Dengan Nama Allah,yang tidak memberikan mudarat sesuatu di bumi dan juga di langit dan dia maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui..



Monday, March 13, 2017

Best Vegetables Lowering High Cholesterol Without Side Effects

Vegetables Lowering High Cholesterol Without Side Effects

Bismillahirahmanirahim , something a good info to share to all my readers ,Your cholesterol levels are high enough after the check-up yesterday? Do not panic, because in fact high levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) do not always have to be cured with drugs. You can lower LDL by exercising regularly and eating vegetables lowering cholesterol.

As we want to know ,What's cholesterol? why should be lowered? 
Indeed, not all types of cholesterol are bad and should be lowered. Why is that? Because his cholesterol was found in every cell of the body and has important natural functions. Cholesterol exists because the body is produced, but these substances can also be taken out of food consumed. Cholesterol is oil based, whereas water-based blood. Therefore, cholesterol and blood can not be mixed directly, and therefore required an intermediary, namely lipoprotein. With the lipoprotein, the cholesterol can be streamed to the whole body.

Accordingly, it is divided into two types of cholesterol:

  1. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL - cholesterol being transported are "bad" cholesterol). 
  2. High-density lipoprotein (HDL - cholesterol is transported is 'good' cholesterol). 
High LDL is not matched with the high HDL ill effect on blood vessels. Because these bad fats through a long process could be deposited on the inner lining of blood vessels, making blood flow becomes blocked because of the diameter of the narrowing (atherosclerosis). Eventually the blood flow can be stopped altogether.

It is this process that causes a variety of serious diseases such as stroke and coronary heart disease, when blood vessels in the brain and the heart are narrowed due to bad cholesterol.

So in our mind How to lower cholesterol?
We lower the bad cholesterol by reducing intake of foods rich in saturated fats. The reason, often using saturated fatty liver as a material for producing cholesterol. This means that the more the consumption of saturated fats, it has been rising also lower blood cholesterol levels, especially LDL. As for raising good cholesterol, then we need to exercise regularly and eat foods that contain fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. Substances like this are found in fruits and vegetables.

Cholesterol Lowering vegetables Here's some food from the list of vegetables that can lower bad cholesterol:

  • Green leafy vegetables 

Green leafy vegetables have a high content of antioxidants. Food sources of  phytogreen also help the body resist damage caused by free radicals, delay aging, and keep blood vessels supple and healthy.
Most green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale are also low in calories so friendly for weight consumers. And although almost all the vegetables should be consumed with high cholesterol, but some of them such as beets, cabbage, and broccoli, can provide maximum impact protection. Moreover, red cabbage and kale are very rich in antioxidants.

  • Spinach
 is rich in lutein, a yellow pigment found in egg yolk and other green leafy vegetables. Lutein itself has a golden reputation in the field of health because it can prevent macular degeneration lead to blindness. And now experts recommend the consumption of food sources of lutein every day to prevent heart attacks. Lutein can help get rid of the blood vessel walls of cholesterol that triggers a blockage.

  • Routine beans

eat beans every day can lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. Beans is one vegetable lowering good cholesterol because it contains polyunsaturated fats that is also friendly for people with diabetes.

  • Grains 

Grains are very rich in fiber dissolution. So it took more time for the body to digest it, and that means you will feel full longer. This is one reason why grains are often relied upon those who want to lose weight. A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that the consumption of one serving of whole grains such as peas, red beans, black beans, chickpeas, or lentils, can reduce cholesterol by up to 5%. Another study from Arizona State University Polytechnic found that adding 90 grams of grain into the soup can decrease LDL up to 8%.

  • Eggplant and okra 

Good eggplant and okra are both low in calories and also contain soluble fiber in the body. Therefore, please do not hesitate to regularly eat both vegetables this cholesterol-lowering

  • Nuts 

Nuts are a storehouse of fat (both saturated and unsaturated) and fiber. Nevertheless, some nuts such as almonds also contain antioxidant flavonoids that can improve the health of blood vessels. There are few studies that says that nuts effective for lowering bad cholesterol because it can prevent the constriction of blood vessels. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, for example, found that participants who ate walnuts every day for 1 month encountered bad cholesterol levels down to 9.3%.

  • Flaxseed and chiaseeds

Besides being rich in omega-3s called ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), flax and chia seeds are also high in fiber charge, both types of soluble and insoluble. The soluble fiber from these two foods are believed to help bind fat and cholesterol that does not get absorbed by the body.

  • Tomatoes 

Tomatoes contain lycopene, a type of carotenoid pigment that normally gives the red color on the fruit or vegetable. According to some studies, lycopene can lower cholesterol as much as 10-17%, so good for heart health and cholesterol. Tomatoes are also included in the list of 14 fruits Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

  • Garlic 

Over the centuries, the ancient Egyptian society always eat garlic to increase stamina. And in modern times, as now, the benefits of garlic is not only limited to protect the body against various infections, but also can lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and prevent blood clots. A study even found that garlic can stop the accumulation of plaque in blood vessels early. When it enters the body, the onion will prevent cholesterol particles stick to the walls of blood vessels.

The Key factor you must consider is when you are being treated, such as the use of cholesterol drugs, then you should consult with your doctor first before you intensify to eating certain foods.

So my conclusion in this simple tips are , almost all kinds of vegetables can lower cholesterol, so you are free to consume as needed. But the above list is a cholesterol-lowering vegetables that are superior to others. Wallahuaklam.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Push Up Benefit in Human body

Bismillahirahmanirahim ,Benefits push up is great for men and women who want to strengthen the muscles of the body. Exercising is one way to maintain health and fitness. And if you want a sport that can provide benefits to every part of the body, then push-ups is one of them.
You just need to do a push-up correctly to avoid injury. To prevent the wrist hurt, for example, could not hurt you holding a dumbbell in each hand, rather than placing the palms directly on the floor. Put both hands wider than shoulder, and right aligned under shoulders
Meanwhile, to prevent injury to the spine or back, I am suggesting the body should be in one straight line when the push-ups, ranging from head, neck, hips, ankles up.
Another thing that is equally important is to do it slowly. What matters is not how many push-ups you are able to do, but if the movement is correct or not. After the body straight, slowly lift the body away from the floor and take it down again without changing position. If the difficulties in the beginning, then you can do that using a traditional push up both knees as a pedestal. In practice, this sport is also easily modified. No need to use the floor, you can also use the wall as do standing push-ups. Push ups can also be combined with other movements, such as burpees that combines push-ups with a jump squats, and so forth.

Benefits Push Up

 1. Strengthen and Build Muscle in the Upper Body Parts
When doing push-ups, all the major muscles in the upper body will be trained, including chest muscles and triceps. Therefore if you want to strengthen these muscles, doing push-ups on a regular basis. Not only that, push-ups also help increase the production of HGH (growth hormone), which plays a role in building muscle mass. With a strong body and a solid, everyday performance, either in work or exercise, may increase.

2 .To help improve Other advantageous Body Muscles
Not only major upper body muscles, the benefits of push-ups can also be felt by other muscles such as the neck, shoulder / shoulder, biceps, thigh, hamstring, until the toes of which are very rarely practiced.

3. Improves your Body Balance
Compared to other endurance exercises, push-ups is one of the safest thing to do because the body is in a balanced position while doing so. Push ups do not like the bench press which limits the movement of the shoulder bone / shoulder, so it is not at all likely to cause pain due to an injury to the tendon in the shoulder joint.
4. To Prevent Neck and Shoulder Pain
Due to the muscles in the shoulder also moves when you push up, then the muscles circuit conditions will be more flexible and powerful that it cannot easily experience pain or injury.

5. Preventing Lower Back Pain
Push ups can strengthen the abdominal muscles, lower hips, and lower back, so that all can support the spine well. Because torso so stable, then lower back pain can be prevented. So if every day you often carrying or lifting stuff, then do this exercise on a regular basis to prevent lower back pain

6. Correcting your posture.
Want to keep your back straight in the right way? Just do push-ups, because this sport requires the individual person to straighten his back so it will remain upright when standing.

7. Strengthen the  Bones Tissue
Benefit push-up, this one is certainly very good, because this sport is one type of resistance training that utilizes the body weight. Just like other endurance exercises, push-ups can make bones stronger and healthier, especially the wrist to the shoulder. Push ups also keep the bones in order to remain solid thus preventing osteoporosis

8. Increase Testosterone Levels
A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research revealed that testosterone levels will increase when the muscle fibre are trained. And if testosterone increases, the risk of osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure will decrease

9. Strengthen the Heart
Although not included cardio exercise such as running, push-ups but also beneficial heart healthy because it can stimulate blood circulation in the body. If the blood circulation smoothly, the work of the heart become lighter.

10.Helps Lose Weight
Push ups and other resistance exercises may not burn as many calories as aerobic exercise, but for this exercise builds muscle, the calories will burn faster. Push ups can also increase the speed of the body to metabolize that help you lose weight.

11.Practical and economical
 Benefits of push-ups next is this sport is cheap because it does not require any special equipment to do so. Additionally, you can do it anywhere, without the need to go to the gym

12.Increase Endurance Body
In addition to eating healthy foods, 4 healthy 5 perfect, the body must be active in order to increase endurance. By doing push ups on a regular basis, the body will be encouraged to strive for fitness so they can do it on a daily basis. Blood flow smoothly, then automatic defence cells in the body becomes active so not easy to get sick

13.Build Up Six Pack
Being stomach Six Pack If before your stomach is one pack, the benefits of push-ups can make it more macho "six-pack" or to be wonderful for women. Movement that helped push ups tighten the abdominal muscles will accelerate the burning of fat in the abdomen and the abdominal muscles as well as forming an ideal

14.Firm breasts
Having healthy breasts with ideal size and well-toned would be the desire of all women. Actually, the size can be formed if the texture is firmer, so useless sized if not tight. This is where the role of sports push-ups, do not believe? Please try!

15.The success of Diet Program
For those who are currently undergoing a diet to gain weight and ideal body shape, then push up is the right sport. Benefits push up the course will help burn fat in the body. Push up movement will burn fat especially those on the body of the muscles involved, such as the arms, shoulders, chest, abdomen, hips even.

So the conclusion is simple, Push up the benefits will only be achieved when done properly. The most important thing is the right way, not how much or how many time you are doing , so let get rids it.
