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Monday, January 16, 2017

What is the Myalgia


Bismillahirahmanirahim , Myalgia is the medical language of muscle pain, comes from the Greek, namely myo meaning muscle and algos which means pain. Therefore, myalgia means pain in the muscles or in the language of the people called by sore.The entire body is covered muscle, the muscle pain also can occur anywhere. Myalgia is a very common complaint, and almost everyone has experienced myalgia, muscle pain although the location varies, depending on the activity and its causes

For example, the office workers who often sit for hours in front of a table or a driver, often complain of muscle pain in the lumbar region. Construction workers or workers often complain of muscle pain in the shoulder area. The shopkeeper or sales often complain of muscle pain in the lower leg area.

What are the symptoms of myalgia?
Other symptoms that may accompany myalgia include:
  •  Fever
  •  swelling at the site of pain
  •  Redness 
  • Weakness Pain in the joints of the symptoms above, does not always appear all, this is in accordance with what is causing myalgia, for example when the cause is a common infection such as the flu or DBD, the complaint will be accompanying fever. Whereas when only fatigue, the symptoms of which minuscule only muscle pain and may limp. And so on.
What Causes Myalgia?
Muscle soreness can occur because of muscle at that location tense or stiff. Some things that can lead to painful muscle tension among others:

Too much use (overuse)
Activity is too much, especially using certain muscles, it will cause the muscles become sore. Activities that too many are not comparable with the supply of oxygen from the blood vessels, leading to the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles. Lactic acid is what causes the muscles to become sore.

Trauma or injury
At the time of physical activity with the wrong position can cause muscles to become injured, then painful. Muscle pain arising due to this trauma usually is local or on just one area.

psychological factors
muscle pain also influenced by psychological factors a person. The presence of stress or depression can cause a person to complain of muscle aches.

Disease causes myalgia
Muscle pain can also arise because it is influenced by a person's medical condition or the effect of a particular disease. As an example 
  1. The existence of an inflammatory process or infection. If there is inflammation or infection, muscle pain usually spreads to the entire body. For example: when the flu because the virus infection, we can feel pains all over the body.
  2. The presence of autoimmune diseases such as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis.
  3. The use of certain drugs, such as statins, anti-hypertensive drugs ACE inhibitors, or narcotic cocaine.
  4. Disorders of the thyroid gland, can hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
  5. Hypokalemia, where the levels of potassium in the body is low.
  6. Fibromyalgia disease, where there is chronic pain.
How To Treat Myalgia?
Muscle aches usually gives good results with treatment that can be done at home. Some things you can do yourself to relieve muscle tension, whether due to trauma or too many activities including:
  1. Resting areas of the body that feel pain Using pain relievers available commercially, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol 
  2. Using topical creams to relieve muscle tension 
  3. cold pack (or use ice water) in the areas of pain to reduce the inflammatory process 
  4. Physiotherapy treatment
  5. Exercise to relieve stress such as meditation or yoga 
  6. not lift excessive burden especially in areas experiencing pain
In general, myalgia is not a serious medical condition, it can heal itself or use self-treatment at home. But if myalgia do not heal, the patient should immediately visit a doctor to look for the main cause of myalgia. Myalgia may be a sign that something is a problem in the body. Some of the conditions that must be considered include:
  • Pain does not improve after a few days with treatment at home
  • severe muscle pain appear suddenly, without any obvious cause muscle pain accompanied by redness, swelling, or increase in body temperature
  • myalgias arising due to insect bites
How to Prevent Myalgia
If myalgia arise due to muscular tension or physical activity, then some steps can be taken to reduce the risk of myalgia, among others: 
  • Doing stretching or stretching the muscles before and after physical activity Doing warm up before exercising and cool down afterward 
  • Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration, especially in when many activities of regular exercise, such as jogging, cycling, swimming, etc. 
  • Avoid constant physical activity for too long. For example during long sitting at the computer or do chores, provide a maximum of 1 hour after a short time in between activities to stretch the waist muscles. 
  • Do not stand still for too long, interspersed with the activity of a small walk.
  •  Taking supplements or vitamin B complex.
As your info and knowledge ,with  thorough review of the patient's history and a complete physical examination can usually narrow the list of potential what is the causes of myalgia to a manageable few .For persistent or severe myalgia without a known cause, selected testing may be necessary to identify or exclude specific diagnoses and to direct treatment. Wallahuaklam..


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