Dengan Nama Allah,yang tidak memberikan mudarat sesuatu di bumi dan juga di langit dan dia maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui..



Monday, January 30, 2017

Heart Disease prevention

Heart Disease Prevention 

Bismillahirahmanirahim , today i feel to type a topic regarding how to prevent a heart disease.
Everybody know a Heart disease is one disease that has the potential to cause death. But that does not mean we should accept it as fate, because as human beings we are given the right to strive (initiative), one of the supreme effort that preventing a heart disease.

To all readers, there are many causes of heart disease or risk factors that we can not change such as age, gender, and family history. But there are still many risk factors that we can change so we could do the prevention of heart disease with a healthy lifestyle that the most important is to understand the source and the way to prevent it.

So lets discuss on how to prevent a heart disease. We know there are some ways that can help reduce the risk of heart disease, such as lowering blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels. Here are some tips to prevent heart disease:

Healthy food or a balanced diet of heart-
healthy foods are foods that are low in fat and high in fiber, including fresh fruits and vegetables, and grains. In addition we also have to limit the amount of salt in our food, which was no more than 6gram a day because too much salt increases blood pressure. Six grams of salt is about a teaspoonful. They should also know, there are two types of fat, namely saturated and unsaturated fats. We should avoid foods that contain saturated fat because it increases blood cholesterol levels. Foods high in saturated fats should be limited, among others: the sausage and chunks of meat fat butter pork fat hard cheese, cakes and biscuits foods containing coconut (bersantan) or palm Avoid or limit food sources high trans fats, include: Fried-fried bakery products food lightweight packaging Crackers However, a balanced diet should include a small amount of unsaturated fat, which will help to reduce cholesterol levels. Foods high in unsaturated fats include: Fish oil Avocado Nuts and seeds Sunflower seeds, olive oil and vegetable oils

Do not smoke or use tobacco
smoke or use tobacco in any form is one of the most significant risk factor for developing heart disease. The chemicals in tobacco can damage the heart and blood vessels, causing narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis). Atherosclerosis can eventually lead to coronary heart disease.

Make sure to Maintain ideal body weight 
ideal weight is also important to reduce the risk of heart disease, weight adan know whether it ideal weight calculator.

To Have Adequate and quality sleep
Lack of sleep can be harmful to health. People who do not get enough sleep have a higher risk of obesity, high blood pressure, heart attacks, diabetes and depression. Most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

Be Active in life style
Combining a healthy diet with regular exercise is the best way to maintain a healthy weight. Having a healthy weight reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure. Regular exercise will make your heart and circulatory system becomes more efficient, lowering cholesterol levels, and also to maintain a normal blood pressure.

Make a Habit Regular health checks 
High blood pressure and high cholesterol can damage the heart and blood vessels. Without first doing the examination, one would not know that they have this condition. Therefore, the examination is very important.
Blood pressure: Optimal blood pressure is less than 120/80 millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Someone who has proved to have hypertension or high blood pressure control routine and then have to take medication as prescribed, because if high blood pressure is left to be harmful to the heart. Cholesterol levels: Adults should check your blood cholesterol at least once every five years beginning at age 20 if they have risk factors for heart disease, such as obesity or high blood pressure. If healthy, then it can start to do a routine check of cholesterol at the age of 35 years for men and 45 years for women.
Diabetic Level :Because diabetes is a risk factor for heart disease, it is necessary to also check the blood sugar whether or not diabetes. Depending on risk factors, such as being overweight or a family history of diabetes, the doctor will recommend early screening for diabetes. If your weight is normal and you do not have other risk factors for type 2 diabetes, the American Diabetes Association recommends screening begin at age 45, and then retesting every three years. For those who already have diabetes then it should exercise restraint as scheduled routine so that blood sugar control.

So this tips is simple and i am sure everybody is concern their health status ,i believe those are some preventive measures for heart disease that we can employ to minimize the occurrence of heart attacks in the future. Wallahuaklam.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Jari tangan berbunyi

Bunyi Sendi Jari

Bismillahirahmanirahim , hari ini agak sunyi sikit di tempat kerja saya , mungkin sebab Chinese New Year akan jatuh hari sabtu ini , maka ramai pesakit pantang untuk datang ke hospital terutama pesakit cina.
Dalam blog saya hari ini saya nak kongsikan tentang , letupkan Jari , ada yang panggil Retak sendi ia adalah merupakan  satu fenomena yang menarik dan kurang difahami oleh kalangan masyarakat kita sehingga menimbulkan terlalu banyak teori tentang mengapa sendi jari ini berbunyi  pop jika dibengkokkan maksimum , tetapi punca sebenar masih lagi masyarakat tidak mengetahui bagaimana ianya terhasil..

Melalui pengalaman saya sebagai ahli fisioterapi saya ingin menerangkan kepada umum tentang fenomena membunyikan sendi ini dari segi kajian perubatan membunyikan setiap sendi sendi di anggota badan terutama jari ianya tidaklah merbahaya dan memberikan kesan yang buruk tetapi jika menghasilkan letupan  sendi ini mula mendatangkan kesakitan dan juga kelemahan pada bahagian yang dibunyikan ianya haruslah diberhentikan serta merta .

Sekali lagi ingin saya katakan melalui kajian perubatan membunyikan sendi tidak merbahaya dan juga tidak memberikan apa apa manfaat kerana ianya masih belum terbukti berbahaya kepada tubuh badan manusia . Banyak teori yang terhasil tanpa kajian mendalam mengatakan bila kita selalu membunyikan sendi jari maka jari kita akan mudah terkena arthritis.Teori ini tidak benar , jika anda belajar apa itu arthritis banyak faktor faktor yang memungkinkan perkara ini terjadi. Sebab itu apa bila pesakit bertanya saya hanya memberitahu jika ianya tidak menyakitkan anda teruskan kerana ada pesakit memikirkan bila membunyikan sendi di jari mereka merasakan sesuatu kelegaan , tetapi bagi saya ianya lebih kepada perasaan pesakit itu sendiri.

Disini saya ingin ceritakan secara ringkas bagaimana bunyi itu dihasilkan di dalam sendi, Bunyi pada bahagian sendi ini adalahdisebabkan oleh tekanan yang berlawanan arah dimana ianya menarik gas nitrogen sementara ke dalam sendi, apa bila berlaku mampatan pada bahagian sendi deperti jari dibengkokan secara kuat maka gas ini akan dilepaskan dan bunyi POP terhasil.Selain itu bunyi sendi juga boleh didengar jika tendon pada sendi bergesel antara satu sama lain kerana penyesuaian kecil di laluan meluncur mereka. Ini boleh berlaku atas faktor usia dan juga diatas perubahan tindakan yang berlaku serta merta seperti dari bersila terus berdiri.

Ruang Gas yang berada pada sendi jari sebelum diletupkan dan selepas yang diambil melalui pengimejan gambar.
Saya ingin sarankan dan juga memberitahu jika bunyi sendi ini disertai dengan rasa sakit, mungkin ada asas keabnormalan struktur sendi, seperti rawan longgar atau kecederaan kepada ligament. Sesetengah pesakit  yang menghidap masalah arthritis , Gout , Bursitis dan juga Osteoarthritis bunyi yang terhasil adalah menunjukkan ketidak abnormalan pada permukaan sendi dan tisu itu sendiri , selalunya ia disertai dengan bengkak dan juga rasa sakit.

Inshaallah , saya harap penerangan serba ringkas ini memberikan sedikit gambaran dan juga pemahaman kepada umum agar memahami asas tubuh badan manusia ini .wallahuaklam.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Chair exercise

Exercise on Chair in 2 Steps

Bismillahirahmanirahim , today i want to share a very simple and effective exercise for your body , its call exercise on chair.
what your need is your self and a dining chair..

1st Step .

Get ready. Focus on posture: Sit on your sit bones (if you sit on your hands, you can probably feel them) rather than your tailbone. Tighten your belly (think about bringing your belly button toward your spine), lift the rib cage, hold your neck long and straight, and tuck your chin down and back so you feel a long stretch on the back of your neck. “Feel like you have a string pulling up from the top of your head

2nd Step 

March in place. While you’re holding an upright posture, march in place with your seat firmly planted. Swing the opposite arm as you march each foot forward, Sitting Marching exercise is a fun way , safe and easiest way to gain strength, flexibility and effective in controlling your blood glucose, you even do it at home and in front of tv.

so its simple , effective  and save with no harm , i would say there will no be excuse for you to keep your body fit and health . wallahuaklam.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Technique to massage your Nasal Congestion and Sinus.

A simple Sinus + Nasal Congestion Massage technique.

Bismillahirahmanirahim, when you get a sinus it will cause a lot of trouble for your to breath as your nose will be immediately to block and congested, here i want to sharing a simple way and technique to massage your sinus problem.

This method i can say is the one of pattern a Relieve congestion the old-fashioned way.
Its say that because  we never use any medicine or stimulants,the preparation of this technique just you and your fingers.I believe to say a self-massaging is one of the easiest way to do and also effective. Here are three  type of massages that you can do in any time .
  • First step is wash your hand clean and take both index fingers  with place them on upper side of the eye , its just above the brow as show in picture below.

  •  In outward circles, start massaging the sinuses around  that area with your fingers gently and try to do this for around 20 to 30 seconds.

  • Second step is you take both index fingers and place them right below your eyes. Again, using outward circles, massage the sinuses around your eyes using your fingers. Make sure you take a time to do this for 20 to 30 seconds for seeing the effect.

  • And The third step is Finally,  Using moderate pressure, use your both thumbs to massage from the middle of the forehead and towards your ears.Remember as i say before try to do this for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat the massage again, or until your sinuses are adequately relieved.
This steps is one of the alternative home treatment that you can use , it safe from drugs and the most important thing its not harm you , only the thing must remember is stop immediately when you feel experience of pain if using this technique. Wallahuaklam.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Best technique to wash the face.

The best way to wash the Face

Bismillahirahmanirahim , How to wash your face ?,there are also tips and not just washed water or use a face wash. Most people make the mistake of typing this activity. For men may be rare because nearly 90% of them did not do so, but for women, wash your face is like a bath, when not done in a single day feels something is missing in them.
Everything concerning the actual facial beauty treatments there is knowledge, and the most worthy of reference is from the experts who are experts in their field. But since there are several sites with women who already do share previously as a physio i wanted to take the role as a mouthpiece alone in this regard. In that sense, the core material will be delivered in simple language, while adding related reviews that are still a matter of beauty.

How to Wash Face and Natural Face Wash

Below  this blog it will be disclosed a few errors as well as tips on caring for them in the face to look brighter, free of dull and whiter than before.

Here The simple Tips you can follow.

1. Get rid of hair from the face - Previously, keep the hair that fell in the face placed and fastened to the back first. Functions that do not interfere with our activities when washing the face.

2.Clean your face with warm water - To pores on the face can be open and the face becomes moist then it should be soaked in warm water before use.

3. Don't forget to , wet and wash hands well of water.

4.Then start cleaning the face by first taking a little cleanser is then rubbed on hand to look frothy. Then, gently wash your face in a way rubbed gently twist and massage it a bit slowly. The goal for the easy dirt out of the pores of the face

5. Once clean, let stand a few seconds and then rinse with cold water until no residual soap left. Intended use cold water so that the pores are closed again after being washed circuitry warm water.

6.Furthermore, dry using a soft towel and is new (not used previously) being contaminated with germs again and the skin can be really dry.

7.Lastly, stay using special face moisturizer, can use the product Provided that matches your skin type.

Healthy skin is the result of good care and perfect technique that are using by ourselves. Hopefully this tips will guide you the easiest way to take care of your face. wallahuaklam.

What is the Myalgia


Bismillahirahmanirahim , Myalgia is the medical language of muscle pain, comes from the Greek, namely myo meaning muscle and algos which means pain. Therefore, myalgia means pain in the muscles or in the language of the people called by sore.The entire body is covered muscle, the muscle pain also can occur anywhere. Myalgia is a very common complaint, and almost everyone has experienced myalgia, muscle pain although the location varies, depending on the activity and its causes

For example, the office workers who often sit for hours in front of a table or a driver, often complain of muscle pain in the lumbar region. Construction workers or workers often complain of muscle pain in the shoulder area. The shopkeeper or sales often complain of muscle pain in the lower leg area.

What are the symptoms of myalgia?
Other symptoms that may accompany myalgia include:
  •  Fever
  •  swelling at the site of pain
  •  Redness 
  • Weakness Pain in the joints of the symptoms above, does not always appear all, this is in accordance with what is causing myalgia, for example when the cause is a common infection such as the flu or DBD, the complaint will be accompanying fever. Whereas when only fatigue, the symptoms of which minuscule only muscle pain and may limp. And so on.
What Causes Myalgia?
Muscle soreness can occur because of muscle at that location tense or stiff. Some things that can lead to painful muscle tension among others:

Too much use (overuse)
Activity is too much, especially using certain muscles, it will cause the muscles become sore. Activities that too many are not comparable with the supply of oxygen from the blood vessels, leading to the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles. Lactic acid is what causes the muscles to become sore.

Trauma or injury
At the time of physical activity with the wrong position can cause muscles to become injured, then painful. Muscle pain arising due to this trauma usually is local or on just one area.

psychological factors
muscle pain also influenced by psychological factors a person. The presence of stress or depression can cause a person to complain of muscle aches.

Disease causes myalgia
Muscle pain can also arise because it is influenced by a person's medical condition or the effect of a particular disease. As an example 
  1. The existence of an inflammatory process or infection. If there is inflammation or infection, muscle pain usually spreads to the entire body. For example: when the flu because the virus infection, we can feel pains all over the body.
  2. The presence of autoimmune diseases such as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis.
  3. The use of certain drugs, such as statins, anti-hypertensive drugs ACE inhibitors, or narcotic cocaine.
  4. Disorders of the thyroid gland, can hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
  5. Hypokalemia, where the levels of potassium in the body is low.
  6. Fibromyalgia disease, where there is chronic pain.
How To Treat Myalgia?
Muscle aches usually gives good results with treatment that can be done at home. Some things you can do yourself to relieve muscle tension, whether due to trauma or too many activities including:
  1. Resting areas of the body that feel pain Using pain relievers available commercially, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol 
  2. Using topical creams to relieve muscle tension 
  3. cold pack (or use ice water) in the areas of pain to reduce the inflammatory process 
  4. Physiotherapy treatment
  5. Exercise to relieve stress such as meditation or yoga 
  6. not lift excessive burden especially in areas experiencing pain
In general, myalgia is not a serious medical condition, it can heal itself or use self-treatment at home. But if myalgia do not heal, the patient should immediately visit a doctor to look for the main cause of myalgia. Myalgia may be a sign that something is a problem in the body. Some of the conditions that must be considered include:
  • Pain does not improve after a few days with treatment at home
  • severe muscle pain appear suddenly, without any obvious cause muscle pain accompanied by redness, swelling, or increase in body temperature
  • myalgias arising due to insect bites
How to Prevent Myalgia
If myalgia arise due to muscular tension or physical activity, then some steps can be taken to reduce the risk of myalgia, among others: 
  • Doing stretching or stretching the muscles before and after physical activity Doing warm up before exercising and cool down afterward 
  • Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration, especially in when many activities of regular exercise, such as jogging, cycling, swimming, etc. 
  • Avoid constant physical activity for too long. For example during long sitting at the computer or do chores, provide a maximum of 1 hour after a short time in between activities to stretch the waist muscles. 
  • Do not stand still for too long, interspersed with the activity of a small walk.
  •  Taking supplements or vitamin B complex.
As your info and knowledge ,with  thorough review of the patient's history and a complete physical examination can usually narrow the list of potential what is the causes of myalgia to a manageable few .For persistent or severe myalgia without a known cause, selected testing may be necessary to identify or exclude specific diagnoses and to direct treatment. Wallahuaklam..