Dengan Nama Allah,yang tidak memberikan mudarat sesuatu di bumi dan juga di langit dan dia maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui..



Wednesday, April 26, 2017

8 symptoms of kidney stones .

There is  8  common symptoms of kidney stones are most often felt by the sufferer

Bismillahirahmanirahim , have you experience in your life  when you suddenly woke up last night, it looks like you have a fever, but why your lower back also hurts. More over, when urinating, it hurts. You are also wondering, is it really a symptom of kidney stones as is often mentioned by the people out there?

 As for important info , Kidney stones are one common disease that often affects the urinary tract. Kidney stones can appear when 'heavy' substances in the urine settle in the kidneys or urinary tract, and then some minerals cling to it to form a small stone. When this happens, the stone can settle in the kidney or go straight to the urethra.

A person suffering from kidney stones may not feel any symptoms at first. While still small, kidney stones can even go out on their own during urination without causing pain. But when the size grows larger, then the stone can block the flow of urine so that arises some unwanted symptoms. This can happen when kidney stones get caught in the urethra connecting between the bladder and the kidney (ureter). Even so, the size of the stone is not the only cause of pain. Sometimes, stones can also be caught in certain areas of the kidneys causing discomfort.

So what are the early symptoms of kidney stones? In explanation, here are eight symptoms of kidney stones that you may feel:

1 .Pain when urinating
If you suddenly feel pain when urinating, then it could be the initial symptoms. This usually happens because the kidney stones are moving from the bladder to the urethra. Sensations such as stabbing or burning may arise when the kidney stones move farther away. In this case you are at risk of suffering from urinary tract infections. If you already feel the symptoms of kidney stones of this kind, then immediately visit a doctor. In addition to pain, if there is urinary tract infection, the frequency of urination is also more frequent than usual. You always seem to feel 'dying' though not too much to drink. In addition, the urine that comes out just a little, or even none at all.

2.The emergence of pain
The location where the stone is located, and how its movement in the urethra is very determine the pain you feel. Many people describe the pain caused by kidney stones like when their back or lower abdominal are stabbed. There is also a picture if the pain is more severe than when giving birth to a child. The pain can come suddenly and then settle, or become worse as time passes. Areas that feel pain can also extend to the inner thighs and lower abdomen. The sufferer may experience persistent pain, or it may also come and go. Sometimes it can end after a few minutes, but it appears again in the next 10 minutes. In some cases, the pain may appear longer. The pain experienced can also change if the kidney stones move to the other side of the urethra. If the sufferer is a man, then he will probably feel the pain in the area of ​​testicles and scrotum. Some symptoms of kidney stones are similar to sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, to find out what the exact cause of the pain you are suffering, immediately consult a doctor to find out more diagnosis.

3.There is blood in the urine 
In addition to the increased pain and frequency of urination, you may also notice a change in color and level of urine concentration. Instead of yellow or clear, urine color but turns brown, pink, or even red. And if kidney stones block the urinary tract, then you may also find blood spots in the urine. This condition is called hematuria. Blood can enter the urine when kidney stones get stuck in the urinary tract, thus eroding the surface layer of the urinary tract through which it travels. How severe the pain is felt, can be an indicator of how big the size of kidney stones. Generally, the more ill, the larger the size.

4.Nausea and vomiting 
Some people who suffer from kidney stones claim to also experience nausea, even vomiting. This kidney stone symptoms automatically cause sufferers are dehydrated and malnourished. One of the causes of vomiting is usually because the pain is too heavy. But this can also be a sign that the body is trying to remove toxins from the body. The presence of stones in the kidneys obviously make this organ can not function properly, triggering rise in levels of toxins in the stomach and blood.

5.The smell of urine less tasty
In addition to discoloration, the aroma of urine issued is also less savory and even tend to rot. Although sometimes normal if the urine causes odor, but if the aroma becomes unbearable, then it is usually due to concentrated levels of chemicals and toxins in the urine. Kidney is an organ that plays an important role in removing toxins and chemicals from the body. But when the function is disrupted, then these substances can precipitate and crystallize in the body. The crystalline toxin then forms the kidney stones, which, when expelled through the urine, give off unpleasant odors.

6.Can not sit comfortably 
If the size of the kidney stone is large, then it can make the sufferer difficult to sit or lie down for a long time. The reason is because the two positions put additional pressure on the infected area. Therefore, no wonder if people with kidney stones are also experiencing other disorders, insomnia is one of them.

7.Fever and chills 
Symptoms of this kidney stones appear when accompanied by urinary tract infections, ranging from the kidney, ureter, and bladder areas. If the fever is too high, then the life of the sufferer automatically participate threatened. Conditions like this should get immediate treatment.

8.Kidney swell 
When the size of kidney stone is large enough, then it can block the flow of urine so hard to get out. As a result, the kidneys will 'drown' in the urine and experience swelling, in medical terms called hydronephrosis. The stomach part enlarges and when the area is touched, it usually will hurt.

So this info more are common complain for patient experience ,Those are some symptoms of kidney stones that should not be underestimated. Once one of the symptoms began to appear, then immediately consult a doctor to be treated earlier.
the most important for you to understand is the conditions that require you to immediately seek emergency treatment for kidney stones are as follows:

*Have a fever or chills, which may indicate an infection.
*Stop producing urine.
*You have a history of kidney removal and have only one kidney.
*Excessive nausea and vomiting.
*Experiencing confusion or severe fatigue.


Monday, April 24, 2017

Straighten Your Cheeks

How To Straighten Your Cheeks ?

Bismillahirahmanirahim, Not everyone thinks the cheek is cute, some even admitted to disgust with the condition of his chubby cheeks. As a result, they also tried hard to find how to cheek. Want to know how to test the results? so let me share with you the easiest way and trick to learn , Check out the following reviews.
Excess fat on the cheeks to make the appearance of a person's face to be chubby or chubby. Not only make the minder, cheek copper owner is often also a victim of bully from his friends. Fortunately, you do not have to take the path of surgery if you want to emulate the cheeks as we will explain below.

How to Quickly Trim Cheeks You can practice some of the following ways to get a more slim cheeks,you would like to read this also The best way to wash the Face.

1.Blowing balloons
Blowing a balloon at a glance makes the cheeks look even bigger, but this way turns out to tighten and chubby cheeks. You just take the balloon, and blow it up big. While doing so, try feeling the muscles in the cheeks that are made to expand. The more balloons are blown, the more optimal your efforts in cheeking.

2.Rotating the tongue
Playing the tongue in the mouth may be a rarity we do. However, did you know that this action is a cheek sport that can reduce fat deposits? While closing your mouth, try turning your tongue in a circular motion. When rotating, make sure the tongue touches the top ceiling and the bottom of the mouth. Do it 15 times clockwise and 15 times counterclockwise

3.Benefits of warm towels
Give your face, especially the cheek, steam touch if you want to eliminate the look of his chubby. When you put a warm towel, the face will sweat so burn fat on the cheek. To do so, you just boil water, then let it warm. After that, dip the towel, wring it out, and place it on the most bruised cheek. Repeat this process up to 5 times, and do an hour before bedtime. Hot steam on the face can open the pores while tightening chubby cheeks.

4.Chewing gum
Chewing gum turns out not only can eliminate bad breath, but it is also a cheeky lip fat burning sport that is worth a try. You simply chew gum about 20 minutes, 2 times a day, if you want the fat cells in the face to melt. The best time to chew gum is 30 minutes after meals (day or night).

5.Facial massage 
How to impersonate other cheeks is to do facial massage. You can use ginseng oil or wheat germ oil to stimulate blood circulation, reduce fat deposits and water in the face.After applying the oil on the face and neck, massage the face by moving your palms upwards. Start from the chin, then move your palms upward using a circular motion, do it 5 times. Next, use your fingertips to gently tap the corner of your lip toward your ear, repeat up to 10 times. Lastly, move all fingers (except thumbs) near the jaw line, use upward jerking movements 5 to 6 times.

You can also touch the cheeks with a rinse. Use warm water and gargle 3-4 times a day.

7.Movement inflates the cheek
Action inflates or swells this cheek is a way of quickest cheek meniruskan. Facial exercise is not only able to strengthen the upper cheek muscles, but also make the face look young and tight. To begin with, you must first close your mouth, then blow air out of your mouth while inflating your cheeks. Hold for 10 seconds. After that, try to collect the air to the right cheek, hold 10 seconds, and do also to the left cheek. Repeat this exercise up to 10 times.

8.Fish-like movements smile 
Not only can tighten the cheek, this movement also strengthens as well as eroding fat in the face. The movement sucking the cheeks so that the look of these smiley-looking lips targeting the lower cheeks and chin as the main target. After sucking on the cheeks, try to smile, and hold the expression for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times if you want a thin cheek in 10 days.

9.Facial Stretching 
The face also needs stretching or yoga to strengthen the muscles, build bones, relieve tension, and erode fat. You should relax before doing so. As you open your eyes and mouth, stick out your tongue. Try touching your chin with the tip of your tongue, hold it for 10 seconds, and repeat 5 times.

10. Other important tips
In addition to the above facial exercises, there are ways to imply the other cheek is quite potent, namely: Reduce / minimize siesta.

  •  Avoid going straight to bed after dinner as this can add fat to the cheeks. 
  • You should eat 2 hours before bedtime.
  •  Stay away from foods that contain high sugar, starch, and oil (fried). 
  • Whenever you feel thirsty, drink a glass of warm water. 
  • Avoid alcohol because it can make the body dehydrated and make the face become swollen. 
  • Control the consumption of salt, because sodium is binding water in the body (including the face) so as to make it appear more contained.
  •  Expand the consumption of nutritious foods such as vegetables, fruits, fibrous foods and high protein content. 
  • Simply drinking water because dehydration makes the body and face forced to store water so it looks more fat than it should be.
  •  Observe your current hairstyle.
  •  Look for haircuts that can disguise round cheeks 
  • Do jump rope as much as 100 times per day. 
So i believe this tips are simple and easy to do , if you do consistently around 2 weeks you will see the result , the matter is it's time to practice. Good luck.and wallahuaklam.