Up

1.Shape and Position Pillows 
You should pay attention to the shape and position of a good and comfortable pillow when sleeping, it is very important that you do not need to feel stiff neck and pain when waking up. In addition to comfort in sleep, the main function of the pillow is to maintain balance on your neck, in order to prevent problems such as awakening with a stiff neck. Use a pillow that is neither too thick nor fluffy nor too flat or deflated. Pillows that are too thick or fluffy can cause your neck to be too high and if it is too flat or deflated, the neck is in an uncomfortable position because it is too low. Ideally, use a pillow made of soft foam or cotton that can balance the position of your neck during sleep. No need to bother to measure how many corners, when you feel comfortable that's the right size for you. Especially for those who sleep on your side, make sure that your spine is not curved due to pillows that are too low or high.

2.Sleeping Position 
In addition to pillow problems, sleeping position also plays an important role. The wrong sleeping position can cause a stiff neck after waking up. To avoid this generally doctors suggest to sleep sideways (to the right or to the left) with a comfortable support. Sleeping on the back can also be an alternative. In addition to preventing neck stiffness, sideways sleep (especially the right side) has many health benefits such as keeping the stomach contents in a stable position, reducing the burden of the heart, resting the stomach, maintaining the health of the lungs and others. For Muslims, this has been recommended in the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
you can follow read this Best Tips for Good sleep.

3. Muscle Tension 
Do You? The main cause why stiff neck and pain are muscle tension or sprain. Specifically, the levator muscle of the scapula that is on the right side of the left of our neck is prone to injury. The levator muscles of these scapula connect the cervical spine with the shoulders controlled by the third and fourth cervical nerves.

4.Neck Arthritis 
Arthritis of the neck or also known as cervical osteoarthritis, is a common age-related condition that affects the joints and spinal cushions in the neck. The disease is caused by the wear and tear of cartilage and bone found in the cervical spine. Mostly because of the age factor, and can be caused by other factors as well. Symptoms may include neck stiffness, shoulder pain, extreme numbness of hands and feet. For the treatment can be done by taking drugs and also physical therapy (physiotherapy). try to read this Possible Causes Of Neck Pain and Headaches .

5. Pinched nerve 
Pinched nerve occurs when there is pressure (compression) that naturally in the neural network surrounding. Usually people with advanced age are more prone to this condition because the spinal discs are starting to become more rigid. This pain can be removed with painkillers, but for more serious conditions therapy or surgery is required.

Other Possible Causes
There are several other possible causes of stiff neck after waking up:
*Muscle cramps. This can happen in any part of the body, including the neck. When this happens, it will cause muscles to contract and stiffen.
* Fibromyalgia is a pain in the whole body that involves joints and muscles, which can cause a stiff neck. This disease can be experienced by anyone and can occur in the long run.
*Meningitis is an infection that affects the fluid around the spinal cord and brain, the disease is very serious and can result in death. Rigid neck, headache and fever are common symptoms of this disease.
* Experiencing excessive stress or anxiety, causing tension in the neck.
*Too long to bend over looking at a computer monitor or cell phone.

in the next chapter i will include the TIPS how to deal and manage the Rigid neck after wake up wallahuaklam..